Your favorite best twist ending ever?

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I think you mean FF8 there, JCM, not FF7. And actually, I thought that particular plot point was unexpected, but not really a twist. A bigger twist ending in that game would be:
Squall, a SeeD himself, gave Edea the idea to start Garden and SeeDs, and she did, knowing full well they would fight and defeat her one day.


Forgot an extra I there....
the thing it was very well done, there were endless clues and people talking,diary entries about loosing memory, Cid telling its all anti-GF propaganda, then hey, you all grew together, some of the did recognize you, and the main badie sorceress was the "mother" to you and your entire party

I forgot Oldboy

After killing off the people who put you in jail for years, you discover you've been sleeping with not some hot woman, but your daughter. So you erase your memories so you an continue sleeping with her.

And The usual suspects

The story the crook with cerebral palsy was narrating (aka, the movie) about his heist is awesome, then the crook leaves, and the police notices that every name and thing has been pulled from something in his office, and it was all a lie, and the crook didnt even have cerebral palsy.

Damn, RealBigNuke, Bioshock's twist was one hell of a spooky one
Would you kindly
The Prestige got me too. Like others, I had an inkling about Borden's trick as soon as the hats happened, but the real twist/kicker was the reality of the other guy's trick.
I still like the Sixth Sense
He was dead the whole time! This was one I really didn't see coming at all, and then in repeated viewings it's fun to look for all the foreshadowings. M. Night Shyamalan has made a bunch of crappy "twist" movies, but this and Unbreakable for me are still by far the best.

Primal Fear
He was faking the whole time! This is my favorite Norton movie, and another twist I didn't see coming at all

The Game
It was all in fun after all! The scene where he shoots Sean Penn is still crazy intense, even though I've seen it dozens of times.
There are actually two killers and one of them seems so obvious you are likely to dismiss him as a suspect. Specially when he's "killed".

The Ring
You can pass the curse on to someone else, but you can't stop Samara.

Drag Me to Hell
Christine is dragged to hell.
The Game
It was all in fun after all! The scene where he shoots Sean Penn is still crazy intense, even though I've seen it dozens of times.
The Game
You lost



And yeah, The Game was great. My sister kept bugging me to watch it when it came out, and I didn't until years later.

Although this now reminds me of eXistenZ:
They were inside a game all along! And they might still be!


There's one I'm surprised you missed, Shego.
Especially considering...
the fact that...
you've commented...
on it...
And I responded...
with my own opinion...
on the subject.
That, being how much...
I didn't like the movie.
Loved The Mist.
The ending was such a downer but it added so much to the film. Screw falling in love then dying of Leukemia. THAT's how you do a sad ending.
Damnit Sera, you're completely right. That still stands as my favorite movie ending EVER. I don't own it yet cause I'm waiting to get my High Def system and buying it on Blu-Ray. Thank you for the reminder though!


Man, most of the movies I've seen with twist endings had been spoiled for me ahead of time. Soylent Green,
it's people
The Maltese Falcon,
it's made of lead
Planet of the Apes
it's earth all along
The Sixth Sense
bruce willis is dead all along

One of the few movies I didn't know the twist ending to was Unbreakable. And though it was a bit obvious in retrospect, I really enjoyed the realization.

What I didn't enjoy was the complete lack of denouement. Heck, the movie would have been just fine ending where it did if they just took away the text at the end explaining what happened afterward.


Staff member
Planescape: Torment.

The Transcendent One doesn't have your immortality... he IS your immortality.
You got it slightly wrong:

The Transcendent One is your mortality, not your immortality. It's a variation of the old fables of someone putting their death in a box/egg so that they can't be killed.

I loved the other twists in that game as well. How Ravel Puzzlewell was all these other characters along the way. How all your companions had been your companions before. All the betrayals, sometimes by your past selves.

And a non-spolier, non-twist for Planescape: Torment. When the new version of Splatterhouse was announced as in development Joystiq proclaimed it the first game where you get to use the characters own severed limbs as weapons. :facepalm: In PS:T one of the weapons is Severed Arm (Yours). Sad to see such ignorance in a gaming blog.
Galuf's Death. While it was cheapened by the fact he was immediately replaced, it came completely out of nowhere. Even though we saw ALOT of death in FFIV, I still wasn't "used" to main characters dying in an RPG

The main character realizing he was an alien the whole time.

Favorite TV show twist is EASILY:

South Park: Chili Cookoff Episode. Spoiler totally not necessary, it was the best ending to a SP episode ever and remains my favorite to this day.


Another one: Braid.

How rewinding can completely change what a level is about... very neat twist


Staff member
"A Night in the Lonesome October" by Roger Zelazny
I'm due for my yearly October reading, so I might be a little fuzzy on the specifics, but ...
The Good Doctor and his experiment turn out to not be one of the players at all, and then the whole climax is a series of one twist after another. The Count turns out to be a closer, players thought counted out show up after all, and it all ends with a pun.
High Tension
Main character has a split personality and is the killer. Meaning she somehow managed to get a rigged up, evil, villain truck out to the middle of nowhere despite never being there before. She also had a high speed car chase... with herself, and somehow could rip off people's limbs and do incredible feats of strength while being as thin as a twig. You know what? @#$% that ending. The twist completely ruined it.
Superbowl XLII
The Patriots lose!

Survivor Series 1997
Shawn Michaels wins!

My Cousine Vinny
Marissa Tomei wins an Oscar!


huh... lost some posts it seems.

City of Angels
He gave up evrything to be with her and she died in a single day.


Another one: Braid.

How rewinding can completely change what a level is about... very neat twist
That was, without a doubt, the most mind-blowing, expletive evoking, amazing thing I've ever seen in a video game. It's right up there with half-life 2's gravity gun and duke nukem 3d's strippers.
Death Note: The Last Name.

I really, really prefer that L was the one that beat Light rather than Near. And it actually made sense how he won instead of "LIGHT SUCKS SUDDENLY!"
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