Swine Flue Vaccine Pro/Con List

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Jon Stewart's Vaccine Pro/Con List:

---------- Post added at 09:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

This was after Glenn Beck said there were "very good reasons both for and against getting the vaccine"

Kitty Sinatra

I knew Science was out to get me! Now Jon Stewart, the most trusted journalist in America, has confirmed it. Oh smurf, what's that behi-
He's not a journalist, he's tired of saying so himself.

I do like how he doesn't hold his punches for ANYONE, though. He spent a whole show tearing the news channels apart for not covering the Gay Rights protest.... and then cut to the Daily Show's own coverage of the protest, making fun of the gay protesters themselves.. to their face.
I was just... uh.. making it clear for the other people who wouldn't get it.. you know for their uh.. own sake.


Also... "Jon is Jewish" tag? THAT joke I'm not totally getting...
My friend really, truly believes that the H1N1 vaccine is a CIA plot. When I asked her why, she refused to explain, instead telling me to go get it myself and find out. So great... ether she's being a bitch for no fucking reason or she's actively wishing me harm. *facepalm*

Kitty Sinatra

Well, see. We've established one thing he's not so I figured I'd point out one thing he is.

It's really more like a fact than a joke. And like most everything else about what I do here (see just under my name)
Ima gonna wait before I jump on the H1N1 vaccination bandwagon regardless.
That's fine. I'm probably going to wait for a bit myself, assuming I can scrounge money for it. Going to wait to see if people have bad reactions to the first round of injections.
The swine flue vaccine is a slight variation of the NORMAL flu vaccine, which has been used without ill effects for years and years.... why is it that this particular batch is spawning so much paranoia on people?

I'm genuinely curious here.
The swine flue vaccine is a slight variation of the NORMAL flu vaccine, which has been used without ill effects for years and years.... why is it that this particular batch is spawning so much paranoia on people?

I'm genuinely curious here.
I wouldn't get the regular vaccine so I find it a little irregular that this one is being pushed so hard. Some medical company is getting rich off of a media feeding frenzy about the flu - doesn't sit well.


I'm probably not going to get it. I'm sick right now though with (what I assume is just the regular flu).

I keep myself healthy and haven't been sick in a few years so I'm not terribly worried.

Wasabi Poptart

From what my friend at the CDC has told me, regular seasonal flu isn't widespread right now. If you have the flu, then it's safe to assume you have H1N1.
The swine flue vaccine is a slight variation of the NORMAL flu vaccine, which has been used without ill effects for years and years.... why is it that this particular batch is spawning so much paranoia on people?

I'm genuinely curious here.
Part of it is because so many people died from complications involved with taking the old H1N1 vaccine in the 70's. This is true for all vaccines however and the deaths from the old H1N1 amounted to something like less than half a percent of all takers. (I think it was around 4000 or something? Out of millions of takers.)

Another part of it is because celebrities in the US are fucking morons and are currently on an anti-vaccine kick, because some older, cheaper made vaccines would occasionally contain things like mercury, which is poisonous. This generally doesn't happen anymore, and while it's a tragedy when it does happen, it's also an anomaly. It's also been (loosely) linked to Autism in children, but this has generally been refuted.

The 3rd part is the people who believe they will be protected if everyone else gets the shot, so they don't have to. What these people don't understand is that a vaccine doesn't stop someone from passing on the virus during the initial infection phase. It's still possible to get sick even if everyone around you has the vaccine.

The rest is just good old fashioned paranoia. It's hard for some people to trust companies that profit from vaccines when it's very simple for those same companies to CREATE the very plague they are curing. Combine this with disinformation from the tin-foil hat brigade, a general distrust of a government that seems to actively provoke it's citizenry, and a very recent upsurge in anti-intellectualism and what you get is a population that would sooner take it's chances with a life threatening illness that take a simple shot.
Unfortunately, that rare side effect that killed those people in the 70's was Guillain-Barre. And that's the main reason for me why I won't be getting one, since I already know I susceptible to it. Going through that shit one time in my life was enough for me, thanks.

Edit: And even with the normal flu shot today, getting Guillain-Barre is still possible.
From the very article you linked, dude:

Hutton said doctors have not proven a link between the vaccine the nurse received on August 31st and her illness, noting that she had traveled to India before getting the seasonal flu shot.
"At this point there is nothing in the medical record to indicate that the Syndrome was caused by her seasonal flu vaccine," said Hutton.
In the past, Guillain-Barre Syndrome has been associated with a particular swine flu vaccine given in 1976 but "since then, flu vaccines have not been clearly linked to GBS," according to information about this year's vaccine on the Department of Health's website.

---------- Post added at 07:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 AM ----------

Medicine in 1976 is not the same as it is in 2009... and that's ONE case that has not been proven was caused by the vaccine, one, out of how many that got that vaccine?

---------- Post added at 07:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

Plus.. y'know... foreign countries have their own immunities and traveling abroad will always carry an inherent risk, this nurse had been to India.
My friend really, truly believes that the H1N1 vaccine is a CIA plot. When I asked her why, she refused to explain, instead telling me to go get it myself and find out. So great... ether she's being a bitch for no fucking reason or she's actively wishing me harm. *facepalm*
That's the reason I tell people at work as to why I didn't get the flu shot. I wonder how many people actually think I'm being serious when I say that.


From what my friend at the CDC has told me, regular seasonal flu isn't widespread right now. If you have the flu, then it's safe to assume you have H1N1.
My sister worked at the CDC, but now works at a city public health department and she told me that too.

I talked to her today and she doesn't think I have the flu. So in the end I guess that doesn't alter my post.
The swine flue vaccine is a slight variation of the NORMAL flu vaccine, which has been used without ill effects for years and years.... why is it that this particular batch is spawning so much paranoia on people?

I'm genuinely curious here.
I'll start with two words: Fox Noise.


All I'm thinking is why did you use Faux News as a source? You know all mainstream is biased one way or another
Vaccine schmackcine. I don't need a regular flu shot, so I won't be needing this one either. Hell, most people that have had the flu that I personally know weren't even slowed down much. It's just a flu.
As someone who can't get immunized, I rely on herd immunity. And remember, even if you don't get sick, you can still infect others.
How is that a pro argument?! Time to go Typhoid Mary on some people...

Just get the more vulnerable population to get it, and then if it's still an issue get everyone else...

Teh way i hear it normal flu kills just as many people anyhow, if not more...

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 AM ----------

All I'm thinking is why did you use Faux News as a source? You know all mainstream is biased one way or another
But they're the Golden Standard...
1) It's just the flu
2) I don't like needles
3) It's just the flu

Remember when the swine flu scare started earlier this year? Remember how much of a non-issue it actually was? Yea.
It may be "just a flu", but it's killing people, and even if you're not worrying it's gonna kill you, you can still be a carrier. It's called social responsibility.

It does kill people that you'd least expect. It just killed my cousin's girlfriend of 4 years. She was 23, healthy and awesome. And then BAM!

Please don't spread it just cause it's "just a flu".

Wasabi Poptart

A 5-year-old girl just died here last week of H1N1. She had no underlying health issues. She had no flu symptoms. According to her family, she suddenly developed a bad headache and the next morning had purplish swelling around her eyes. They took her to the ER of the children's hospital here. Her heart stopped while she was being examined. They tried to resuscitate her, but her heart was too weak to keep going. That's what's happening with H1N1. More kids have died from it already than the regular flu kills in a year's time.

---------- Post added at 04:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------

And as long as you don't have certain health issues, you can get the FluMist nasal spray vaccination just like the seasonal flu vaccine. No needle required.
It may be "just a flu", but it's killing people, and even if you're not worrying it's gonna kill you, you can still be a carrier. It's called social responsibility.

Please don't spread it just cause it's "just a flu".
Did you get all the flu shots every year since you were born out of social responsibility? I sure didn't and I don't plan on starting now.

Going from WildSoul's post it seems the flu is something quite different over there, only 4 people died here so far, all of them already severely weakend by other conditions. It's being estimated at a 0,11% mortality rate, which put it right smack in the middle of the ordinary flu statistics over recorded medical history.
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