Halforums, what's the saddest thing?

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Oh god, the second half of Life is Beautiful always puts me in tears. The first half, however, always has me in stitches. Why must you toy with my emotions, Benini? WHYYY!!

From http://saddestthing.com/

Decisions Decisions

Your soulmate is killed driving home from work. In your grief you open the fridge to pop a chilled bottle of wine. In the fridge is the last bit of leftovers they were eating the night before.

Do you eat it, thus sharing one last meal with them? Or do you save it, the thought that somehow, some way they'll come back and finish that meal.

You stand, paralyzed, in front of the open fridge; sobbing silently amidst the half-empty jars of mustard.
My life.

:: Let me elaborate::
The loss of my marriage, due to my inability to deal with the loss of my friends in the wars.
Not so bad, but I was the medic treating them, I have to take 2 Ambien to sleep through the nightmares sometimes.

The only one who ever made me feel alright about not being deployed left me.


My life.

:: Let me elaborate::
The loss of my marriage, due to my inability to deal with the loss of my friends in the wars.
Not so bad, but I was the medic treating them, I have to take 2 Ambien to sleep through the nightmares sometimes.

The only one who ever made me feel alright about not being deployed left me.
I can't top that. You win...


My life.

:: Let me elaborate::
The loss of my marriage, due to my inability to deal with the loss of my friends in the wars.
Not so bad, but I was the medic treating them, I have to take 2 Ambien to sleep through the nightmares sometimes.

The only one who ever made me feel alright about not being deployed left me.
I can't top that. You win...
Damn... neither can I....


Uhm... there's my uncle's story.

Married to his high school sweetheart, only girl he ever loved, for 25 years, could never have kids, then, miraculously, she gets pregnant, with twins!

3 years later, she admits to cheating on him and wants a divorce.

Poor guy loves his daughters so much that he submits to all of her demands and gives up his house, car, and most everything else so that he can have custody of the kids.

After the bitch has sold off all his stuff and gotten married to a rich guy, she goes out of her way to point out that, without a house, he can't 'properly' take care of the kids, and gets the court system to turn full custody over to her, so she can take them off to where the rich guy lived 2000 miles away.

So.. he packs his bags, leaves his job of 20+ years, and scrapes by down there just so he can use his meager visitation rights to be with his kids.

I'm happy to say he's married to the most awesome woman I've ever met now and the twins are almost old enough to move out of the bitch's mansion.
Uhm... there's my uncle's story.

Married to his high school sweetheart, only girl he ever loved, for 25 years, could never have kids, then, miraculously, she gets pregnant, with twins!

3 years later, she admits to cheating on him and wants a divorce.

Poor guy loves his daughters so much that he submits to all of her demands and gives up his house, car, and most everything else so that he can have custody of the kids.

After the bitch has sold off all his stuff and gotten married to a rich guy, she goes out of her way to point out that, without a house, he can't 'properly' take care of the kids, and gets the court system to turn full custody over to her, so she can take them off to where the rich guy lived 2000 miles away.

So.. he packs his bags, leaves his job of 20+ years, and scrapes by down there just so he can use his meager visitation rights to be with his kids.

I'm happy to say he's married to the most awesome woman I've ever met now and the twins are almost old enough to move out of the bitch's mansion.

Oh god :(


Uhm... there's my uncle's story.

Married to his high school sweetheart, only girl he ever loved, for 25 years, could never have kids, then, miraculously, she gets pregnant, with twins!

3 years later, she admits to cheating on him and wants a divorce.

Poor guy loves his daughters so much that he submits to all of her demands and gives up his house, car, and most everything else so that he can have custody of the kids.

After the bitch has sold off all his stuff and gotten married to a rich guy, she goes out of her way to point out that, without a house, he can't 'properly' take care of the kids, and gets the court system to turn full custody over to her, so she can take them off to where the rich guy lived 2000 miles away.

So.. he packs his bags, leaves his job of 20+ years, and scrapes by down there just so he can use his meager visitation rights to be with his kids.

I'm happy to say he's married to the most awesome woman I've ever met now and the twins are almost old enough to move out of the bitch's mansion.

Oh god :([/QUOTE]

Man oh man, sad thing is I'd probably would have done the same thing his uncle did to be close to my kids. I hate it when parents use their kids as weapons against their spouses if the relationship goes south.


Staff member
I watched episode 22 of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, "Backs in the Distance", last night. I was literally sobbing at the end. I've been in tears at various points in previous episodes, but this time I was just shaking and couldn't catch my breath.
Not the saddest thing, but finding this made me cry today.
Brusa högre lilla å

This song was playing while I was giving my mom a back massage, right after she found out she had terminal cancer, 16 years ago. We were both crying then. Also played it at her funeral.

Kitty Sinatra

From http://saddestthing.com/

Decisions Decisions

Your soulmate is killed driving home from work. In your grief you open the fridge to pop a chilled bottle of wine. In the fridge is the last bit of leftovers they were eating the night before.

Do you eat it, thus sharing one last meal with them? Or do you save it, the thought that somehow, some way they'll come back and finish that meal.

You stand, paralyzed, in front of the open fridge; sobbing silently amidst the half-empty jars of mustard.
Reminds me of a song about the loss of a mate; specifically this verse:

Everything's as I left it - orderly and perfect.
Nothing's out of place,
All the cassettes stay in their case
Some sad songs.

- yes, he died before I was born, but my mom was a fan so I know this song.

- not the best rendition - I personally like Michael Crawford's version, but I can't seem to find it.


Staff member
I can never read Robin Hobb's Assassin's Quest and the later Tawny Man trilogy without breaking into tears. I just... feel so touched with the sense of FitzChivalry's loss, and how... well, not gonna give any spoilers. It's just a very, very sad aspect of the story.

The ending of the Doctor Who episode "Planet of the Ood". Not really sad, but it still gets my teary-eyed every single time.

The song 'Vaari-vainaan kannel' ('Kannel of Grandfather Departed') by the Finnish trad/gospel band Suomalainen messu ('Finnish Mass'). I couldn't find the song on YouTube, but it's a sad ballad of a kantele, a kind of Finnish harp, found in the attic. The singer accounts how his grandmother tells its story: during the Winter or Continuation War, her husband was fighting in the front. In a letter he tells he will come home for a two-week leave, and with him he will bring a kannel to their young son. The son waits eagerly, watching at the road each day... but it is not the father who returns, but a message telling that he had died in combat.
Following the war, the son never learned to play the kannel, having "to bury his pain in his heart", "hands forced to labour when the peace came", an allusion to the heavy war reparations Finland had to pay. The kannel is forgotten, left in the attic unplayed. The song ends with the grandmother taking the kannel in her lap: "Grandma gently hummed, fingers softly playing, dear grandfather's thankful song to God". But it's the very final stanzas that always make me cry:

Löytäisinkö vielä sen,
kiitollisen sävelen,
kuulisitko Herra,
vaarivainaan ja Suomen maan?

'Could I still find,
that thankful tune,
Would You hear, O Lord,
Grandfather departed and this far Finland?'

It does not translate well... But still... I never consider myself a religious man, but something in those words just touches my heart so deeply that I can never keep the tears away. It is a feeling that has grown sharper along the years, what with my own grandfather, who fought in the war, slowly losing his mental capacities to Alzheimer. I've not gone to see him in the old people's home. I admit being a douche that way, but... seeing this dear old man I respected and loved as a child, a man who came back from the war broken but unbeaten, and raised two great sons... be only a weeping, confused shell of his former self, not recognizing even his sons or understanding that his wife has died... I just couldn't take it.


whenever someone asks me to think of something sad my mind instantly leaps to a nazi steping on puppies.

A nazi, in full uniform, walkin' down the side walk and squishing puppies like bubble wrap.

Then I start laughing like a loon.
The first time I saw that commercial I cried like a damn baby. It surprised the hell out of me, and it really surprised my gf. She thought something terrible had happened. She didn't even realize that it was the commercial that did it until I cried, "Poor doggies."

Now, she changes the channel every time it comes on. :eek:

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:35 AM ----------


Yeah, that made me tear up a bit in the theater, but I had my 5 year old nephew with me, and I didn't want him to see me crying. Otherwise, I would've been sobbing like a little kid with a skinned knee.
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