It's a giant iPhone: the iPad

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Why would you want this as a phone? It's huge. You seriously want to have to carry this thing around as your phone?
I think he meant using a blue tooth headset. Which would be cool, obviously it wouldn't work when driving or anything but it could work in other settings.


TONS of things available for it = Only the software Apple think I should run
Fair enough, I guess when I see that it has over 140,000 apps from the app store ready to run at day one I don't see that as terribly limited. Again, it's not a "computer". It's designed to be something more than a iPhone and less than a full fledged computer. Think Super Kindle I suppose. And really, I'm not trying to sway anyone here, for all I know the thing sucks balls but it's always fun to watch people froth when apple dares to release a product.[/QUOTE]

What I (and I assume I speak for the majority of traveling workers) want IS a full fledged computer combined with a smart phone and Kindle. I want the ultimate traveling companion for business and leisure, which I thought, was the whole point of this thing.

---------- Post added at 04:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

Why would you want this as a phone? It's huge. You seriously want to have to carry this thing around as your phone?

Use a bluetooth headset when you have the tablet out (say on the train). Have an additional iPhone port, docked inside it (like a laptop card). That way you can dock you iPhone right inside the tablet to charge and take it out when you just want the phone around. I don't think it's that crazy a concept.
TONS of things available for it = Only the software Apple think I should run
Fair enough, I guess when I see that it has over 140,000 apps from the app store ready to run at day one I don't see that as terribly limited. Again, it's not a "computer". It's designed to be something more than a iPhone and less than a full fledged computer. Think Super Kindle I suppose. And really, I'm not trying to sway anyone here, for all I know the thing sucks balls but it's always fun to watch people froth when apple dares to release a product.[/QUOTE]

What I (and I assume I speak for the majority of traveling workers) want IS a full fledged computer combined with a smart phone and Kindle. I want the ultimate traveling companion for business and leisure, which I thought, was the whole point of this thing.[/QUOTE]

Yup, I get that, but I never got the impression anyone (in the tech blog world anyway) leading up to this thought it was going to be a full fledged computer. It's, like I said, a super kindle/iPod + some computer basics. At least for now. Remember the iPhone was SUPER limited when it first came out... now it has over a million apps. It could change. I mean with the ability to use 3G networks via ATT and bluetooth... well it "could" do many other things.


What I (and I assume I speak for the majority of traveling workers) want IS a full fledged computer combined with a smart phone and Kindle. I want the ultimate traveling companion for business and leisure, which I thought, was the whole point of this thing.
Well, there are a few 3g-enabled netbooks around that CAN make and receive phone calls. In fact, it seems to me Nokia is about to release one.
Use a bluetooth headset when you have the tablet out (say on the train). Have an additional iPhone port, docked inside it (like a laptop card). That way you can dock you iPhone right inside the tablet to charge and take it out when you just want the phone around. I don't think it's that crazy a concept.
So you'd still have to have your iPhone with you...
I can't think of a single use for this thing.
This is what I was thinking as well, I can only see this as competition for a netbook, but even then it's iffy. I can't imagine typing for a while on that thing. It looks nice, but it's basically just a beefed up Iphone. I guess I was just expecting more of it.

It'll be interesting to see how the new processor holds it's own vs Intel. I'm assuming it won't be all that great, but more cost effective for Apple.

"“For us, it’s about doing great products,” Cook said during today’s call discussing Apple’s (surprisingly strong) second quarter earnings. “When I look at netbooks, I see cramped keyboards, terrible software, junky hardware, very small screens. It’s just not a good consumer experience and not something we would put the Mac brand on. It’s a segment we would not choose to play in.”"

So their solution is no keyboard, small screen and junky hardware. Software we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.

And from a picture of a previous Apple presentation:

I will say I was disappointed with the iPad however, I recognize that it will drive costs down for the iPod Touch and hopefully some features as well. I just want an iPod Touch with a video/still camera and a stronger processor. I need something I can carry around in my pocket. The iPad may have found a niche market to fill, but so did AppleTV. Sometimes a niche is empty for a reason.
I will say I was disappointed with the iPad however, I recognize that it will drive costs down for the iPod Touch and hopefully some features as well. I just want an iPod Touch with a video/still camera and a stronger processor. I need something I can carry around in my pocket. The iPad may have found a niche market to fill, but so did AppleTV. Sometimes a niche is empty for a reason.
Yeah, honestly, with my iPod touch I have little use for this right now. The eBook reader is the most appealing thing to me, if I had to choose between this and a kindle well... not a hard choice.


Staff member
Chaz, what's gained by pulling out a tablet on the train over just whipping out my 15" MacBook Pro? Sure it's more expensive, but I can do anything on/with it. If I want 3G, I plug in a 3G stick.
Also 16Gb? WTF? The iTampon is making me sad :(


NO MULTITASKING!? That's rifuckingdiculous. Windows 3.1 had multi-fucking-tasking!
How about the Android knockoffs down the road? I can see people want more out of a device like this and that might happen eventually...
I was excited for this thing because it looked like it was going to be an all-in-one device so traveling folk like me don't have to carry 3 gadgets at once. Right now, I might as well stick to my Blackberry and netbook.
This is basically where I am with this. I still want one, but it doesn't have near the functionality that I had hoped it would.


Remember this is first gen.

I am guessing that they will eventually add a camera.
now if they ever decide to add SD card slot (allow your own content) then we will have a winner IMO (and built in 3G system without the extra 130$ but option to activate or not)


Remember this is first gen.

I am guessing that they will eventually add a camera.
now if they ever decide to add SD card slot (allow your own content) then we will have a winner IMO (and built in 3G system without the extra 130$ but option to activate or not)
AND add an USB port
AND ditch the "application-store only" restriction.

THEN it would be as good as any other Tablet PC...

Ok, that thing IS thin, I grant you that...
They don't want to be like other tablet PC's. Nobody wants the other tablets that are out. Apple is banking on the idea that people just want to be able to watch movies, listen to music, browse the web, and easily get games and fun little apps. If you want to do more, this isn't for you. Time will tell if they are right.
It is an internet/media device, really. It will have some other functionality, which makes it a very versatile media device. Still, I could see this spawning a serious remake on the tablet market.
They don't want to be like other tablet PC's. Nobody wants the other tablets that are out. Apple is banking on the idea that people just want to be able to watch movies, listen to music, browse the web, and easily get games and fun little apps. If you want to do more, this isn't for you. Time will tell if they are right.
Just not more than one thing at a time.
They don't want to be like other tablet PC's. Nobody wants the other tablets that are out. Apple is banking on the idea that people just want to be able to watch movies, listen to music, browse the web, and easily get games and fun little apps. If you want to do more, this isn't for you. Time will tell if they are right.
Just not more than one thing at a time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no multitasking is bad.
They don't want to be like other tablet PC's. Nobody wants the other tablets that are out. Apple is banking on the idea that people just want to be able to watch movies, listen to music, browse the web, and easily get games and fun little apps. If you want to do more, this isn't for you. Time will tell if they are right.
Just not more than one thing at a time.[/QUOTE]

That's a valid criticism, and something that should be fixed. I just don't get why people are upset it's not a tablet that they can get from some other company.


They don't want to be like other tablet PC's. Nobody wants the other tablets that are out. Apple is banking on the idea that people just want to be able to watch movies, listen to music, browse the web, and easily get games and fun little apps. If you want to do more, this isn't for you. Time will tell if they are right.
Well, sure, but you can do all those things on any other tablet. You can't argue the iPad is better because it does LESS. It must have real advantages over regular tablets. Let's see them...

- It IS cheaper. The base model with 3G and 16 Gb is $630... The basic tablet PC starts at around $950. Of course, 16 GB is really limited, but even the 64Gb model still has a price advantage at $830. It is a bit unusual for apple to go for the price appeal, but I must admit they have the edge there.

- It is VERY thin. Most tablets are the "convertible" model, a regular notebook with a screen that can be folded over the keyboard and remain visible. Nowhere near the 13mm of the iPad. It is a lot lighter too.

Now, I didn't perform a through research, but if you're willing to pay $120 more, and carry 3.2 lbs more (Weight is really one of the iPad's strengths), you can have a full tablet from hp that can do every single thing the iPad can, and in addition, has a full keyboard, USB, SD card, webcam, 160 Gb of storage and the most important: absolutely NO vendor lock-in.

People just expect better from Apple, not less from Apple.
Precisely. I could not have stated it better myself. It is not a BAD device. It's just that this time it seems Apple is behind the competition.

Take the iPhone for instance. It was arguably one of the most advanced smartphones at the time it was released.
The iPad? Not so much.

Kitty Sinatra

I want this thing, if only for next Halloween's Wesley Crusher costume.
That's a valid criticism, and something that should be fixed. I just don't get why people are upset it's not a tablet that they can get from some other company.
I wouldn't call it upset, but disappointed. I was actually hoping that this would be a tablet netbook, with some Apple nifties brought in.

All in all it's not a revolutionary product, nor does it seem to hit a market segment like all other Apple products do. I just can't imagine that there are a lot of people that were waiting for exactly this.
Look at the Nokia N900 if you want an all in one device.

Apple products usually are behind, but they give what people really want and make it easy to use. Remember when the iPhone first came out? No 3g, a lack of flash, and tied to ATT was supposed to be it's demise.
nor does it seem to hit a market segment like all other Apple products do.
They stated very clearly in the presentation they are not trying to hit ANY market. They are creating a market. They have Laptops small and big, they have desktops and they have iPods and phones. If you want one of those get one. This is meant to be something different. Whether it will create a new market is another story, but they are taking a chance, and for us tech geeks thats always a good thing, it means sometimes we get duds and sometimes we get awesome stuff.
That's why it is probably not appropriate to really compare it to a netbook. It really should be a "mediapad" or something like that. Even then, I think the mediapad can be done better than this.
That's why it is probably not appropriate to really compare it to a netbook. It really should be a "mediapad" or something like that. Even then, I think the mediapad can be done better than this.
Yeah, "mediapad" sounds about right. Like I said before, it's kind of a Kindle on a bajillion steroids. Netbooks are small laptops. This is not.
Look at the Nokia N900 if you want an all in one device.

Apple products usually are behind, but they give what people really want and make it easy to use. Remember when the iPhone first came out? No 3g, a lack of flash, and tied to ATT was supposed to be it's demise.
It is as if Apple knows what they wanted to put in it, but held back for the next iteration, so it could be seen as a significant improvement. I just read that typing on it with two hands is challenging, due to the cramped virtual keyboard and the rounded back (think iphone 3G/S), so the whole thing tends to rock if it is laid on a tabletop. Perhaps the second gen will have a flat back to make it easier to type, and they could make it sound like "we're giving you what you asked for even though we could have done it the first time."


Chaz, what's gained by pulling out a tablet on the train over just whipping out my 15" MacBook Pro? Sure it's more expensive, but I can do anything on/with it. If I want 3G, I plug in a 3G stick.

Well that's my point. The iPad is kinda worthless.

---------- Post added at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

Look at the Nokia N900 if you want an all in one device.

Apple products usually are behind, but they give what people really want and make it easy to use. Remember when the iPhone first came out? No 3g, a lack of flash, and tied to ATT was supposed to be it's demise.
It is as if Apple knows what they wanted to put in it, but held back for the next iteration, so it could be seen as a significant improvement. I just read that typing on it with two hands is challenging, due to the cramped virtual keyboard and the rounded back (think iphone 3G/S), so the whole thing tends to rock if it is laid on a tabletop. Perhaps the second gen will have a flat back to make it easier to type, and they could make it sound like "we're giving you what you asked for even though we could have done it the first time."[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure this is their gimmick. There are sure enough stupid Apple fanboys to blindly buy this thing in first gen and then rush to get the second gen a year later.
My biggest doubt about it is... The damn thing is unlocked, right? I mean, I can run whatever application I want without going through any app store, right?
No, it's the carrier that's unlocked. You can use whatever carrier you want for the data plan, so long as they support GSM Micro-SIM.

The iPhone/iPod Touch can already function as a remote for Keynote. If the iPad version of Keynote works the same way, I can see the iPad/iPod Touch being a decent presentation combo, especially since the iPad can output to VGA or composite/component (with appropriate adapter).

The specs page says that the 3G will be 'data only.'

They stated very clearly in the presentation they are not trying to hit ANY market. They are creating a market.
Which really just makes me think that they don't know who their customer is (or who they want it to be anyway). That's a really bad sign.
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