The curious feminine weakness for starving, incompetent artists

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Sadly, I'm a non-starving artist... but I'm not successful either. I'm not a stereotype, how will somebody ever love me?!
Alrighty, you need some makeup. Let's see here... turn your head for me, please. You need a clammy, pale complexion so you look a heroine junkie who never sees daylight... some gray and green blemishes on your forearm so it looks like you have sepsis from shared needles... some fake razor blade scars on your wrists and voila! You're now a beatnik starving artist!

Now go hang out in a community college's quad and bitch about how rainbows, sunsets, and puppies make you depressed because you're hurting inside. You'll have a girlfriend by the end of the day. :)

Kitty Sinatra

Man, rainbows are horribly depressing. It's like the sun trying to break through a suffocating rain. Plus, that damn leprechaun killed my daughter.


You're supposed to go for the beatnik, starving accountant!
Thank you for this mental image.

Personally I think it's a bad idea go for the girls that go for beatnik starving artists types.


"I only do drugs to help me properly communicate my dark inner soul through my financial calculations."

"Why doesn't anyone understand the inner darkness of my financial advice?"
You're supposed to go for the beatnik, starving accountant!
Thank you for this mental image.

Personally I think it's a bad idea go for the girls that go for beatnik starving artists types.


"I only do drugs to help me properly communicate my dark inner soul through my financial calculations."

"Why doesn't anyone understand the inner darkness of my financial advice?"[/QUOTE]

*snap* *snap*
Sadly, I'm a non-starving artist... but I'm not successful either. I'm not a stereotype, how will somebody ever love me?!
Alrighty, you need some makeup. Let's see here... turn your head for me, please. You need a clammy, pale complexion so you look a heroine junkie who never sees daylight... some gray and green blemishes on your forearm so it looks like you have sepsis from shared needles... some fake razor blade scars on your wrists and voila! You're now a beatnik starving artist!

Now go hang out in a community college's quad and bitch about how rainbows, sunsets, and puppies make you depressed because you're hurting inside. You'll have a girlfriend by the end of the day. :)[/QUOTE]

Tomorrow, my new life as an overweight starving beatnik artist will begin!


What attracts people is beyond me. I actually understand the women who like the starving artist character more than those attracted to the athletic jock guy with the emotional/intellectual depth of a dixie cup.
The girls who are attracted to athletic jocks are just interested in looks, as well as the status that comes with dating an athlete (at least in high school). Plus there's always the highly unlikely but possible chance that the jock will land a $100 million contract with a major league team.

But the emo starving artists... they have absolutely nothing going for them. No looks, no smarts, no talent, no motivation to improve themselves, and no future. I've also met a few of them and they tend to be assholes. But yeah, I suppose women go for them because of that "fix it" mentality.

People like Silver Jelly are real artists, and they WORK at it. They take classes and lessons, and their art actually looks like something.

Kitty Sinatra

Then I'm lost. What the smurf was the catalyst for this thread? I mean, it's like it just came out of left field. I'm really just curious why you posted it.

Did one of these guys draw you taking a shower? :p
*sniff* He said I could be his light and inspiration! It would have been so perfect! So I let him draw me and he sent it to a porn site. Then he left me because I didn't understand his angst enough. I was such a sucker for my heart!

*dives into gallon of ice cream*

Haha, I got the idea for this thread after watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall (awesome movie, btw). It reminded me of all the times I'd seen otherwise rational, intelligent girls completely fall for the pain-filled, talentless artistic type.
I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna combine this forum's two ongonig artistic memes.

I'm gonna eat a big bag of Starburst and vomit a painting of a Godzilla breathing penises.
Okay fine, I'll admit I was generalizing a wee bit. That thing about the "fix it" syndrome was in response to somebody else's post earlier in this thread.

I also know from personal experience that vomiting Skittles can produce some very vibrant colors as well.

I wish I wasn't too lazy right now to go looking for the "I love this thread so much" gif. Just imagine I posted it.
I'm a starving artist, and DEFINITELY incompetent. And I can tell you I have NOT encountered this.

I don't think its the starving incompetent artist thing that women are attracted to so much as the unkempt beard. Women love them some grizzly man beards.

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

I'd actually like to see what such a painting would look like. But you'd need green. Are there green Starbursts?
You could mix yellow and blue.
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