What a Sick F--K! Guy Hits Kids Suckerpunches Little Kids for the "Thrill"

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Staff member
That is so weird that I am not even mad at him... I just can't pass the weirdness feeling... it so... god, my brain is going to melt.


Staff member
In tomorrow's news:

Sixty-eight-year-old Ralph Conone was beaten to death after he struck a six year old boy with his fist. The father who beat Conone to death is being hailed as a hero. Walmart employees had a hell of a cleanup on aisle 6.
I wouldn't set out to kill the guy, but if I accidentally beat him to death for hitting my kid with a key, I wouldn't be overly broken up about it.


Staff member
  1. He went around hitting kids.
  2. He got a thrill out of it.
Sounds to me like preventive medicine for future families.


  1. He went around hitting kids.
  2. He got a thrill out of it.

Sounds to me like preventive medicine for future families.
If that dude touches my kids (if I had any but working on it) he is going down. I won't shed a tear for the guy either.


Piqurism is pretty fascinating.... and horrifying. It just seemed weird to me that the guy enjoyed smacking the kids so much... I thought maybe he REALLY enjoyed it so first thing I thought, Piqurism.
In Charlie's world, even killing someone is not worth the death penalty, so don't even bother.

Hitler would have gotten life in prison with the Charlie Justice System.


Is there a medical procedure for surgically removing the skin, muscles and ligaments from his hands and grafting/sewing/stapling them to the insides of his fingerbones? Or the best approximation therein? Because that gets my vote.


Staff member
Just for Charlie let me clarify my previous statements.

Even though most of us talk big here we probably wouldn't kill him. But I think most of us would fuck him up pretty good until the cops got there. I get riled up about once every 10 years or so but when I do it tends to be spectacular. Last time was a guy wanting to brawl over a fucking parking space at my apartment. He just wouldn't let me walk away. I nearly went to jail for assault - until my neighbors came out & informed the cops that the guy was the instigator.

That would be mild compared to what I'd do to someone attacking my kids.
If we, as society or as people, torture or beat the shit out of people that do heinous things, we're no better than they are. I in no way think he should get away with it, or be allowed to keep doing horrible shit.
Are we going to ask him nicely to quit hitting our children?

Some liken being locked in a 6x10 foot cell as a form of torture. I know I'd go nuts if I was locked in a small cell for years at a stretch.

I'd feel better about myself as a person if I protected a child from violence, than I would if I enacted violence against a child.
"I say! You there punching and stabbing my child with a key, stop that this instant! That is simply no way to behave! Harrumph!"


If we, as society or as people, torture or beat the shit out of people that do heinous things, we're no better than they are. I in no way think he should get away with it, or be allowed to keep doing horrible shit.

I think it's cute you think people are something more than complex apes.


I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting the death penalty for this guy, because that would be beyond absurd.


I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting the death penalty for this guy, because that would be beyond absurd.
I know all he did was sucker punch little wal-mart brats in the head. They had it coming!


Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.
You shouldn't call someone a pussy as a synonym for cowardly or weak-willed. :humph:[/QUOTE]

One could argue the term pussy derives from the phrase 'scardey-cat', in which case he'd be merely calling you cowardly or weak-willed based on the observation that felines will not fight animals many times their own size.
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