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Attended a public lecture by Stephen Cook this evening, at the invitation of my Computer Scientist friend. It didn't all go completely over my head.

I had a lovely chat with his wife afterward, as well. I still find it strange when I interact with famous, important, or influential people. I hope some day that it will be routine.


God damn, Shaw! That's fanTAStic! It would be like me having a job running Halforums when there's no drama.
you know how to achieve that, right?[/QUOTE]

Ban everyone who did anything even remotely drama-like until there's nobody left but me, CG and 2 lurkers?[/QUOTE]

nuke and reboot. rinse repeat. Then blog about how your art is more important.
I went to my cousin's metal band tonight. I don't even like metal.

But it was awesome. And I was supportive of him, like a decent human being (I am not actually a decent human being.)
My new boss took me and some other freaks out for beers last night, then asked what our favorite free porn sites were. He wrote them down. Boss win?
Yeah my female 50-60 year old manager is into porn and apparently goes to sex conventions in Toronto.

I'd honestly be better off never knowing that. *shudder*
The liquor store I buy cheap wine at had Stone IPA for $11 a CASE. I'm trying to figure out what the catch is, but if it doesn't kill me outright I'll be going back to stock up.
The last time there was a deal this good was because someone noticed a grocery store was selling a beer that's over 6% abv, which is illegal here. So they had to sell it cheap to the liquor store to unload. Hopefully something similar happened and the cases aren't from 2002 or cursed or something.
I'm sorry, I just can't not think about how like a slang for "farted" in Spanish "punned" looks like. And that makes your post oh-so-hilarious.
New shoes, new trousers, new watch and ...
'coz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man.[/QUOTE]

I even got new underpants :eyebrows:

(really what happened is most my clothing is either not my size or very old, and we are leaving to see our family in italy this week... wich is when I discovered I didn't have clothes to wear a full week without having them washed. Really belated Shoppin' Time! -The watch was an extra-)

EDIT: "very old" as in "having several different holes"


the family comes home tuesday!

must erase all signs of crazy week(s?) long online addiction fueled binging!
This is a pretty baby win, but I'll share anyways because I really freaking want to.

I had a bit of a crisis today, but I got paid. So I went to the local art supply store and bought an easel, some paints, brushes, and two canvases, just to see what I can make of them. I feel pretty good about it, and I already have something started.

But anyways, at the cash the woman ahead of me was arguing about the price of something which was supposed to be on sale or something. Another cashier bounded over to open up, so that I didn't have to wait behind this woman. She was pretty friendly, and asked if I found everything I was looking for. I told her that I found lots more, and that I was spending much more money than I really had. She laughed and said she understood. Apparently she does that quite frequently as well. I joked with her that going crazy and spending money needlessly is my favorite thing to do in times of personal crisis.

She gave me the total, and I looked into my wallet. After considering it for a moment, I decided to go with debit. When I got to the machine, though, the cost was much lower than the one she had scanned. I asked her about it, because I'm just like that, and she said something along the lines of "I gave you a coupon. Because you're a nice guy."

Should that have made my day? It's a pretty small thing. But it saved me ten dollars, and made me feel good about myself.


Staff member
Awwww, that's so great. :) Sounds like a nice gal who knew a nice guy when she saw one. Little things like that definitely have made my day, too. Big win!
That sounds excellent! Paints are pricey too, you got a good deal.

This is the first time I've picked up paint in five years. I promise you that I'll be posting in the rant thread about it. I've already been a little angry at it, and it's hardly a half hour old.
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