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I know it's is a few days afterward but I wanted to say that the ECCC was an absolute blast! Sadly I only got to attend Saturday but it was still a blast. I wore my Steampunk outfit I have been working on and it got quite a few positive remarks. I had quite a few people ask to take my picture and quite a few more that stopped to tell me they liked my outfit. I must say after 8 hours of walking around with only two 5 minute breaks to sit down I was quite exhausted at by end of the day. My brother seems to think that there was a girl flirting with me but I didn't see it. Me and my brother were standing waiting for the rest of our friends to meet up with us and a girl walked past us and than stopped and came back and started asking about how I made my outfit. So I told her how I made it than she mentioned she was trying to make a Steampunk mechanical arm but it wasn't going so great and than she left .

I did get a lot of cool stuff and got to get several autographs (of which I will try to load up some pics later). I got 3 prints (including one that was a ECCC exclusive that only had 250 made) and I got them all signed by the artists. I also picked up a special Monsters & Dames Artbook (each page had a picture done by a different artist and there was only about 800 made) I managed to get about a dozen of the artists to sign the book as well. I also got several books from different Web Comics. I also scored on all the free stuff I possibly could :).

I managed to get an autograph from Stan Lee (I decided to get a marvel t-shirt signed) Sadly some people where being rude/inconsiderate with Stan Lee so he seemed to be in a rush when he got to my stuff. I tried telling them I had a silver sharpie that they could sue to sign the t-shirt since it was black but I guess he didn't hear me so he signed it in a black marker. Now he at least took the time to sign it in a spot that would be noticeable but it still is kinda hard to see. So in the end I got a ton of cool stuff. I got to be surrounded by tons of fellow geeks and I managed to drop $200 and still wish I had more money. So now I am tired and broke but it was still so worth it. :)
Over a year ago, I was curious about Falconry. I did some research, and tried to look up if there were any Falconers in Atlantic Canada. There were a few, and there was exactly one in Newfoundland. I emailed him with a few questions, and we've gone back and forth a few times now. He's encouraged me to get involved in Falconry. I really wish I could. It's one of those hobbies that sure as hell kicks the shit out of all the other hobbies at the playground.

Anyhow, he emailed me today to ask again if I was interested. I replied and told him that a few factors were keeping me away from it, some of them being money, lack of property on which to do Falconry, and the possibility of moving far far away in the next few months. But he also CC'd me in an email to the wildlife minister for the province. Turns out, he's gotten a few other people interested, and is about to establish the Newfoundland and Labrador Falconry Association.

It's so exciting. I've never been around for the genesis of a legitimate organization/association before, much less this close to it. I've told him to keep me in the loop, and if they do any training seminars/courses, that I'd be interested in attending even if I can't actually take on a bird of my own.

I just thought it was neat, and I'd like to share. I'm also considering whether I should ask and try to do a few interviews and write up an article to sell to the local outdoors-man magazine. I do want to be a writer, after all, and I already know one of the writers for the magazine (he's my landlord), and he's encouraged me to try and write more professionally.
Oh dude! I always wanted to do that!

Okay, so yesterday Jet got up and decided that he tired of crying for us to bring him toys.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, the youngster can now crawl. He's already standing and walking a bit...but the crawling is a new thing.

My DVDs have since been ripped off the shelf by curious little hands.
Sadly he was in a hurry (cause some inconsiderate people were to busy shoving more stuff at him to sign and didn't even look at Stan while he signed their stuff) so I didn't get to talk to him :(

My friend though who was a bit behind me in line got to shake Stan Lee's hand and I am so jealous of him.

Here is a pic of the line for Stan Lee's autograph



Staff member
I just got my first invited publication (not counting abstracts). It's more of a layman journal than a technical journal, but still. It's this one: publishing some of that real world-applicable science we academics apparently don't do. How was that tank of gas I found for you, by the way?
After five and a half years and a change of major, I finished my last undergrad finals today: biochemistry and neurobio. In a couple days, as soon as grades are posted and I go talk to the registrar, I'll have my B.Sc. in cell and molecular biology.

To celebrate, I went to a local tattoo artist and did a consultation. In three weeks, I'll be getting my first tattoo as a graduation present to myself!


I'm claiming an epic win on tonight. I had to give my first ever appellate argument and in a competition no less. I was so nervous before hand. I was also up against one of the best students in my class so I was extra nervous. But ultimately I lost by less than half a point. First of all I dont want to win this thing because then you have to spend your whole Saturday doing it again. Second, losing to that guy by so little is pretty impressive.

I'm also pretty sure I would have won if I hadn't broken character a few times and giggled.... yeah Im a giggler.

It was a great experience that I am glad is over! Tomorrow I have to argue the State side which is going to be pretty hard because fundamentally I am arguing that the Constitution isn't worth the parchment it was penned on which is really hard for me. but then it will be over! Woot


Staff member
That's a great accomplishment, makare. I'm glad that it was a good experience, and I'm glad your Saturday is free, heh.
Here are some pics of the loot I got at the ECCC :)

T-shirt signed by Stan Lee

Closer picture of t-shirt signed by Stan Lee

Another picture of the t-shirt signed by Stan Lee

Free stuff

More free stuff

Free Poster

Signed by the artist

Signed by the artist

ECCC exclusive. Only 250 where made. Also signed by artist

Signed with a sketch

Signed with a sketch

Signed with a sketch

ECCC exclusive. Only 850 made. Signed by about a dozen different artists on the picture they drew.


Wasabi Poptart

Sadly he was in a hurry (cause some inconsiderate people were to busy shoving more stuff at him to sign and didn't even look at Stan while he signed their stuff) so I didn't get to talk to him :(

My friend though who was a bit behind me in line got to shake Stan Lee's hand and I am so jealous of him.

Here is a pic of the line for Stan Lee's autograph

My husband wants to know how long the wait was. He's guessing it was about 3 hours from the way the picture looks.
Sadly he was in a hurry (cause some inconsiderate people were to busy shoving more stuff at him to sign and didn't even look at Stan while he signed their stuff) so I didn't get to talk to him :(

My friend though who was a bit behind me in line got to shake Stan Lee's hand and I am so jealous of him.

Here is a pic of the line for Stan Lee's autograph

My husband wants to know how long the wait was. He's guessing it was about 3 hours from the way the picture looks.[/QUOTE]

It was about an hour and a half but that counts us standing in line waiting for Stan Lee to arrive. Once Stan Lee started signing stuff it took about 45 minutes or so.


Staff member
If you saw my recent posts about my friend in the Rant Thread, I have to say, I'm happy her son's team just won their tournament game. I don't think he got to play, but they had the miracle final shot. Second tournament win ever.
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