Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)
That targeted invisibility sounds too cool to pass up. But then again, you have to be in range, which is 5 squares. Meaning -you- are likely to be seen. Oh well. Disguise Self could be fun to team up with Serin. Teleport 10 is coo', but for a Daily it sounds like it could just get you into trouble. =P
Speakin' of Level 6 Utilties, I'm having trouble picking mine.
Actually, I've already narrowed it down-- Energetic Flight (Gain Fly Speed Equal to My Speed 'til end of my next turn). So basically I could gain the ability to fly for 14 squares (two move turns). Actually, how would that work in non-combat? Could I only fly 14 squares or could I "use" a standard as a move as well? So for two 'non-combat turns', could I fly 28 squares?
Well either way, it's tempting. Serin's already becoming a master of transportation. A Teleport 3, a Jump 11, a potential Fly 14?
The other utility I was considering was Unseen Aid, which gives me a +2 to any skill check I make every 5 minutes. Since skill checks are unlikely to come up more than once every 5 in-game minutes, it seems like this would almost always give me a +2, which would be very useful.
If I were to get Jack of All Trades at 6th level, it'd be like suddenly getting a +4 to everything I'm not trained in.
You can see why this is tempting. Thoughts?
Edt: *looks up Cleric utilities*