Kurt's Present from Halforums.

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Funny story (having read this and the linked post from Ame);
I don't care either way about Kurtz, be it admiration or dissatisfaction with past altercations. He's just some guy, you know?
Yeah, but the second meaning you got wasn't the one implied. Therefore you must be projecting your own daydreams into my post. :slywink:
So you would rail Kurt?
Railgun, sir.


Yes, of course. Not sure how you could have gotten any other implication from that statement, as there were multiple context clues in place so that you knew exactly what I meant.[/QUOTE]

Indubitably. p.o

Kitty Sinatra

I'd rail Kurt. This is how it'd go down: I'd let him have the first turn, but delay him from starting until the next train is almost already upon him.

(there were more definitions in that link)
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