Conquest is up.

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He has a pretty high defense, but I've been putting it all in offense. With defense being twice as expensive as offense it's pretty useless. It really only helps lower the loss of troops when you are attacked.

---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------

It also could be this even though it doesn't explain what it is or what it does:

Revenge Time: The hours for revenge no matter the size of the enemy village
I think that means that if a person who is normally too low for you to attack attacks you, you can attack them back within a certain period of time.
Eh, not quite. You really could do some long-term damage if you keep attacking me, assuming I don't just go out in a blaze of glory.


*spies around*

Jesus... some of you have more money in your village now than I have had the entire game.
Sorry, thought you'd be able to bleed me for 3-4 soldiers per attack.

Also, I see JCM has been a bit busy with his spies. Hmmm.


Well, I do need to know how much offense you have to be kamikazeing me with ever-decreasing efficiency and getting no money from me.

Sorry about the thousands of dead spies though.

---------- Post added at 04:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 AM ----------

%^%#@... my favorite 3 villages for rading and getting a few fast thousands are now deemed too weak.


Christ... how many spies does he have? Im at a few thousand, and depending on raidng to upgrade, where does he get the $$ to feed all of them and their spielings?
Hmm? Well, he had about 6-7000, but last I checked (which was yesterday) he had none. Has he already bought a crapload of spies again?


Hmm? Well, he had about 6-7000, but last I checked (which was yesterday) he had none. Has he already bought a crapload of spies again?
I do think people are buying spies then selling them before the turn is over.

Its impossible to keep that many spies, even you and Shannow (who have the largest villages) cant be earning 5000 a round.


Staff member
I am only getting around 2400 right now, and I jsut do not bother with the spies now. I do like retaliation, though. Dont you....Shakey!!???
Retaliate all you want, I don't have anything to lose. I guess I have some gold, but I don't really care about that now.

---------- Post added at 09:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 AM ----------

Hmm? Well, he had about 6-7000, but last I checked (which was yesterday) he had none. Has he already bought a crapload of spies again?
I do think people are buying spies then selling them before the turn is over.

Its impossible to keep that many spies, even you and Shannow (who have the largest villages) cant be earning 5000 a round.[/quote]

You don't have to feed the spies. They don't leave when you're at 0g, contrary to what the program says.

So if you just keep buying spies every cycle then you can have a million or so without losing anything except the piddly 50 gold you normally get every cycle.

Unless a cycle happens just after you've generated income, but before you've made your purchases...



Hmm? Well, he had about 6-7000, but last I checked (which was yesterday) he had none. Has he already bought a crapload of spies again?
I do think people are buying spies then selling them before the turn is over.

Its impossible to keep that many spies, even you and Shannow (who have the largest villages) cant be earning 5000 a round.[/quote]

You don't have to feed the spies. They don't leave when you're at 0g, contrary to what the program says.

So if you just keep buying spies every cycle then you can have a million or so without losing anything except the piddly 50 gold you normally get every cycle.

Unless a cycle happens just after you've generated income, but before you've made your purchases...

-Adam[/QUOTE]Damn ¨%$# people knowing game bugs.....
I just got bit by my spies. I took 20 turns to generate gold then the turn cycle came around and my spies ate 95% of what I just generated just before I spent it.

Also, you guys at the top have some crazy defense stats! Wowzers.



Staff member
No point now. The offense is too much. Any chance to try to get close to drifter is crushed by his attacks, which his attack power is over 500,000. Stacking defense means nothing against it, so i said fuck it. the time and money was wasted.


No point now. The offense is too much. Any chance to try to get close to drifter is crushed by his attacks, which his attack power is over 500,000. Stacking defense means nothing against it, so i said fuck it. the time and money was wasted.
Thats the problem with the double cost of defense

Im not the kind to give up, and my defense is steadily rising.... but between being unable to attack who I used to attack, and drifter, I´ve been forced to do a Steinen.


Staff member
But you have to admit the game lasted a LOT longer this time before obvious problems cropped up.

A few more suggested tweaks and we might have a balanced game.


Staff member
Well, raise the offensive costs a bit, it would seem. perhaps not to the 1 to 1 it was before, but 1.25 to 1 cost ratio to defense?

Also, the teams need to balance out. The game was completely stale with the users dominating until I switched just to change things at the top. Set it so that one nation cannot have too much over another players wise (aka, if users have 5, but trolls have 0, then you cannot join users).

Or, let it go free for all, and have everyone attack everyone, irregardless of nationality.
It would be nice if gold didn't increase so quickly. Problems really start to show up when someone gets above 1000 troops and is able to stay up there for a while.


Staff member
Okay, so give me your lists of changes and we'll discuss them.

1) Make offense a little more costly.
2) Less gold per turn.


Staff member
Nation cap, or ability to attack your own nationality would help balance things as well.
Can't do either. Okay, I can even out the teams by hand but not by letting the users choose. Basically I have to let them choose and then move them in the database.


Staff member
Might be the best way, next time around. if a side gets too heany, then the game will get stale fast.
I'm most interested in a "troops cost money" scenario. I wonder if the code can be modified. Is it a complex set of PHP files, or is it reasonably simple?



But you have to admit the game lasted a LOT longer this time before obvious problems cropped up.

A few more suggested tweaks and we might have a balanced game.
M complaints here... Im actually happy I lasted this long and wanted to see how long it can drag out.... Suggestions?

1) Offense costs a little higher

2) Put a little cap on attacks, lets say you can attack someone how many times you want, then the next day, no ( I ended up reducing two villages to ruins by attacking them a few times a day)

3)The spies should leave when you dont have money to pay them, because the current system allows you to exploit their not leaving and keeping around tens of thousands of spies.


Staff member
But you have to admit the game lasted a LOT longer this time before obvious problems cropped up.

A few more suggested tweaks and we might have a balanced game.
M complaints here... Im actually happy I lasted this long and wanted to see how long it can drag out.... Suggestions?

1) Offense costs a little higher

2) Put a little cap on attacks, lets say you can attack someone how many times you want, then the next day, no ( I ended up reducing two villages to ruins by attacking them a few times a day)

3)The spies should leave when you dont have money to pay them, because the current system allows you to exploit their not leaving and keeping around tens of thousands of spies.[/QUOTE]

1) Can do.

2) Can't do unless I make raids cost more turns. Right now it's 3 but I can make that higher. I could also make the turns longer than 15 minutes.

3) Can't do that. Not in the admin parameters. I could make them more expensive to buy, though.
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