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My good friend Seej,

What are your thoughts on all the popular cult horror icons starting to circulate in and around Louisiana these days?

Hugs and kisses,

Kevin "Gusto" Miller


Staff member
LB, this is gonna seem really cheesy.... but here's the two I'd consider my "theme songs"---

---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:40 PM ----------

My good friend Kev--

True Blood? First of all, I laughed when I first heard the setting of that show was "Bon Temps, LA." I don't really know anything about this show, so I can't say. I'm just really not interested. I watched some clips just now. It doesn't look terrible, but I probably won't watch it. I'm ambivalent.

L4D2--I've only seen a couple of parts from it. The fellow's really into it. Looks like a good game. The character who keeps talking about "sucking heads" makes me groan, though.


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Rowlf. Even before I heard him described as "Muppet Jesus" on PVP (loved that strip...) I thought he was so cool.
Does being a teacher (or almost a teacher - preteacher?) make you look back on your teachers you had and make you wonder what kind of crazy stuff they were into?


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Sort of. I know for a fact that one of them had some serious mental issues, and possibly a crush on the lady who helped her with her classroom skits.

They got more and more human to me as I grew, which is I guess how it normally happens. I noticed relationships between teachers--how some of them absolutely hated each other and some of them were best friends.

I'd see them out and about with their spouses, which was weird to me for some reason. I always kind of pictured them out on this teacher's island reading books to one another and discussing important things. That was a long time ago, though. It's different now. For example, I'm pretty sure one of my recent teachers was out to seduce both of her TAs.


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I have a little more time to think about this now. I'm thinking back to teachers who were clearly a little weird. For example, there was one who wore kind of really low-cut sweaters and would lean over in front of the boys' desks to check their work. You just can't do that shit to 14-year-olds and expect them to be able to stand up and read.

Then she'd do pushups in the corner while we were working... in the same low-cut shirt. And sometimes she'd make the boys do pushups. :confused:

There was more than one coach at my high school who got fired for going out to bars with students. One of them got caught making out with a girl.

The teacher I've thought about the most in terms of private life is Dr. Bollich, the theology teacher I talk so much about. He was fantastically intelligent, extremely open-minded for a high school religion teacher (most of them just teach fluffy "God loves you" crap over and over again with no real discussion), and so eccentric. He'd come in with weird clothes, huge alien heads, and other weird things for the daily lecture. In his office he had a huge Blue Bell Ice Cream tub, and he wouldn't let you leave until you asked for a scoop. Then when you asked for a scoop he'd say "Student... surely there's no ice cream in here. It's room temperature." Then he'd open it up and reveal that it was, of course, not full of ice cream. He also had Hindu god finger puppets. He gave me one.

I'd have loved to spend a day at his house. He also loved puns and wordplay, which I loved. His last name is pronounced "Bollick," and he'd say that his children's names are Meta and Hyper. :rofl:
The religion teacher sounds cool. The best teacher I had was Mrs. Robertson. She was the Mathematics teacher, and she actually cared about teaching. I learned a lot from her.

I had an English teacher that only wanted to talk about Literature, and he loved Drama. His English class was pretty much a Drama course with an occasional correction of grammar.

The worst was Mr. Boner. That wasn't his real name, but he was the football coach/history teacher. He would ask the girls in the class to come to the front of the class and read from the text, while he sat at his desk eyeing them. He would then pitch a tent in his little gym shorts he wore. Sick fuck. He was fired after that year.

We had a new teacher when I was a senior that was fresh out of college, and she flirted way too much with the guys in the class. She made me uncomfortable many times. At the time, I thought she was pretty hot, but looking back she was kind of a pedo.
To be fair, a 22 year old eyeing 17 and 18 year olds isn't a pedo. It's not appropriate, but it's not a pedo.

Let's see... there was the professor who got busted for attempting to sexually assault a student in her car...

Or the professor who got arrested for trying to buy a unlicensed gun off an undercover cop - in PA, which is really stupid since it's extremely easy to get a gun in PA - go to a gunshow, spend 30 minutes getting a background check to get your permit, and buy a gun. Now, that isn't as bad as after his place was searched (since they found some meth on him when they arrested him, they figured he was a dealer) they found videotapes of himself and his wife - one of his former students and 17 years younger - having sex in front of their 4 year old.


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I had female teachers like that, DI!! Two, in fact, and one was engaged! :confused: God... you know, I understand that people generally like attention, and it makes most people feel good to know that others think they're attractive... but to seek the attention of little high school boys when you're NOT in high school (or possibly an older 8th grader) is just weird and sad. Go find a nice grownup to flirt with, for Pete's sake.

---------- Post added at 07:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 AM ----------

LA that's....... nuts.


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High school boys will hump nearly anything. Attracting one should not make anyone feel special, merely warm and moving.


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High school boys will hump nearly anything. Attracting one should not make anyone feel special, merely warm and moving.
Exactly! That's why it's so sad! Plus, it was annoying to see my already-smug male classmates pat themselves on the back for turning the head of an older woman. :facepalm:

I'd go up to the desk to ask her a question, and she's be surrounded by guys asking her stupid questions (like, if her fiance's as tall as they are or as good-looking...) and trying to make it look like they're not actually flexing their arms... :eyeroll:
High school boys will hump nearly anything. Attracting one should not make anyone feel special, merely warm and moving.
Exactly! That's why it's so sad! Plus, it was annoying to see my already-smug male classmates pat themselves on the back for turning the head of an older woman. :facepalm:

I'd go up to the desk to ask her a question, and she's be surrounded by guys asking her stupid questions and trying to make it look like they're not actually flexing their arms... :eyeroll:[/QUOTE]

But that's just how I stand.

: puffs out chest:


Staff member
Right now I'm very partial to the opening of K-on. I have it in my head all the time.
"Aaaaafterrrrr schoooooooooool!" Jake and I finished that last week. I really enjoyed it. Hadn't laughed out loud at an anime in a long time.

As far as what I can listen to over and over, I think I listen to/sing-in-the-shower "The Real Folk Blues" at least once a week. That's probably my favorite. And Tank is awesome.

But my favorite music from an anime is still FLCL--not just "Ride on Shooting Star," but Carnival, Hybrid Rainbow, Blues Drive Monster, etc.... I know a lot of those weren't exclusively written FOR FLCL, but still. Love it.

Recently I watched the first few episodes, of Noir, and I really enjoy that opening theme, too. It's kind of mysterious and cool.
In one of the albums for Noir, they have the full version of the opening, the instrumental version of the opening, a techno remix of the opening, and an instrumental techno remix of the opening.

How are you liking Noir?


Staff member
In one of the albums for Noir, they have the full version of the opening, the instrumental version of the opening, a techno remix of the opening, and an instrumental techno remix of the opening.

How are you liking Noir?
I like it! I got the first DVD at a convention in a 5 for 20$ bin. I thought it was crazy how

she killed that guy by jumping over that beam and choking him to death on his own tie.

Fairly badass.


Staff member

...Heehee, the drummer was my favorite. I loved that episode where everyone was studying and she wanted attention, so she just burst into the room and made a "tada" pose. That is something I would do.
Rolling around on the floor, kicking my legs, and begging for ice cream.

Can I have some ice cream? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

---------- Post added at 08:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream ice cream
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