My room-mate has gone nuts

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So wait, black people spy for democrats? Invader was right!

*scribbles furiously in his notebook


Staff member
So wait, black people spy for democrats? Invader was right!

*scribbles furiously in his notebook
One by one, his prophecies, and those set forth by his minion the Jannisary, will come to pass.
I should've paid more attention to Invader. I never really realized how crazy he may have been, based on these second-hand testimonials.

Philosopher B.

Invader was hilarious. People complain about GB's lack of brevity, but Invader could make a wall of text that'd make your hair curl.


Staff member
My first "Halforum" dream when we moved away from HP was about him, weirdly enough. I dreamed I found the person behind the avatar and we talked about what he'd been up to. Weird stuff, considering I'd only chatted with him before and never had a debate with the guy.
You know the funny thing about Invader was, even if he went a little far right he always stayed really civil. He avoided insulting and raging, etc, even when the majority of people who debated him just lost it. I loved to watch it, either he was the best troll or just a remarkably calm person.

@Gusto: He wasn't crazy like that, I was really just joking about how people who argued with him made him out to be. He was no Hypnotron or anything. That was a level of crazy that we still haven't gotten back to... thankfully.
Dammit, Espy, I'd forgotten about Hypnotron. And unlike Invader, who I never got into arguments but did note how over the edge he was (calm or not, he had issues), I did argue with Hypnotron a couple times on Image. I also remember... someone... starting with a C... dammit, I can't remember. He really hated Chaz.
Someone with a c? There was cop-hating Crun, but I think he and Chaz were good buddies but that dude could RAGE up a storm. Hypno was just grade A nuts.


Someone with a c? There was cop-hating Crun, but I think he and Chaz were good buddies but that dude could RAGE up a storm. Hypno was just grade A nuts.

Crun and I got along just fine.

---------- Post added at 11:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ----------

Dammit, Espy, I'd forgotten about Hypnotron. And unlike Invader, who I never got into arguments but did note how over the edge he was (calm or not, he had issues), I did argue with Hypnotron a couple times on Image. I also remember... someone... starting with a C... dammit, I can't remember. He really hated Chaz.

Who doesn't? Only person I can think if that had serious issues with me was Tiq.
So wait, black people spy for democrats? Invader was right!

*scribbles furiously in his notebook
Actually they just pretend to work for the dems, the truth is that they're all fascist communists, aka Obamunists.

I never understood how open borders = un-American.

I didn't hate Invader, or really get ragey with him. He was always calmly super crazy, but that just meant I had an easier time ignoring it.
Was never sure whether invader was a troll or not. He was flat out crazy, but he never seeme to really get upset and start making wild denunciations (like hypno used to).

It did make him easier to talk to. And I don't recall him ever really bringing politics out of political threads, unless someone else did it first.


Further Update:

Got the rest of my stuff today, he wasn't home. I talked to his parents at length and they were a weird mixture of nonchalant and weary sounding, like they've used to it but they've heard about this kind of nonsense before.

My thing is that I'm sad to have seen someone slide into what looks like madness. Before the lunacy started he was a rather uptight guy, but nothing too bad. I'm not a psychologist though, so who knows. Also talked to the land-lord. I still have to pay this month's portion of the rent (fine by me) but if I'm willing to take a 25% drop in the amount of my security deposit refund, she has no real issue with letting me off the lease. Either or I'm going to use that money as seed capital for a new apartment and save some for the erm...ring I'm eventually buying for the gf.

Thanks for the advice, odd as the situation was, it does mean a lot.


"they took his doog" i love that.

Also, obamunist... I haven't heard that one. Man those people are excellent wordsmiths. Haha *tears*


make sure you end up with something in writing from the landlord once it's all said and done.
I trust the landlord, Tin. She's always been straight with me and vice versa. That being said, you're talking to someone who's in Law School. I know my way around a contract :)
Good grief, roommates seriously suck. I've had my fair share of nuttos, but nothing like this, thank God.

Pre-congrats on the ring!


Speaking of Obama, I saw this bumper sticker the other day

I told ya, wordsmiths!
I heard that one before though on facebook. I chewed my friend out for it well before I remembered that she is an idiot. Yes, I called my friend an idiot but she is one. She has many good qualities but intelligence is not even on the list.
I chewed my friend out for it well before I remembered that she is an idiot.
never argue with an idiot! They'll just drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience!

---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 AM ----------

make sure you end up with something in writing from the landlord once it's all said and done.
I trust the landlord, Tin. She's always been straight with me and vice versa. That being said, you're talking to someone who's in Law School. I know my way around a contract :)[/QUOTE]

I've been with my wife for 7 odd years but it doesn't mean I know my way around her vagina


But but he is THE law student... the one who will inherit Blackacre and then convey it to his heirs.... and all will become one.
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