So, Callistarya and I are getting married

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Man, you look so serious in a lot of those pictures. It's like, "This is my bride, HANDS OFF, ALL OF YOU..." :D

Also, congrats to both of you!


Staff member
Okay, Marty, Davey and Gene, just like we rehearsed. A one and a two and a...

Congratulations, you lovebirds, you. Onneksi olkoon. Go maire tú do shaol úr.



Also, I expect your wedding cake to be a life-size replica of Homer Simpson. Why do I expect this? Because I'd like to see.

Philosopher B.

Congrats, biatches!

(the site is pretty cool too, and I really liked to read the story about how you met and proposed!)
For real, yo. That thing about meeting up nearly twenty years later sounded like something out of a movie.
Very cool, Tin. Congratulations.

And, I didn't even get an invite and I live 15 minutes away from them, SO SCREW YOU GUYS...wait, you guys as in the forum, not tin/calli...crap!

I wish you both the best.


First of all congratulations, thats great to hear.

Second, thanks to the "Mispronounce calleja's name" meme I thought this thread was about him.

Edit: Just read the rest of the thread.
Am I the only one who has consistently misread the title as "Calleja and I are getting married"?

Anyway, congrats guys
Apparently the answer is no.
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