So, how is everyone's day going?

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On new adhd meds this week, woke up at 5 am yesterday, woke up at 4 am this morning.

Boring day: spent most of it monitoring a huge 16-hour fight in Ikariam that I'm part of. Fight probably won't be over for another 24 hours.


Staff member
Thanks, Wild.

If only it would be morning sooner... My perfectionist side keeps telling me I should check it again... revise some bits... write something again... after I've done it for the umpteenth time already.
Moving day. In the process of moving offices to a new temp location (1.5 years, bleh) until our new office is renovated. In the meantime, I'm moving from my corner office overlooking the river to a nice view of a mountainside and the roof of a mall.

My office has never been cleaner. I can actually see the top of my desk.


Every night this week been waking up from 1-2 am and can't go back to sleep, otherwise I feel pretty good. Crazy day at work but felt like productive crazy.
Still letting last night's bombshell sink in. Yesterday was my mother's 50th birthday, so we all went out to dinner to celebrate. My sister brought her longterm boyfriend she's been living with along with her. He's a nice guy, really cool. Well, my mom noticed the whole night that my sister and her boyfriend kept having the same stupid grin on their faces. So as we're leaving the restaurant, my mom calls them on it. That's when my sister tells us that she's 7 weeks pregnant. So sometime in August, I'm going to be an uncle for the first time. All I keep saying to myself as I think about it today is, "Wow!"

Wasabi Poptart

Pouring rain outside. Baby completely unhappy due to teething. 4-year-old having serious jealousy issues. Had to watch "Cars" for the 500 billionth time.

But I don't have to cook dinner, sent the 4-year-old to his room where he fell asleep before his timeout was over, finally got the baby to take a nap, my Algebra assignment is done, and I have a Pepsi Throwback. Life's not too bad.


meh meh meh so so bored. spent most of the afternoon here staring at halforum


Staff member
So far so good. Woke up early, watched an early morning series... and returned my Thesis. In a month's time you can all start calling me Master... of Arts.

Next, a nice, long shower, and then celebrate: steak dinner and a movie... if possible, two. Movies, that is. Not steaks.
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