Hey Guys

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I like Kevin91 because he is the only one I have seen with a lower activity % than me.

oh, and I'm BErt


Hi Guys!

Long time lurker, just got around to re-logging into the site now that its moved. I'm a girl into all kinds of geeky stuff and manage a comic shop, so i'll prolly stop by the comics sub-forum and say hi over there too.
I am still Patrick. Always have been, will continue to be up to and even after my death.
For the time being, I dole out free tech support on these boards just because I'm that much of a Geek. I am astoundingly tolerant, intermittently clever and reasonably good at keeping my faults out of the conversation. Physically, I most resemble JCM but have no pics currently up on the 'Net to point to. Additionally, I always sign my posts thus:

Hi, I'm BigCountry23 and I like to hit people with sticks.

This isn't me (nothing on Youtube atm) but it is my Knight (the one in black) who will also be King on the 5th.

Hello, my name is Andi and I molest children on a professional level.

Wait, what? No.... .... just kidding...

It's only a hobby.
It may be just a hobby, but you're really good at it. Seriously, have you considered going pro? The Church is always looking for new people :-P
You guys went and changed everything while I was gone...

...I'm so lost and confused!

Also, I am Bumble the Boy Wonder.

I enjoy cartoons and cartooning.

I am working part-time, and being a full-time student, juggling a social life, all while trying to start up a web-comic.

My life is chaos right now. I figure what better place to add a little more chaos than good ol' halforum!


Hi, I'm Jaythen. Resident lurker.
I like toast with Raspberry Preserves.
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