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I do, but I haven't read it yet cause I wanted to read Holistic first, even though it's not a straight sequel. I had not been able to get my hands on a copy down here, good thing my dad had a business trip to Houston where he picked it up for me. With that acquisition, I'll have every piece of fiction ever written by Douglas Adams. Even Salmon of Doubt.
I'm actually a little envious. Those are such fun books that I wish I still had those to read without knowing what's coming.

I've even managed to get a copy of the Meaning of Liff :D

I still need to try and find a copy of the Deeper Meaning of Liff, though.
Posting in the Epic Win thread, because I fucking hope tonight becomes an epic win.

The girlfriend's recital is tonight. She's a bit stressed, so I hope it goes well. I will be meeting her mother for the first time there. I've gone out and bought a bouquet, because that's the kind of thing you do for girls who are having a recital.

That said, carrying flowers into a recital like that is going to be the first overtly boyfriend thing I've done since High School. I'm trying desperately to keep this in perspective, though, and remember that there's no reason to be self conscious. By contrast, my girlfriend is going to be on stage playing 30 minutes of solo violin work in front of 100+ people.

Considering that, I'd rather be the one sitting in a dark recital hall with a pile of flowers on my lap.

Philosopher B.

I've never actually read the first Dirk Gently novel ... I did buy it on cassette tape, though, and listened to it as read by Adams himself, which sounded freaking awesome.

Calleja said:
And Another Thing... (the eoin colfer scripted sequel to hithchikers)
I'm curious to know what you think of this when you've read it. I recently read the first Artemis Fowl book and was a bit unimpressed. I kind of can't imagine what his take on Hitchhiker's must read like.
I think Green Lantern and all his buddies are the gayest thing ever. The movie, however, is being filmed in my parish (that's the same thing as a county for you non-Louisiana folks).


Wasabi Poptart

I think Green Lantern and all his buddies are the gayest thing ever. The movie, however, is being filmed in my parish (that's the same thing as a county for you non-Louisiana folks).

You need to find him, [STRIKE]kidnap him, and make him live in your closet as your love slave.[/STRIKE] and invite him over for some cake. :sneaky:


Well I just did my official physical prep to send in for the FBI phase II. I had a buddy time me and coach me on Sunday. I can officially do 168 push-ups without stopping, 47 sit ups in a minute, run a 52 second 300 meter sprint, 13 minute 1.5 mile, and 13 pull-ups. What have I learned from this? I'm cool with the Bigger and Stronger part of BFS, but Faster just sucks ass. Stupid running. Some men are built for speed; I'm built for SMASH!!!!!!!! Either way, this shit was a cakewalk to pass.

Next up is doing it while being officially timed. I'm actually pretty excited about this. I get to go to their Virginia training facility for phase III and shoot guns!


I'm cool with the Bigger and Stronger part of BFS, but Faster just sucks ass.
I am none of those things.


Nice work, Chaz, and good luck in future phases (?).[/QUOTE]

To be honest, I'm not really even sure if I want to do this as a career. But it really is fun proving to myself that if I wanted to I could. It's a major, major change from anything I ever imagined.
I finally finished redoing my kitchen. New coat of paint, new cabinets, new counter top, new sink, and I actually have a dishwasher now. It was a PITA, but I finally have it all in. I have a few things left to do, but those I can finish when I feel like it. I don't think I'll have any money to start on any more projects until next month, so I may actually have some free time for a few weeks.
I think Green Lantern and all his buddies are the gayest thing ever. The movie, however, is being filmed in my parish (that's the same thing as a county for you non-Louisiana folks).

You need to find him, [STRIKE]kidnap him, and make him live in your closet as your love slave.[/STRIKE] and invite him over for some cake. :sneaky:[/QUOTE]

I support that. ALL of that. :sneaky:
After being bummed all this week about not being able to close last Wednesday, I close TOMORROW. My loan broker even cut my portion of the closing costs from $3500 to $1900-2500. It's been a real hassle because I've had to have my apartment pro-rated... so I'm kinda happy :D
My dad called from a Barnes and Noble and asked if I was sure I didn't want anything else. I didn't want to make him spend too much, but he tempted me..

so now apart from "And Another Thing...", "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" and "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" I'm also getting "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" AND Stephen Fry's "Making History".

I haven't been this excited about getting stuff since the last christmas I believed in Santa.

Philosopher B.

You lucky biscuit.

Here are the last two (used) books I bought:

I expect the Chopper book to be retarded good fun. I actually found out about it after Kovac posted that Ronnie Johns clip recently (even though I'd seen it before), and I looked up the actual dude on Wikipedia. Thanks, Kovac! :p

The Stand is the real gem, though, I even got the Directors Cut and sheee-it.
I am acquiring Carl Sagan's Cosmos, and I'm super excited to finally watch it.
My girlfriend got me that series for Christmas, and I will love her forever for it. We just finished watching the eighth episode (Travels in Space and Time), but it's stunning how a thirty-year-old TV series can still leave me absolutely breathless about the wonder in our world.

And, on the off chance you haven't seen it yet: Auto-tuned and remixed science music, all of which involve Carl Sagan


Staff member
FINALLY found out the final assessment for my Master's Thesis: Magna cum laude (which is the third best grade, equivalent of 'good'). I'm happy to know it's done, but admittedly I was aiming at first or second best grade possible (laudatur or eximia) ;)

Took this long to find out because of a glitch in communication: the pencil pusher in the department office told me that we would be contacted when the work is assessed. Apparently this was not the case. Luckily, I still have plenty enough time to get all the red tape done before the graduation ceremonies in early June :)
I'm a homo---wner.

Hahaha... I've been telling everyone that. Got mah keys last night but internet/power here at the apartment shut off today so I couldn't post till right now.

And hooray beers.

Philosopher B.

Nothing is radder than doing a group project with a group comprised of competent, creative people. I've been in some groups with some fucked-up characters (like the one with the dude who worked with zebras and sold colon cleansing over the phone, partly by saying that his imaginary wife had gone through it), and the college algebra presentation I did with the one woman whose boyfriend was in jail, etc., etc. Happily, however, my Radio Industry group this semester is absolute gold. Two other groups went before us last week, one with a so-so game-show idea, the other with a more creative, but less well executed idea. I met with my group today to record a fake radio show, and everybody brought something hilarious to the table. Sooo refreshing.
Nothing is radder than doing a group project with a group comprised of competent, creative people. I've been in some groups with some fucked-up characters (like the one with the dude who worked with zebras and sold colon cleansing over the phone, partly by saying that his imaginary wife had gone through it), and the college algebra presentation I did with the one woman whose boyfriend was in jail, etc., etc. Happily, however, my Radio Industry group this semester is absolute gold. Two other groups went before us last week, one with a so-so game-show idea, the other with a more creative, but less well executed idea. I met with my group today to record a fake radio show, and everybody brought something hilarious to the table. Sooo refreshing.
You do realize that means you're the screw-up of the group, then, right?
Hahaha! Epic win!

A few weeks ago me and Brian went to Global Wildlife with my sister, her husband, my nephew, and my niece. While we were feeding the camels and long horn cattle, my niece got a little too close to one of the long horn's horn. She got scared after she almost "got a bo bo" and then turned grumpy because we were giggling at her.

My sister finally posted her pics:

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