EvE online: HAL Industries is recruiting!

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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

i know what it is perfectly well, Mav. I just mean the gameplay footage we saw looked like a single player game.

What i did not know is that it would be console only? That's pretty retarded.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Heya guys...Sorry that I havent been online as much as I should have been. RL is heaping lots of shit my way.Once im done,I'll get back on the horse.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

The decision to run console only is a bit strange, but I think I understand it. For one it's a larger and completely seperate target audience than what they have now with EvE and PC gamers. It's also a much lower risk area to dev in. Finally though I feel that having a cross platform mmo is really the holy Grail of gaming, and if they can pull this off it will be another amazing milestone for them. Still though...pc would be better.

I'm thinkng of lifting the ban on open pvp in the Corp. This could have serious reppercussions for all members if it drags us into a war, but would also make the game more enjoyable to those that want to do stuff like that. After the frig tourney I want to do a low sec hunting party, it will let y'all get a better feel for low sec pvp, and ahold be a lot of fun. So, thoughts?


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

As I said before, I'm not real huge on PvP. I'm not against it morally or anything, I just don't see the need most of the time.

But if we go to war I'm creating an alt who is all war all the time. My main is all about the ISK, baby!


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I think this is where I walked in in the movie. Deja vu?


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I'm not actually in the corp. yet but I think it would be awesome to do some PvP. I was actually considering going out and doing some pirating on my own in the next couple days in a frigate but I was curious as to what skills I should have and what levels those skills should be at before I attempt to start attempting pvp


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

...bunch of pansies.

This is why yall don't get the title of Bottom B. I gave that to myself.

Seriously though, its cool. I'm glad yall are understanding the reppurcussions of open pvp
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I'm not a big fan of the idea of going to war so early on, but I wont object too much if we do. Other than my duel with Necro I haven't tried too much PVP. Looking forward to the tourney to get a better taste of it.

Mainly, I have no idea what war really means in Eve. Do we just have to be wary of entering space owned by enemy corps? Would they attack us on sight anywhere or go out of their way to hunt us down?


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

They would go out of their way to hunt you down wherever you are. It would be an entirely punitive measure in this case. Open pvp doesn't guarantee war declarations, but it significantly increases their likelihood.

Some events:

Sunday mar 7: pvp frig tourney plus other pvp events. Reward for frig tourney is 10 mil isk. Straker and myself will not be competing, but y'all will face us in "dogpile" event, where it's all of y'all in frigs vs 1 of us in a cruiser. May modify the dogpile based on number of participants.

Sunday mar 7: Corp meeting. We will discuss the future of the Corp.

Tonight through the 7: elect leadership. Due to experience the current leadership is myself and straker, however I feel we need a new (to eve) member from the forum crowd to be a third member of leadership. Therefore I want some nominations (you can nominate youself) in the next couple of days for an election to take place before Sunday. This person would need to be committed to the game for the near future, and be able to play consistently. Between this person, myself, and straker the direction of the Corp (like what to present in a Corp meeting or ideas for events) would be managed. Doesn't mean we will be a dictatorship, definitely will be responsive to input at all stages
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

How do you want us to get these nominations to you guys? Here or in game?
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I mentioned it in corp chat, but thought I should announce my candidacy for the officer position here as well.

(This message paid for by the "Rick Baern for Officer" committee.)


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Hail Boots,

A war declaration on us would be devestating at this point in time. I don't mind a little skirmishing but really we should try to play it cool and stay under the radar for the most part. There's plenty of bullies out there who'd love to squish us. A wardec would mean the enemy corp could legally nail us anywhere, even in high sec, I know what its like to get camped in my station so lets avoid that for now, mmkay? Thankfully it costs isk to declare war so I don't think anyone will bother with us low-profilers.

However, all is not lost. I can promise action. All my pvp assests are located at the Amarr militia HQ. Its literally right on the border with lowsec so we can stage a little roam from there sometime for those who're interested. Good fights to be had out there.

Anyways, til then I look forward to seeing y'all at the tourney Sunday. As an incentive I'll be handing out 5 million isk to every pilot who shows up and participates. Maybe the CEO can match my offer and of course there will be a tasty reward to the victor. If time permits we'll also be demonstrating and drilling various basic pvp techniques as well as discussing ideas for future HAL as far as ops, structure, and isk-printing endeavors go.



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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I suck at most PvP in most games but I'll show up, lose and take my 5 mil!

What time is this going to be again? And what fittings can we have/use?


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

You guys make this game sound like fun. I tried the 14 day trial probably last summer and just couldn't get into it.
I thought it would be something like Freelancer. Should I try again or should I try another space mmo?


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

It takes a very different ideal to go into Eve. Stuff takes time. It's not for real casual people, especially if you want to get powerful at all.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I think it's fun but in WoW I didn't do much more than mine, gather and make shit. So I was playing Eve before I played Eve.


EvE online, you don't have the stuff

blackCat, it is pretty fun when you are with friends. It is VERY hard to solo in this game. It is not really design for it. Sure you can start out solo with NPC corp, but the "good stuff" are with player base corp. Even if you stay in High Security space and produce stuff, player corp can help you get access to stuff you would have a hard time getting alone (like low sec minerals for your production)

About War, I personally would not recommend a small corp go to war with anyone. EVE can be pretty cruel mistress when it comes to war. War with a corp = any member of THAT corp can attack your corp anywhere and anytime. This may "sounds fun" but it can really ruin your day if you are not on your toe in High Security area. Personally, if you want a taste what it is like to be on your toe without going to war, try mining in low sec area ;) or ratting (pirate hunting) in low sec even at .3 and .2 you get some..... fun times.

---------- Post added at 09:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

I think it's fun but in WoW I didn't do much more than mine, gather and make shit. So I was playing Eve before I played Eve.
Heh, except in EVE, you can get some REALLY nifty mining stuff like Larger mining ships, really cool mining lasers, mining DROIDS (those are pretty fun) and crafting for EVE is one of the best IMO. You can set up factories to produce stuff (via blueprint) while you are OFFLINE which is pure awesome and pick them up when they are ready.

@Necro: question - is factory still tied to skills on how many can you operate at the same time? I remember back in the old days you need X skills to operate Y factories. The higher the skill, the more factory you can operate.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Also, Necro, I asked this in game and got one, but what 3rd party addons are good? I got EveMon but what others are there?
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

The EvE Fitting Tool is essential for planning out ship fittings. Battleclinic is a website that has a ton of loadouts for people to look at too. You could plan out something in EFT, post the loadout on Battleclinic, and have people give you feedback on it.


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Since straker is giving 5 mil to every participant in the frig tourney I guess I will have to up first place prize to 20 mil. For the tourney any fitting is ok, just remember that it's to the death, so don't fly anything you can't afford to loose. I don't want to have to call the whaaambulance. Also, fit 3 to 4 of the ships you will want for the tourney. 1 for tourney, 2 for dogpile games, and 1 for low sec run with straker. If you need to borrow money to do this let me know, but this time it IS a loan.

Edit: and chichi I don't have an answer for that. I need to learn some production stuff, but for now I am clueless. You could always look at the skill list on the homepage.

Edit2: oh yeah and tourney time I am thinking 2pm central. Haven't decided location but it will probably be in gallente space as that's where most of our members are.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I was just about to ask about location. Do we want to have it in Sheroo? Since we've got an office there it should be easy for everyone to find.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I doubt I'll be able to make it, a friend needs help moving. I'll actually probably be pretty vacant for a while. I've got a 13 day skill queued up just in case.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

How long do your chars persist while your account is dormant? I really don't think I'll be playing more than sporadically, much as I enjoy it.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

for ease of computing for all us non americans, what time and date in eve time is that? If I'm around and available I shall be on but I'm guessing since I work during your peak hours I shall miss out. And I doubt my bodd would let me take the day off to play eve. Even if it is for 5 mil ISK :(


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff


I only have 1 ship that I'd think could handle anything in a fight. I can make a bunch of others but they aren't the best fighters. I'll save that ship for the low sec run and make a few for the dogpile/tourney. I can buy the good one again with the 5 mil.

Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

We still need to settle on a location. Also, are there any suggestions on how to transport a bunch of frigates to another system?


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EvE online, you don't have the stuff

I have a sigil that I can use to cart 2 at a time. But they'd have to be in my possession and if you are still on a trial account we can't do it.
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

Hmm, I'll have to see how big my frigates are when they're packed. I may be able to fit a few in a Weathe and make fewer trips that way.


Staff member
EvE online, you don't have the stuff

FYI a decent pvp ship doesn't need to cost more than 1 to 2 mil isk. Ex

rifter 350k
3 autocannon 150k
small nos 20k
web 20k
ab/mwd 40k
tracking comp/warp disruptor (don't need disruptor for tourney, but in general pvp you want it) 50k
200mm plate 40k
small armor rep 20k
gyrostab 40k

kind of whipped up those prices in my head but they are roughly accurate for a base value. Named mods will cost you more, but they aren't necessary IMHO. Maybe you get named mods for guns and amor rep, but it's only a small boost really. So, 5 mil for a pvp frig is a lot unless you are using t2 and/or rigs, which for y'all you probably shouldn't (when you have the money t2 mods may be worth it, but most of y'all don't)
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