Your favorite best twist ending ever?

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I was watching Soylent green again today (while introducing it to some students) and remembered the first time I watched it and discovered the twist reveal... so Im getting together a nice list of flicks and books with a damn good twist ending.

Just to toss in my faves-

Night of the Living Dead
The last survivor, just as it seems he will be rescued by soldiers, is mistaken for a zombie and shot.

My ex screamed when the old guy got up. I left the cinema straight to watch it a second time, now with the knowledge that that body was actually a sicko enjoying the show.

Pearl Jam's Alive, Once and Footsteps.
Three songs that seemed unrelated, until one day Vader sang them in order, suddenly it was there. Kid grows up, looks like his young dead father more and more, mother has sex with him, he runs away, goes crazy and violent until he ends up killing someone, then as he's walking to the electric chair, he sees her again.

Best american japanese-rpg, you kill the main villain. Then your most overpowered party member suddenly transforms, and guess what? He is the main villain. Then I loved the intelligence of the Evil disguising as a crazed old man, and hiring your character to find the tools for him to conquer the Universe. Oh, and making you, the player, level him up to an almost unbeatable level

Anne Rice's Blackwood farm
Not only was I surprised to have her write a good book after countless tripe post-Memnoch, but I had all but forgotten Mona in the hospital when she appeared in Quinn's room, dying, and was offered o be turned into a vampire.

Super Mario Bros 2
It was all a plumber's dream.

So, any good flicks, series, books or songs to add to the list?


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Vedder, not Vader, brah!

---------- Post added at 04:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 AM ----------

Also, I loved the ending of Life of Pi. The realization is awesome.

The end of the first episode of Mad Men.

Fight Club of course.

There's a bunch more, but my brain is kind of fried at the moment from a long day.


Just remembered one great one-

The Others
The woman and kids who are being disturbed by many ghosts arent being haunted, but are ghosts, and are haunting the people who they thought were ghosts disturbing them.


It'd be pretty interesting to hear Vader singing Pearl Jam, heh.

The Lottery. I mean, it's a classic.

I know, it's not super original, but the presentation and the way it makes you feel bad for playing the game you were supposed to play it really hit the spot. I never questioned atlas's story the entire game, and felt like a tool for it.

Knights of the Old Republic
Holy shit! *I'm* Revan!

Um, I don't watch too many movies, mostly just books and video games. I'll try and think of some more from those.

Edit: Duh, how could I forget:

Planescape: Torment
You have been your own antagonist the entire game. As well as the mysterious guy helping you out. You were supposed to end the game in the first room, but you forgot that so you had to do the whole adventure over again. At the climax you get to kill yourself and go to hell, which is exactly what you created this entire mess to avoid doing. Oh, and it turns out the love interest's personal torment was knowing you're doomed and she can't follow you to hell but loving you anyway. What a great game!

Philosopher B.

Shit, yo, I wanna come to your class ... Soylent Green is my third favorite movie of all time.

As for other good twist ending movies, I dunno ... The Prestige, maybe.
It was impossible for me to not have Soylent Green's ending spoiled. But it was a great ride, nonetheless. And I'm sure it was quite the shock for those who didn't know.


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Zeno Clash

Father-Mother isn't a father or a mother at all, but has been stealing all his "children". Oh, and the whole world is a mystery as well, not fully revealed buy only hinted at.

Actually, it's hard to call this a twist ending since the twist is slowly revealed throughout the game if you catch the clues, but it's still a fantastic trip.
Silent Hill 2
James killed his own wife 3 weeks ago, instead of her dying 2 years ago. The reasons vary depending on the ending you get, but the actual foreshadowing for it was just subtle enough that I didn't see it coming.
FFX (I know people hate this game, but I really did like X and X-2)
Tidus was a dream and the Yuna having to sacrafice herself, Jecht being Sin, parts really shocked me

Golbez being Cecil's brother
Agreed on the FFX/4 stuff, Shego, as well as

Auron's reveal that he's dead, and his fading away after Sin's death

Also, Sixth Sense, back when people didn't know M. Night would put a twist on every movie he made.

Edit: Dunno if this is a twist, really, but playing through Tales of Vesperia again

Watching your main protagonist straight up murdering badguys and not even caring. It's more of a twist as the character archetype you NORMALLY play in an RPG is a side character (main character's childhood friend) you never actually use (unless you get the upcoming ps3 re-issue)
Some stuff on FFX:
I don't know about the Jecht is Sin thing... it seemed pretty obvious who Sin was the second Yunalesca tells you someone needs to die in order to create an Aeon. Of course, they didn't foreshadow that point AT ALL, so there was no time for it build. It just kinda felt like a slap in the face.
Seriously, FFX had some great story telling, people just couldn't get over the "feel" of the game's style to give a chance.
Seriously, FFX had some great story telling, people just couldn't get over the "feel" of the game's style to give a chance.
Too many people were focused on Tidus being a total bitch (which is totally grown out of within a few hours of gameplay). I try to tell people you get past that and the story is totally worth it, but most just don't care. It's too bad.
Oddly enough, Tenpenny Tower in Fallout 3.

The 'peaceful' ending. Making peace between the ghouls and the humans, convincing everyone that the ghouls are peaceful and that they can live in harmony... then coming back two weeks later, and finding all the humans' corpses in the basement. Actually felt like a punch to the gut.

Most of my favorites have already been mentioned, so yeah.


There aren't too many endings that result in my shouting profanities and going on a shotgun-to-the-face rampage. That counts as a good twist in my book.

I liked FFX. I liked the nautical theme and even most of the characters besides Tidus. Also had fun cinematics.

Is it even a frickin' spoiler to say that the big catholic kinda church in the JRPG is actually evil? The whole 'you're a dream!' thing was the only real twist, just about everything else was 'kind of' cliche.


I know the twist here isn't at the end, more the middle, but god damn, Ace Combat 5 man. Ace Combat 5. I'd post it but I don't remember enough of the specific details to accurately explain how much it floored me.

This twist and the missions beyond it were what made this game one of my favorites.
Yeah... Every other quest in Fallout 3 kind of pales in comparison.

Also going to throw Second Sight in. Looking back at the game, I should have seen it coming, but realizing
that you aren't having flashbacks, but actually seeing a possible future
was unexpected.

...And Shadow of the Colossus.
Start the game thinking you're doing something noble in order to save someone's life... and then realizing you're knowingly unleashing a demon on the world. Then the demon stealing your body, causing the people you were led to believe were evil to actually save the world by destroying you.
Morrowind: Tribunal

So you finally reach Sotha Sil's hangout in Clockwork city. He's dead. Well, shit happens, so you turn around but wait! It's Almalexia! Hey, she's wearing some kind of weird mask. Uh, this isn't what it looks like? I didn't...what? You killed Sil? You were behind the attack on Mournhold? To gain control over the citizens? Hey wait don't attack me!

<after bossfight>

Welll, this is a compromising situation. Two of the Tribunal dead, and one by my hands! Guess I'd better get out here fast. Oh, hey Azura. Yeah, I figured she was mad. What? Fulfilling the Nerevarine Prophecies, what do you mean? oooh, the death of ALMSIVI. Sooo I gotta go kill Vivec now? Uhm, okay


Need I even say it?
Fatal Frame 2 (canonical ending)
Actually killing her own sister and losing her.


It'd be pretty interesting to hear Vader singing Pearl Jam, heh.
Elderly Watto behind the counter in a small town?

I know, it's not super original, but the presentation and the way it makes you feel bad for playing the game you were supposed to play it really hit the spot. I never questioned atlas's story the entire game, and felt like a tool for it.

Knights of the Old Republic
Holy shit! *I'm* Revan!
These. I usually hate twists, but these I enjoyed.


Planescape: Torment.

The Transcendent One doesn't have your immortality... he IS your immortality.

I was near the end, had so many questions left and thought that I had missed out on tons of content(for the record, I actually missed Dak'kon on my first playthrough)... and then they drop that bombshell, tying up every loose end.
I know the twist here isn't at the end, more the middle, but god damn, Ace Combat 5 man. Ace Combat 5. I'd post it but I don't remember enough of the specific details to accurately explain how much it floored me.

This twist and the missions beyond it were what made this game one of my favorites.
Oh, you mean when...

You find out that you handed the President over to the very people who were trying to capture him? Weeks after the fact? And that their objective is the destruction of both OSEA and Yuktobonia for kicking the ass of the Belka during the Belkan War, resulting in a West/East Germany situtation?

Or how they try to kill you later on when your about to win the war, which results in you having to escape from OSEA, where you team up with other traitors in order to expose the truth?

Or how your fighter squadron may or may not be the metaphorical re-incarnation of a fairy tale demon who brings peace to the world by kicking the shit out of anyone who disagrees?

Yeah, Ace Combat 5 is my favorite of the series. I still play it to this day (mainly because I'm trying to fucking grind for the X-02). That game had some really cool scenes and some fun boss fights. Ace Combat Zero is fun too though, as it at least had multiple endings.

Fun Fact: The song that is sung over the Radio when your defending the carrier near the end (and during the credits)? That's actually being song by the voice actor of Major Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I was surprised she was so good.
The prestige. holy crap that was an awesome ending.
angier duplicates himself every night, and kills his double! bordens trick really IS staring you right in the face.

The usual suspects
The prestige. holy crap that was an awesome ending.
angier duplicates himself every night, and kills his double! bordens trick really IS staring you right in the face.
Somehow I saw that coming a mile away as soon as they showed the hats. What really got me was
That they were twin bothers who switched every other day! That is so messed up. :hump:the one you love and then your brothers lover:Leyla:
I know the twist here isn't at the end, more the middle, but god damn, Ace Combat 5 man. Ace Combat 5. I'd post it but I don't remember enough of the specific details to accurately explain how much it floored me.

This twist and the missions beyond it were what made this game one of my favorites.
It really is one of the best Ace Combat games out there.To this day I still love to load it up in my ps2 and play it.Loved bombing the shit of of EVERYTHING during missions,so that I could find the parst for the experimental Jet.
Agreed on the Prestige. A lot of people said they could see Borden's trick a mile away, but it surprised me for sure.

Also agreeing about Tenpenny Tower.

Fight Club surprised me as well.

Actually, my favorite would probably be Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
The island of Koholint is a dream by the Wind Fish, and waking the Wind Fish (the ultimate goal of the game) would make the island and its inhabitants disappear. This made me actually not want to finish the game, I'd grown too attached to all the characters I'd met in the game.


Staff member
I liked the ending of Unbreakable. Looking back I should have seen it coming, but I'm glad I'm not good at figuring out twists.


Seriously, FFX had some great story telling, people just couldn't get over the "feel" of the game's style to give a chance.
Too many people were focused on Tidus being a total bitch (which is totally grown out of within a few hours of gameplay). I try to tell people you get past that and the story is totally worth it, but most just don't care. It's too bad.[/QUOTE]Also the English voice acting was terrible beyond belief.

Since we're in the subject of FF, how about FFVII
Everyone in your party had previously known each other in an orphanage.

Fight Club and The Sixth sense ae great, hopefully this being Brazil there is a chance many of my students havent watched one or the other.

Now a twist ending that I hated beyond death was Diablo
After a few hours of sending golems after Diablo (I kept a shitload of such scrolls) and heaing them get a few punches in and die, I was treated to Diablo getting punched, then bleeding.

Then the cinematic starts, your character takes a knife, and removes the jewel from his forehead, and Diablo reverts to the body of a young boy.

Then he shoves it in his own forehead, and you get a guy in a cloak saying "oh wait, now you are the arsehole you were trying to kill, buy our sequel, BWAHAhAhAhA!!"

The diablo cd is still out there on the top of some tree after I tossed it out.
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