Ask Zonker anything!

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Yeah I'm a lurker so you don't know me. So it's like a blank slate that you can fill with demented scribblings and disgusting bodily fluid discharges, I mean fresh and new ideas!


Why are you a lurker?
I keep forgetting about this place. I'll go wander off and hang out at basketball forums that have like five active posters and get bored, and go damn, I wish there was a forum like Horizons Tavern (an Ultima Ascension themed forum that died about five years ago). And after a few days of this I'll remember this place and sort of drift by, but there's too much to catch up on and I'm all, oh I'll do it later and then I forget.

So adhd, basically.


Do you play video games? And if so what kind?
Right now Fallout 3. And Bioshock.

Used to play various ultimas, the old fallouts, baldur's gate, planescape torment. No twitch games, just rpgs.

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

Oh, uh, some hints.

I lived in Argentina for a year when I was 16. I lived in Novosibirsk Russia for a year in 1996. I sing in a jewish community choir. I love tech house.


Staff member
Where does your name come from? Because I've seen a boxed popcorn snack called "screaming yellow zonkers."


Where does your name come from? Because I've seen a boxed popcorn snack called "screaming yellow zonkers."
I was a big Doonesbury fan when I was a teenager...

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

Do you prefer western RPG's or JRPG's?
I didn't know there were JRPGs. I HATE all the final fantasies and their ilk, if that helps.
Hmm interesting cause while I agree that some RPG's don;t have very string stories. I usually found FF and other JRPG's to have a strong storyline. I have often felt that western based RPG's seemed to be more lacking in the story department. I know that there are exceptions to each case (Bioshock, etc) I am curious if you have found that to be different in your opinion


Hmm interesting cause while I agree that some RPG's don;t have very string stories. I usually found FF and other JRPG's to have a strong storyline. I have often felt that western based RPG's seemed to be more lacking in the story department. I know that there are exceptions to each case (Bioshock, etc) I am curious if you have found that to be different in your opinion
Well, I haven't played very many. The idea sort of turns me off. The graphics look stupid, and the crazy stories sound like they've been invented just to justify handing out great big silly looking swords. Maybe I'm wrong.
So is it the fantasy part of the story that turn you off of them? Is it that you prefer more realistically set stories?


So is it the fantasy part of the story that turn you off of them? Is it that you prefer more realistically set stories?
I think it's the cartooniness that turns me off. Baldur's gate is a fantasy game...


I have a thing for tortillas wrapped around eggs and cheese with enchilada sauce. Also make a mean bean curry. And I am the master of fruit smoothies. At work I eat pizza and veggie and rice and bean wraps. And soup, cream of mushroom soup with crackers and parmesan, yum. Also make pretty mean bean and cheese enchiladas.

Should learn to make a tofu curry though, you're right. Yeah, about time for the old Zonker to learn a new veggie recipe. Made some apple bread last week that was pretty yummy.


Do you like Hunter S Thompson?
I think fear and loathing in Las Vegas has resulted in some really hilarious lolcats. Other than that I don't have much of an opinion.

---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------

What's up with your signature?
From a thread from one of the earlier halforum incarnations... I think it's a japanese food commercial excerpt.


Staff member
When/why did you decide not to eat meat?

Would you ever become a vegan?

What's your favorite pizza topping?

If you had to do only one chore religiously for the rest of your life, would you wash dishes, do laundry, or dust/vacuum?


When/why did you decide not to eat meat?

Would you ever become a vegan?

What's your favorite pizza topping?

If you had to do only one chore religiously for the rest of your life, would you wash dishes, do laundry, or dust/vacuum?
I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't eat meat. Myself. My son is allergic to dairy and has to eat meat to get protein, so on weekends when he's visiting I eat meat. But I don't cook it myself, I've discovered I can't control my weight if I eat meat. :shrug: I do eat fish.

So I would never become a vegan, because I don't feel all that strongly about it.

My favorite pizza topping is artichoke hearts. Mmm, artichoke hearts...

If I had to do one chore, I would rake leaves into piles and jump into them.


did you know that uncle duke from Doonesbury was based off of Hunter S?
Oh... huh, now that I think about it... Gosh, I don't know. Maybe subconsciously. It doesn't surprise me at all.

Actually I thought it was the other way around.


Answers to questions I wish people had asked me, because they're interesting:

Cerebus the Aardvark.

Doc Oc.

The Dead Parrot sketch.


Girl Genius, OOTS, XKCD.
How long ago did you start reading Girl Genius?

Have you ever played Girl Genius: The Works card game before?


How long ago did you start reading Girl Genius?

Have you ever played Girl Genius: The Works card game before?
Hm, I stumbled across Girl Genius... gosh, a year or so ago. I've always been a Phil Foglio (sp?) fan, since Dragon Magazine when I was a kid, could never get enough of that, and then Xxxenophile when I was a librarian at the comics library at Reed College.

Don't have time to play card games, really.
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