hypothetical questions thread!

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1) Answer the question before you post your own.

2) If it has options (like a would you rather) don't give me none of this "neither" or "both" or "option not presented" jive.

3) Don't be a dick!

4) Have fun!

5) I love you.

6) Oh, and feel free to answer previous questions too.

Would you rather have to jump a motorcycle over a pit filled with Lions or Sharks?

my answer:
Sharks, because if I didn't make it I think the big splash might startle them enough so I can swim away!


Sharks. The chance of drowning makes my life (and thus, the suffering) end faster.

Would you rather live to be 200 with great health, if it meant having to be castrated (not only the balls, everything), or live a normal life span with your goods intact?


Live normally with my balls or live to only 20 without them. Is that a question?


200 years with no sexual organ, or a normal life, with sexual organs intact?
oooooh, 200.

Normal life span for me. I don't think I'd want to watch everyone I know die before me like worms on a hot sidewalk!

Which universe would you rather captain a starship?

Star Trek
Star Wars


200 years with no sexual organ, or a normal life, with sexual organs intact?
Considering how I haven't gotten any and how distracting sexual desire is, I'd say 200 years, as I could become the greatest mind in history and love people without thought of sexual desire.

Would you rather be completely blind with extremely sensitive hearing, or deaf with extremely sensitive sight?
Sharks. The chance of drowning makes my life (and thus, the suffering) end faster.

Would you rather live to be 20 with great health, if it meant having to be castrated (not only the balls, everything), or live a normal life span with your goods intact?
Okay... as you now corrected the typo to 200 years...

I'd go for a normal life with balls intact. I don't like it, if my balls are inert...

A classic:

If you had to decide: Would you save one friend or hundert strangers if you'd have to chose between them and could only save either?

---------- Post added at 12:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

oooooh, 200.

Normal life span for me. I don't think I'd want to watch everyone I know die before me like worms on a hot sidewalk!

Which universe would you rather captain a sharship?

Star Trek
Star Wars

Definetely Star Trek. It's more a luxus cruise through space than in the others...

@Pojodan: I'd go for the hearing... There's so much Shiaaat in this world I don't want to see anymore...

Subway or Quiznos?

Considering how I haven't gotten any and how distracting sexual desire is, I'd say 200 years, as I could become the greatest mind in history and love people without thought of sexual desire.

Would you rather be completely blind with extremely sensitive hearing, or deaf with extremely sensitive sight?[/QUOTE]


Sharks. The chance of drowning makes my life (and thus, the suffering) end faster.

Would you rather live to be 20 with great health, if it meant having to be castrated (not only the balls, everything), or live a normal life span with your goods intact?
Okay... as you now corrected the typo to 200 years...

I'd go for a normal life with balls intact. I don't like it, if my balls are inert...

A classic:

If you had to decide: Would you save one friend or hundert strangers if you'd have to chose between them and could only save either?[/QUOTE]
That's always been tough but I tend to side with one hundred strangers.
My friends would understand as we have this thing about a human life being worth 1 no matter what so it's a question of what's more valuable, 1 or 100.
Would you rather have to jump a motorcycle over a pit filled with Lions or Sharks?
Sharks, for nothing more than the pop culture reference.

Also, I can't say I'm a morally sound enough person to save the strangers.


Which universe would you rather captain a sharship?

Star Trek
Star Wars
Chances of being blown up for various reasons are less in Star Wars and Star Trek, and Star Trek has more comfort techs available, so I'll hafta go with Star Trek.

Then again, Firefly has more adventure and excitement associated with piloting, so maybe that.. hmmm...

2 minutes of sex with the ugliest person alive, or 2 years of solitude in a dark, quiet room?

Cuyval Dar

oooooh, 200.

Normal life span for me. I don't think I'd want to watch everyone I know die before me like worms on a hot sidewalk!

Which universe would you rather captain a sharship?

Star Trek
Star Wars
Star Wars. Sorry, Jean-Luc, but I'd rather ship out with Han Solo or Wedge Antilles.

---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:47 PM ----------

Which universe would you rather captain a sharship?

Star Trek
Star Wars
Chances of being blown up for various reasons are less in Star Wars and Star Trek, and Star Trek has more comfort techs available, so I'll hafta go with Star Trek.

Then again, Firefly has more adventure and excitement associated with piloting, so maybe that.. hmmm...

2 minutes of sex with the ugliest person alive, or 2 years of solitude in a dark, quiet room?[/QUOTE]
2 minutes.
I'll rock that uggos world for 2 minutes! Also, quiznoes.

You can bitch slap one person on this earth consequence free. Forum members are excluded from this. Who do you slap?
You can hug anyone, even historically and I'll throw in fictionally, consequence free. Forum members included. WHO DO YOU HUG?!?


You can hug anyone, even historically and I'll throw in fictionally, consequence free. Forum members included. WHO DO YOU HUG?!?
Hitler. I bet that's all the poor guy needed, too.

If, by some disease, mutation, or action, you became hated by every single other person on the planet, what would you do?

If, by some disease, mutation, or action, you became hated by every single other person on the planet, what would you do?
I would search a cave and live happily ever after in it.

If, by some inspiration, elevation or deed, you became loved by every single other person on the planet, what would you do?
I'd clean up this town! Phil for president! PHORE MORE YEARS would be my slogan.

Fill in the blank!

______ is an illusion.

What would you do if you were left with an abandoned child at your doorstep?
Call the police. I certainly hope that you weren't expecting any other answer.

This is for the avatar fans!

I would be a _____ bender.

my answer



Metal Girder

Then I'd sport a cigar, drink a lot, and mooch off a gullible guy that got crygenically frozen for 1000 years.

I would have my entire body made of ______
Genderbender.... :-P

For the kid... I would have... no, you don't want to know.

For the_______!

(Those aren't really hypothetical questions anymore, are they?)

Edit: Ninja'd

I would have my entire body made of pure energy.
For the love of god lets all play this game.

I love you guys.

I'm looking for the drunk thread.

would you rather know how you're going to die, or when you're going to die.

you can only know one.


Love, sweet love.

house is burning. Luckily you're home alone. what one item would you take with you?
house is burning. Luckily you're home alone. what one item would you take with you?
CPU tower. Monitor too if I can help it.
Somebody punches you in the face. How do you react?
Having been in many fights as I grew up, this one is easy: Immediately use the excuse that they started it to leave them hospitalized.
if you had to lose a limb, which would be the least bad to lose? why?
One of my legs. I'd rather not be able to walk right than lose a bit of my arm functionality.

One will die, save your parent or your lover?
If my house were burning, I would make sure my dog gets out alright. If we're talking material possessions though, I'd probably get my cello. It's insured though, so really it'd only be sentimental value. Then again though, I don't really have anything worth saving. Probably my box of change so if anything I'll have enough to get a bite to eat.

If someone punched me in the face, it would depend on how hard and why. If they didn't see me and this was some kind of slapstick mistake, I'll let it slide and just tell him to be more careful. If this is someone who is being some drunk toughguy, then I would probably punch him back. He needs to learn that people don't do this.

I'd probably loose a leg. I feel that there are enough quality leg prosthetics that I could get by alright. I feel like at the most, I couldn't drive a stick shift anymore.

Between a lover and a parent is a hard choice. My parents are great and amazing people. We've always had a good relationship and they'll always be my parents, where as a lover can change and may not always be your lover. On the other hand, my parents are older than someone I'm involved with would be. They've led full lives, raised two awesome kids...well one awesome kid and my brother. If one of them died, it would be horribly tragic, but I'm not sure if it's as tragic as someone with a full life ahead of them being robbed of everything they will be.

But then there's also the effects on others from this person's death. If my mom died, my dad would be crushed because he lost the only person he's ever loved for the past 30 years. Then again though, if the lover dies, then somewhere a family has lost their daughter.

Its hard, but I guess I'd have to say I'd save the lover.


If you could have your dream job, even if it's not really a job or even if it's not something physically possible, what would it be?

my answer:
It'd be a toss up between space explorer or to just grow money trees.
International assassin. I'd get to travel and do what makes me happiest while being paid for it.


If you could be any "real" animal. Which would it be?

Kitty Sinatra

I'd be a house cat in a loving home. That'd just be smurfing paradise.

And my dream job would be cat herder. Totally frustrating, but success would be such a woot! moment.

I'm sorry I don't have any questions to offer.
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