So, how is everyone's day going?

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So far so good. Woke up early, watched an early morning series... and returned my Thesis. In a month's time you can all start calling me Master... of Arts.

Next, a nice, long shower, and then celebrate: steak dinner and a movie... if possible, two. Movies, that is. Not steaks.
I'd have two if I were you. Just in case.
So far so good. Woke up early, watched an early morning series... and returned my Thesis. In a month's time you can all start calling me Master... of Arts.

Next, a nice, long shower, and then celebrate: steak dinner and a movie... if possible, two. Movies, that is. Not steaks.

I'm getting laid in like an hour and a half, and then spending the afternoon teaching someone else how to play 4e DnD. Should be a good day. :)
GF is sick, so I'll be spending the weekend doing a whole lot of nothing. Probably going to be on WoW a lot. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This was sarcasm, I am not looking forward to ending a shitty week with sitting around doing nothing. Having 11 bucks in your bank account makes doing things a lot harder, though.


I'm getting laid in like an hour and a half, and then spending the afternoon teaching someone else how to play 4e DnD. Should be a good day. :)

Translation: I'm going to make love to my hand while crying deeply and then playing World of Warcraft, naked in my own filth.

I kid, I kid...


Staff member
Ouch :laugh:

I brought my car in today... more trouble. I hope it's not too bad. Having my gown altered, finally found some shoes to go with it. Fella's picking me up later today to see Book of Eli.


Staff member
Ate a medium-plus entrecote bigger than my face... Ooofff...

Best friend could not make it, so we're postponing going to see Zombieland (premiered here last week; people in charge of movie releases here would not know greatness if it fucked their daughters and sent them a picture thereof) until next week. Saw Sherlock Holmes, was positively surprised.

AND, as an added measure, I ordered the latest Order of the Stick book. Me so happy ^_^

Now I'm waiting for the entrecote to make some room, so I can pour myself a drink. Or two, actually: one for finishing the thesis, and the other for the professor who inspired me in my writing. He died of cancer three years ago. So I will have one in his memory...

Philosopher B.

I might take a nap myself. My sleeping schedule is all haywire at the moment.

Anyhoo, 's been an okay-ish day. I went to a class earlier with a teacher that people told me last semester was getting fired. He gave me an A then, so whatevs, even if he ain't my fav dude on the planet, hopefully I can make this class work for me, too.
Boring as hell, but soon to get better. Out for dinner with some friends, then some alone time with my girlfriend to celebrate this, the day of my birth. Hopefully. Maybe. I guess.
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