Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (On Hiatus)

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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

She's not familiar with the game at all, minus what she's been able to glean from watching us play these last couple times. I'm also not sure she has the time to start just yet...

Probably best to bring Saryon back, and then let CG join in whenever she's available with something else.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

She's not familiar with the game at all, minus what she's been able to glean from watching us play these last couple times. I'm also not sure she has the time to start just yet...

Probably best to bring Saryon back, and then let CG join in whenever she's available with something else.
I'll be honest--I never read the PHB. I learned a ton from listening to the Penny Arcade/PVP podcasts to get set up for playing this.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

How many people are reading this thread? Damn. :rofl:

Yeah, I vote for Saryon to return. Me and Errik combined make up the rogue of this party. :cool:
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm fine with that decision. I just spent like... a few hours checking all the new spells the Clerics got thanks to the Divine update... it's pretty damn sexy. Yep, I re-trained a few things.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)


Saryon could show up to do a service for Kratash? Though I'm not sure how he'd have heard about it since it just happened and we have yet to see the light of day again.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

As I assume a trip back to Astrazalian would be the next course for you guys it should be easy to have Saryon return.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

We must remember Kratash!

I realize, we haven't really gotten any answers. Maybe there's something more in the undead woman's notes... I mean, now we know (or presume) that there is a lich on the loose nearby, but we didn't really get much in the way of leads. Maybe the Kenku can be more helpful once we get out.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I don't think the Kenku will be any more help to us, seeing as most of them are dead and their leader blames me for it.

Not only will they not be helpful, I fully expect them to become recurring enemies.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Well, Shawn was going to post detailed loot / exp / notes information. Did I miss the notes, or..?

Oh, and were the jade stones 100 each or 100 together? We both have different notes.

Annnnd.. Oh! The gnome said he had two companions and we only found one. We could go milk some information out of him. Not like he's going anywhere.

Granted, we can't really threaten him...
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Was she a companion of his? He said he didn't know who made the summoning trap.

Although he didn't remember that the lich he and his companions fought was Asserack (if the undead lady we fought was telling the truth--Grendmir said Asserack and she said "Oh, you already know him", so she could've been just going along with it.)

The gnome said the lich his companions fought wasn't Asserack and the undead lady said it was, so one of them is wrong. Gnome's got memory problems, but the lady was evil, so I'm not sure who to believe.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I still need to post loot so bare with me. I've just been a little tired and abused lately by the sorta girlfriend.

But here is some information that Erikk can garner from the various journals and notes scattered on Aegara's (undead chick) desk.

There were three core members of the Storm Crows. Illugi Nimblestone, The Emerald Warlock, and Aegara. They were notorious in the area for being a band of adventurers that had no moral apprehensions about what they did and who suffered for it so long as the Storm Crows made out in the end. They are credited for destroying a Lich within the city walls of Astrazalian, but that was also just before they kidnapped an Eladrin noble for ransom.

Their battle with the Lich was the most influential part of the party's fate. Or rather the loot from that battle was the direct cause of it. Among other treasures found there the Storm Crows came across a stone with a strange symbol. After doing research on it, Aegara the mage determined that it was an ancient artifact crafted by Acererack himself. Acererack is rumored to be able to feed upon souls, and the "Wrath Stone" was the fruit of his first experimentations with such a power.

Once the others of the Storm Crow found out the power within the item they had a "falling out". And by "falling out" they pretty much went to war against each other. Before sealing herself in the vault, Aegara was able to do enough damage to finish off Illugi and the Emerald Warlock, who she believes were sealed in the mortuary by their servants who promptly fled the area afterward.

Aegara was too busy studying the Wrath Stone to notice that she had also been fatally wounded. In fact it wasn't until she started to decay that she even realized she hadn't slept or ate in weeks. In the years since her "death" Aegara continued to study the stone and the spell books she took from the Lich she helped destroy. She was able to figure out how to draw out souls using the stone, but not yet how to consume them. She also learned how to summon "Black Ice" which was a spell that the Astrazalian Lich had mastered and possibly had the power to seal beings within forever. Aegara also theorized that the Black Ice may have also been one of Acererack's early spells which made Aegara believe that the Lich she destroyed may have at one time been a student of Acererack.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

So Shawn.

Did she stick it in your pooper? :unibrow:

Oh right, Gusto-- since we're getting our Healer back, were you going to take the Ritual Bard feat instead of Healing one?
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

If anyone did take any healing feats, let me know because my lvl 4 feat IS the bard one. :)


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Gusto took the Bard multiclass that lets you heal others, but he only did it because we were low on healing. I think he really wanted to take the Bardic Ritualist one where he could cast a free ritual each day.

I don't know for sure though so I'm not going to speak for him.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'll probably keep it till LVL 6 and retrain. Cleric's start to get REAL interesting at that LVL.... and I could use a feat to make my heals.... awesomesauce.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Yeah I'm gonna retrain mid-level if that's cool. My minors are better spent sustaining some awesome magical effect. :)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I now have access to three dailies that I can keep around as a minor action. Last session in our major combat, I had two of them at once until I eventually needed to move and/or use minors to heal myself a la Majestic Word.

I was our tank and it was not fun. I spent 5 surges.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Did you use it once or twice in the encounter? It is a special Daily. :)
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Majestic Word? Twice.

Grendmir used all of his healing on me, then I dismissed my Icy Grasp to continue to heal myself.

Once it was about to kill me, I dismissed my Flaming Sphere and resorted to status effects.

Serin was able to knock the witch prone using Whirlwind, and I was able to daze her using Colour Spray. After that, I was able to get a safe enough distance away to continue pegging her with whatever was available as Grendmir defended me and Adia took her out. I eventually fell in combat but Adia was able to bandage me up.

So we JUST woke up, and are one combat into the day, and we've already expended all of our dailies, all of our healing, and 6/7 of my healing surges.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Damn! Intense.

Shawn can you reply to my PM? Also, I'd like to test out GameTable ahead of time so that I don't waste everyone time trying to connect and all that mumbo jumbo.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Hey Gusto, that reminds me--

I was looking into sustains and whatnot, and I do believe that you must sustain your Flaming Sphereby using a minor each turn, not just the one minor to sustain it the whole encounter.

Sustains, by D&D definition, are spending an action each turn. And looking into it more, all sustains are conditional to the encounter/5 minute rule.

So I'm pretty sure the only way you can have 2 at a time is using 2 minors each turn, meaning sacrificing a move or standard.

So Shawn! 3 things:

1) Loot info? :unibrow:
2) Can Gusto mid-level retrain?
3) What's the ruling on the sustains? ^
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Ah, alright noted. That's what I originally thought but the text in Flaming Sphere made it seem otherwise.


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

It would seem that mispelling encounter gets you censored.



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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Damn Gusto, I do not envy your choices for level 6 utilities. :rofl:

You have too many cool ones, I would never be able to pick.

You get a Teleport 10, A Disguise Self (which could use some Ghost Sound to make up for no sounds), a Dispel Magic (dispel Black Ice anybody?), TARGETED INVISIBILITY (want!), and a 20-foot high Levitate. Wall of Fog is neat, but nowhere as cool as these others.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm looking ahead already and yeah, there are like 4 that I want.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

Saryon turns into a mini-jesus at LVL 6, I can't choose mine neither :confused:


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Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

That targeted invisibility sounds too cool to pass up. But then again, you have to be in range, which is 5 squares. Meaning -you- are likely to be seen. Oh well. Disguise Self could be fun to team up with Serin. Teleport 10 is coo', but for a Daily it sounds like it could just get you into trouble. =P

Speakin' of Level 6 Utilties, I'm having trouble picking mine.

Actually, I've already narrowed it down-- Energetic Flight (Gain Fly Speed Equal to My Speed 'til end of my next turn). So basically I could gain the ability to fly for 14 squares (two move turns). Actually, how would that work in non-combat? Could I only fly 14 squares or could I "use" a standard as a move as well? So for two 'non-combat turns', could I fly 28 squares?

Well either way, it's tempting. Serin's already becoming a master of transportation. A Teleport 3, a Jump 11, a potential Fly 14?

The other utility I was considering was Unseen Aid, which gives me a +2 to any skill check I make every 5 minutes. Since skill checks are unlikely to come up more than once every 5 in-game minutes, it seems like this would almost always give me a +2, which would be very useful.

If I were to get Jack of All Trades at 6th level, it'd be like suddenly getting a +4 to everything I'm not trained in.

You can see why this is tempting. Thoughts?

Edt: *looks up Cleric utilities*
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm gonna take Wizard's Escape instead of Dimension Door. It only lets me teleport 5 instead of 10, but I do it as an INTERRUPT to being hit in combat. Which means I'm NOT hit and I reappear 5 squares away. AAAAAND it's an encounter, not a daily.

For my second choice (read: Spellbook), I'm pretty torn between Invisibilty and Fire Shield (activation minor, lasts til end of encounter, grants 10 resistance to fire and cold and does 2d6+int to anyone who melee attacks me.)

Seeing as Errik is a Warwizard and not so sneaky-sneaky, I'm leaning towards Fire Shield.
Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game, part 2! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

I'm gonna take Wizard's Escape instead of Dimension Door. It only lets me teleport 5 instead of 10, but I do it as an INTERRUPT to being hit in combat. Which means I'm NOT hit and I reappear 5 squares away. AAAAAND it's an encounter, not a daily.
Goddamn that's sexy... AND you can ask... does my halfing racial help me too? No?.... WIZARD'S ESCAPE!
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