Your advisement if we discovered a less advanced Alien Culture?

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I remember reading a synopsis somewhere about the race that seeded life on Earth coming back and telling us that they where disappointed in our ability to make war... then the whole world disarms etc.... and it turns out they where disappointed that our ability to make war wasn't greater.
Also a "The New Twilight Zone" episode starring John Glover.


Is the game any good? I am a fan of old school games but this seems like a 'way back' on computer games.[/quote]

StarControl 2 is eight flavors of awesome.
There'z an open-source port to modern-day systems, people dig it so much:

I am in the market to find a good star system game where you can enslave alien races. Any suggestions?
Master of Orion 2.


Is the game any good? I am a fan of old school games but this seems like a 'way back' on computer games.[/quote]

StarControl 2 is eight flavors of awesome.
There'z an open-source port to modern-day systems, people dig it so much:

I am in the market to find a good star system game where you can enslave alien races. Any suggestions?
Master of Orion 2.[/QUOTE]

I have Masters of Orion 2. I have played that game for years. I have been looking for something along those lines tho.

MoO2....I love the part where you get to blast planets to dust. I never get tired of it. I have wiped out entire empires by the click of my mouse. :D

I still may DL Star Control 2.....just for the LoLs. ;)

Gill Kaiser

Someone really needs to make a good quality modern Elite clone. The X games are the closest, but they have some serious flaws.
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