My very own, genuine manbawww thread.

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Man, what was the image!?
It was your avatar - not sure why ame removed it. It's my modus operandi - if someone says something that is perfectly answered with just their avatar, then I'll post their avatar as the response.

Usually gets a chuckle.[/quote]

It was always fine, but I'm assuming you switched proxies because they are all diverting to shady websites now.

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------

To clarify some:

First of all it uses a https:// protocol, nod a good idea. Second, the domain name itis supposedly hosted on is just a cover for another website, which is tagged as malicious.

I suggest switching to whatever proxy you were using before, that worked fine.[/QUOTE]

Ah. I'm using the same proxy I always use at work, but obviously when I'm copying the links I'm getting the proxified links, not the 'regular' link.

I really don't like this proxy, but it's the only one I know of that work hasn't blocked (yet) - it's a bad php web based proxy.

Thanks for catching that and cleaning up after me!


Staff member
There's no sarcasm. I like Shannow. If I didn't I wouldn't answer his threads and I certainly wouldn't banter with him.
Wild, it was my experience. The girls that I've dated that wanted space, and were given space, came back around a week or two later saying that they were just testing me. It's happened quite a bit. Maybe it was the type or age of girl i dated (happened mostly in my late teens, early 20s). I've been chick friends that state they said this to a guy to see just how hard he will try to get her back...used it as a way to figure out how "worth it" they were or something.

I can definitely see a girl saying it because a guy gets too clingy, but given the number of girls I've had do this or say they were doing, across all of the different personality seems far too common.

All anecdotal, so YMMV.
Wild, it was my experience. The girls that I've dated that wanted space, and were given space, came back around a week or two later saying that they were just testing me. It's happened quite a bit. Maybe it was the type or age of girl i dated (happened mostly in my late teens, early 20s). I've been chick friends that state they said this to a guy to see just how hard he will try to get her back...used it as a way to figure out how "worth it" they were or something.

I can definitely see a girl saying it because a guy gets too clingy, but given the number of girls I've had do this or say they were doing, across all of the different personality seems far too common.

All anecdotal, so YMMV.
It has been my experience that these are the type of people to run away from. If they have to concoct a scenario to test you, that means they do not trust you and never will. Thus, they will continue to crop up more fake drama to push you away.
they said this to a guy to see just how hard he will try to get her back...used it as a way to figure out how "worth it" they were or something.
I hate girls that do that. My Ex told me that she was pregnant to test if I loved her. After I found out that it was all a hoax i told her to get the fuck out of my apartment.

Anyway, at the OP,

Forget her.
they said this to a guy to see just how hard he will try to get her back...used it as a way to figure out how "worth it" they were or something.
I hate girls that do that. My Ex told me that she was pregnant to test if I loved her. After I found out that it was all a hoax i told her to get the fuck out of my apartment.

Anyway, at the OP,

Forget her.[/QUOTE]

Mr Shuester?
Wow, pretending she was pregnant just to see your reaction? That's awful.
I think I fainted when she told me she had a bun in the oven.I was still in college. I already planned on throwing school and getting a job somewhere to support the kid.It was all pretty crazy.

And the Philippines being such a rigid catholic country,I would have had to marry her.
My brother married the girl he knocked up in High School. Lasted 4yrs and 2 kids. She "realized" after those 4yrs she didn't want to be a "grown up yet" and left him and the kids to go live a "teenager's life".

So yeah, even if a "knock up" happens, you really shouldn't use that as a basis for marriage.
My brother married the girl he knocked up in High School. Lasted 4yrs and 2 kids. She "realized" after those 4yrs she didn't want to be a "grown up yet" and left him and the kids to go live a "teenager's life".

So yeah, even if a "knock up" happens, you really shouldn't use that as a basis for marriage.
Tell that to the Father that would be knocking on my door,with a shotgun in his hand. It's kinda accepted in the Philippines,that if you knock up the girl,you gotta marry her.Otherwise the kid would be a sin in the eyes of god. X.x
I think any female who said to me "I was just testing you" would get a response something like "And I was just testing failed. Bye bye now."
My brother married the girl he knocked up in High School. Lasted 4yrs and 2 kids. She "realized" after those 4yrs she didn't want to be a "grown up yet" and left him and the kids to go live a "teenager's life".

So yeah, even if a "knock up" happens, you really shouldn't use that as a basis for marriage.
Tell that to the Father that would be knocking on my door,with a shotgun in his hand. It's kinda accepted in the Philippines,that if you knock up the girl,you gotta marry her.Otherwise the kid would be a sin in the eyes of god. X.x[/QUOTE]

People who claim to know what an omnipotent force would deem as "sin" are morons.
Important Tip : Don't sleep with your EX. You may or may not wake up in agony after she pokes you with her stun gun after forgetting she fell asleep after the dirty deed.

Or sleep on the couch. :bush:


My brother married the girl he knocked up in High School. Lasted 4yrs and 2 kids. She "realized" after those 4yrs she didn't want to be a "grown up yet" and left him and the kids to go live a "teenager's life".

So yeah, even if a "knock up" happens, you really shouldn't use that as a basis for marriage.
Tell that to the Father that would be knocking on my door,with a shotgun in his hand. It's kinda accepted in the Philippines,that if you knock up the girl,you gotta marry her.Otherwise the kid would be a sin in the eyes of god. X.x[/quote]

People who claim to know what an omnipotent force would deem as "sin" are morons.[/QUOTE]

Morons with shotguns. The last bit is important.

Kitty Sinatra

As I understand it, someone else here was kinda stalkerish with a gal who worked at Subway.,
Just don't do it, dude. If she wants to be friends, she'll come to you.

And don't do any major favors she may ask for. She may be "testing" you, or hanging on to you "just in case", or it may just be her way of making sure you guys keep contact and stay friends without making her feel confused, but in the end, it will bring everything to a bad end that much faster.


I can't believe I'm asking you chumps... haha I kid, I kid.

Basically the past couple of weeks have been problematic with the girl I was dating. She is one of the closest friends I have here in Hawaii, and probably the first one I made. We'd liked each other for a while and started to do a lot of exclusive stuff together. Eventually I asked her out and things were great... until about three weeks ago.

We've both been under a lot of strain with finals and all that. We also officially broke it off last week. It was hard on both of us. I wanted to act like things were normal, so I still visited her office as usual, like nothing had happened. Nothing crazy, just dropping in for about ten or fifteen minutes to chat. Apparently it was the exact opposite of what I should have done. A friend's birthday dinner Friday night was awkward (there was some outside stuff involved in that) and on Saturday she had a bad day and said I should just leave her alone. So I did until today. She had previously invited me to karaoke tonight with a group so we were gonna see each other anyway. It was just a last big event before everybody left to go home for the holidays.

This morning I visited her office to give back a book she had lent me, along with her Christmas present. She then said she couldn't accept the gift. She also said there were some boundaries I needed to respect and we couldn't even make it as friends if I didn't. She said that even though it wasn't my intent, I had made her uncomfortable last week because there was still some awkwardness remaining in the relationship. She reassured me that she really wanted to preserve the friendship and that was actually why she needed more time and space. So I'm not going to karaoke tonight (my decision), she leaves for home tomorrow, and I'm going home on Friday.

So the deal is no calls, no texts, no e-mails, and no Facebook (but we don't have to remove each other from our friend lists). She promised that she'd try to come around and would let me know when things were okay. As for her present, I'm keeping it safe until we're friends again.

No, I'm not blaming her for anything. I'm man enough to admit it was my fault. So I don't want to hear anybody insulting her. But how long of a wait do you think I'm in for? She and I had been friends since August but a couple lousy weeks served to throw a wrench into the works.
Move on, enjoy life and whatever you do, dont play the manbawing victim.

If she wants you, she'll come back, if not, you wont have wasted your life.
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