Fun Fact Thread!

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Just a thread where people can post... fun facts! I'll start it off.

Shepherd's Pie is not really a pie... and it isn't really made from shepherds!


Staff member
Girl Scout cookies aren't made from Girl Scouts.

And eating brownies can get you jailed.


Friday spelled backwards is Yadirf, which is just fun to say.
Hypothetical question time:

You stumble upon a thread started by someone else that is similar in nature to about a hundred threads you've started before. The thread you found, however, is more open-ended and has no immediate promise of egotistical bullshit.

What do you do?

In doing research for a post on dinosaur junk, I discovered that many birds and reptiles bump the cloaca into each other, the cloaca being the portal for all things excreted from the body, in an act referred to by scientists as a "cloacal kiss".

The fascinating fact: wondering about dinosaur junk can lead to weird places.


Fun Fact!: I didn't start this thread for people to flame each other.

Now bring on the trivial trivia of your travels.


Spanish Flu - Orginated in kansas, It was given the name spainsh flu because during WWI Spain remaind neutral and was one of the few countries giving reliable news about the disease. thus all informtion look to seem like it came from Spain. Its estimated that the Spanish flu killed 3-6% of the world population at that time.

If the swine flu epidemic caused simliar numbers (3%) we see over 201 million deaths.

201 million people would be equal to 2 out of every 3 people in America.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Knowledge = power.

God knows everything.

If God is all-knowing, then He/She/It also must be all-powerful. If He/She/It has absolute power, then He/She/It must also be absolutely corrupt.

Therefore, God is the ultimate evil.


Ales are made from top fermenting yeast at room temperature.

Lagers are made from bottom fermenting yeast at cooler temperatures.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Knowledge = power.

God knows everything.

If God is all-knowing, then He/She/It also must be all-powerful. If He/She/It has absolute power, then He/She/It must also be absolutely corrupt.

Therefore, God is the ultimate evil.
God is love.

Love is blind.

Ray Charles was God.
We know about shit all. Look at some mold growing in the cracks of a rock somewhere. That is what humanity is to the universe. Some weird growth inhabiting a weird dimple in spacetime that is Earth.

We can't figure out if light is a particle or a wave, a failure which I think has a lot to do with our own limited capabilities of understanding (remember the mold). We still haven't figured gravity out completely.

Not saying we'll never understand better. But shit, man. The more you know, the stupider you feel.
We know about shit all. Look at some mold growing in the cracks of a rock somewhere. That is what humanity is to the universe. Some weird growth inhabiting a weird dimple in spacetime that is Earth.

We can't figure out if light is a particle or a wave, a failure which I think has a lot to do with our own limited capabilities of understanding (remember the mold). We still haven't figured gravity out completely.

Not saying we'll never understand better. But shit, man. The more you know, the stupider you feel.
How can you say such things after the wisdom of the anal gasses has been presented to you?


We know about shit all. Look at some mold growing in the cracks of a rock somewhere. That is what humanity is to the universe. Some weird growth inhabiting a weird dimple in spacetime that is Earth.

We can't figure out if light is a particle or a wave, a failure which I think has a lot to do with our own limited capabilities of understanding (remember the mold). We still haven't figured gravity out completely.

Not saying we'll never understand better. But shit, man. The more you know, the stupider you feel.
Well, not strictly true. We know exactly whether it is a particle or a wave. It's both. And neither.

Yeah, Physics doesn't make sense, but don't confuse that with not knowing the answer to the question ;)
Well, not strictly true. We know exactly whether it is a particle or a wave. It's both. And neither.

Yeah, Physics doesn't make sense, but don't confuse that with not knowing the answer to the question ;)
Point is: it doesn't quite fit into anything we understand. It can't be 'both and neither.' It has to be something else that we as a race have no experience with. But we can only understand it as 'both and neither.'

Same thing with the atom. We have a way of representing it, with the nucleus in the center and the valence electrons orbiting ... because it's useful and easy for us to imagine it that way. But we know that's not exactly how it works.


Well, not strictly true. We know exactly whether it is a particle or a wave. It's both. And neither.

Yeah, Physics doesn't make sense, but don't confuse that with not knowing the answer to the question ;)
Point is: it doesn't quite fit into anything we understand. It can't be 'both and neither.' It has to be something else that we as a race have no experience with. But we can only understand it as 'both and neither.'

Same thing with the atom. We have a way of representing it, with the nucleus in the center and the valence electrons orbiting ... because it's useful and easy for us to imagine it that way. But we know that's not exactly how it works.[/QUOTE]

But past a certain level of simplification no one describes light as a wave of a particle, so it's not like anyone's really getting it wrong. Sure it has some of the properties of a particle, but so does a beach ball, they're not the same, but that wouldn't stop you using a ball to describe a photon. Ya see? It's not so much that we don't know, just that we simplify for the ease of all.


Staff member
The most expensive coffee in the world is made from beans that have been passed through the digestive system of a tropical, bean-eating weasel.

In the 19th century, female hysteria was treated by directing a high-power water spout at the genitalia, causing orgasms.


Fun fact: You cannot park on a parkway, and do not drive on a driveway
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