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What a Sick F--K! Guy Hits Kids Suckerpunches Little Kids for the "Thrill"





Old man at Walmart punches kids with a key protruding from his fist. Said it gave him a thrill with their parents so close. Deeply disturbed f--cker.




That is so weird that I am not even mad at him... I just can't pass the weirdness feeling... it so... god, my brain is going to melt.




I told those little punks to stay out of my aisle!




In tomorrow's news:

Sixty-eight-year-old Ralph Conone was beaten to death after he struck a six year old boy with his fist. The father who beat Conone to death is being hailed as a hero. Walmart employees had a hell of a cleanup on aisle 6.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I, too, agree with the death penalty as a punishment for assault.




I, too, agree with the death penalty as a punishment for assault.
NOW you're talking! Charlie is finally coming around!




I wouldn't set out to kill the guy, but if I accidentally beat him to death for hitting my kid with a key, I wouldn't be overly broken up about it.




  1. He went around hitting kids.
  2. He got a thrill out of it.
Sounds to me like preventive medicine for future families.



  1. He went around hitting kids.
  2. He got a thrill out of it.

Sounds to me like preventive medicine for future families.
If that dude touches my kids (if I had any but working on it) he is going down. I won't shed a tear for the guy either.







I, too, agree with the death penalty as a punishment for assault.
Assaulting someone with a sharp piece of metal in between your fingers could easily result in death or maiming... if the reverse happens one would have a hard time condemning it...




EDIT: Nevermind



Since he used the key and not just his hand maybe it is a form of Piquerism



Since he used the key and not just his hand maybe it is a form of Piquerism
I read the article on Albert Fish (links from Piquerism). Wow...


Philosopher B.

Since he used the key and not just his hand maybe it is a form of Piquerism
I read the article on Albert Fish (links from Piquerism). Wow...[/QUOTE]

*Reads Fish article*

Oh, and on the story in the OP ... words cannot express how sick that is.



Piqurism is pretty fascinating.... and horrifying. It just seemed weird to me that the guy enjoyed smacking the kids so much... I thought maybe he REALLY enjoyed it so first thing I thought, Piqurism.




Wasn't there a news story recently about a priest/teacher who got jollies pricking kids with syringes?
Oh wait, here it is: Chinese teacher pricked 63 children with syringe. And now I know there's a name for it. Thanks, Wikipedia!

Also, this reminds me of this video.





In Charlie's world, even killing someone is not worth the death penalty, so don't even bother.

Hitler would have gotten life in prison with the Charlie Justice System.



Wasn't there a news story recently about a priest/teacher who got jollies pricking kids with syringes?
Oh wait, here it is: Chinese teacher pricked 63 children with syringe. And now I know there's a name for it. Thanks, makare!

Also, this reminds me of this video.

You're welcome!



Is there a medical procedure for surgically removing the skin, muscles and ligaments from his hands and grafting/sewing/stapling them to the insides of his fingerbones? Or the best approximation therein? Because that gets my vote.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Yeah, the death penalty is pretty much horrible.



Man is professional troll/




Hitler would have gotten life in prison with the Charlie Justice System.
I'd do the same... put him in a jail that's full of jewish criminals... poetic justice >>>> execution.




Just for Charlie let me clarify my previous statements.

Even though most of us talk big here we probably wouldn't kill him. But I think most of us would fuck him up pretty good until the cops got there. I get riled up about once every 10 years or so but when I do it tends to be spectacular. Last time was a guy wanting to brawl over a fucking parking space at my apartment. He just wouldn't let me walk away. I nearly went to jail for assault - until my neighbors came out & informed the cops that the guy was the instigator.

That would be mild compared to what I'd do to someone attacking my kids.




I approve of rolling over and letting people assault children.




That guy is seriously messed up. I mean what kind of individual gets a thrill out of hitting kids?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

If we, as society or as people, torture or beat the shit out of people that do heinous things, we're no better than they are. I in no way think he should get away with it, or be allowed to keep doing horrible shit.




Are we going to ask him nicely to quit hitting our children?

Some liken being locked in a 6x10 foot cell as a form of torture. I know I'd go nuts if I was locked in a small cell for years at a stretch.

I'd feel better about myself as a person if I protected a child from violence, than I would if I enacted violence against a child.




"I say! You there punching and stabbing my child with a key, stop that this instant! That is simply no way to behave! Harrumph!"



If we, as society or as people, torture or beat the shit out of people that do heinous things, we're no better than they are. I in no way think he should get away with it, or be allowed to keep doing horrible shit.

I think it's cute you think people are something more than complex apes.




Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.



I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting the death penalty for this guy, because that would be beyond absurd.



I don't think anyone was seriously suggesting the death penalty for this guy, because that would be beyond absurd.
I know all he did was sucker punch little wal-mart brats in the head. They had it coming!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.
You shouldn't call someone a pussy as a synonym for cowardly or weak-willed. :humph:



Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.
You shouldn't call someone a pussy as a synonym for cowardly or weak-willed. :humph:[/QUOTE]

One could argue the term pussy derives from the phrase 'scardey-cat', in which case he'd be merely calling you cowardly or weak-willed based on the observation that felines will not fight animals many times their own size.




You should not use the term e-thug to describe some one that would intervene during a violent altercation. You do know know if they are Hindu Cultists...


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

It's being pretty obtuse to think that today, now, adults think of cats when they hear the word pussy.





Fuck, I love this forum.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

You should not use the term e-thug to describe some one that would intervene during a violent altercation. You do know know if they are Hindu Cultists...
This makes no sense, even for you



When I call someone a pussy I mean catlike. Skittish, afraid, cowardly.... although I have a cat who is none of those things but in general cat= fraidy cat= pussy.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

You guys do have a point, but I think more people that use pussy as a pejorative mean it that the person is not brave like a woman. Like the counterpoint to saying someone has "huge balls" for doing something brave.




You should not use the term e-thug to describe some one that would intervene during a violent altercation. You do know know if they are Hindu Cultists...
This makes no sense, even for you[/QUOTE]

OK, try a dictionary, Since you do not know what a pussy or thug is.



I never understood that balls thing either because balls are basically the weakest part on a guy.

I think we can agree that those kinds of sayings are baseless and kind of silly.



You guys do have a point, but I think more people that use pussy as a pejorative mean it that the person is not brave like a woman. Like the counterpoint to saying someone has "huge balls" for doing something brave.
Actually saying 'huge balls' refers to bulls. They have huge nuts and are tough.



If that's true the saying should refer to rats. Compared to their size rodents have much larger testicles and they are very resilient.



If that's true the saying should refer to rats. Compared to their size rodents have much larger testicles and they are very resilient.
Yeah, but a charging bull makes you shit your pants while a charging rat will probably shit itself midcharge.

I just realized that they made a movie about when Charlie and I first meet:

I love you, man!



I suppose. Bulls are scary, I have had to run away from a couple. But I don't associate their scary or tough nature with their balls. I have also run from moody castrated bulls.



I suppose. Bulls are scary, I have had to run away from a couple. But I don't associate their scary or tough nature with their balls. I have also run from moody castrated bulls.
The simple point is bulls are tough, big, scary, and their nuts are huge. Don't over-analyze it.



Fair enough. I do tend to over-analyze.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I think you're incredibly dense if you think people that say "It took some huge fucking balls to do (x)" are referring to bulls in any way.



I think you're incredibly dense if you think people that say "It took some huge fucking balls to do (x)" are referring to bulls in any way.
Well to counter, I think you're dense if you suggest that using that phrase always carries with it sexist undertones.




I think you're all a bunch of weenies.



The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.



I think you're all a bunch of weenies.
I am offended.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!




I think you're all a bunch of weenies.
You should not use slang for penis to mean something is weak willed or cowardly.




I think you're all a bunch of weenies.
You should not use slang for penis to mean something is weak willed or cowardly.[/QUOTE]

Oh be quiet you... adam's apple.



The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!
I guess? I don't know I can never tell when you are being serious or not.




I'm totally with Shannow on this thread.

View attachment 406



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I actually have no clue where "weenie" comes from. But I do try not to call people "pricks" or "dicks" when they're being brash or mean or what-have-you, since it's misandrist in the same way.



The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!
I guess? I don't know I can never tell when you are being serious or not.[/QUOTE]

I'm not. But I seriously do think the idea of walking on eggshells to be overly PC and please everyone is pretty stupid. Pussy and 'nut up or shut up' are pretty common vernacular slang, and while they are rooted within sexist principles (that is gender roles), the use of them does not inherently make one sexist or indicates that one is using those terms in a sexist manner exclusively.




I feel so much more enlightened.

You probably think that the term "he has a chink in his armor" is racist too.




I just like that one because it sounds silly.




Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.
There's something especially hilarious about YOU accusing others of acting tough on the internet.



Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.



I feel so much more enlightened.

You probably think that the term "he has a chink in his armor" is racist too.
Those damn Asians, always hiding in my armor!




Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.
OMG all those years that my dad was doing that racist activity. OH THE SHAME.




I just realized that they made a movie about when Charlie and I first meet:

I love you, man!
I spit soda. Thank you. :laugh:



Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.
Awe, don't feel too bad. That was Daffy Duck's primary insult to Bugs Bunny.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

The word chink literally means imperfection. Niggardly is also a word you can use, I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh whine about that a lot too. But testicles do not magically make you a stronger-willed person!




There are a lot of sayings floating around that seem harmless unless you either think hard about it or do some research. I think there's a Cracked article about it.






The word chink literally means imperfection. Niggardly is also a word you can use, I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh whine about that a lot too. But testicles do not magically make you a stronger-willed person!

Yes they do. Testicles produce testosterone, which in layman's terms is the juice that makes you go APE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I remember the lawsuit about eeny-meeny-miney-moe being racist. That was some PC ol' bullshit right there.




But it does not always involve a Tiger.




And to think I've been ignoring this thread. What was I thinking?

You know what I think of when I hear the word pussy in that context? Someone weak-willed. Not that they are a woman's vagina or a cat. It has a meaning of its own now. It may be based in one or the other but it now has its own connotation based on context.

Big brass balls means that they are brash and very manly in the ideal of not taking shit from anyone or being brave. It pretty much literally means that they are above average in their breeding qualities. Granted, it's now used for anyone brash - even women. But it's still totally dependent on context.

And if you hit my kid prepare for a fight. Well, maybe not so much any more, but when they were 6, yes.




You know what I think of when I hear the word pussy in that context? Someone weak-willed. Not that they are a woman's vagina or a cat. It has a meaning of its own now. It may be based in one or the other but it now has its own connotation based on context.
Isn't that basically the "***" argument from south park?



You know what I think of when I hear the word pussy in that context? Someone weak-willed. Not that they are a woman's vagina or a cat. It has a meaning of its own now. It may be based in one or the other but it now has its own connotation based on context.
Isn't that basically the "***" argument from south park?[/QUOTE]




Are we going to ask him nicely to quit hitting our children?

Some liken being locked in a 6x10 foot cell as a form of torture. I know I'd go nuts if I was locked in a small cell for years at a stretch.

I'd feel better about myself as a person if I protected a child from violence, than I would if I enacted violence against a child.
I think Charlie's simply saying that we should take no measure beyond that required to make him stop doing it again. Solitary confinement is unpleasant, yes, but that's a side-effect rather than the explicit purpose.




Wow, a pure definition liberal pussy taking on e-thugs on an internet forum. Awesome.
There's something especially hilarious about YOU accusing others of acting tough on the internet.[/QUOTE]

Please elaborate.




You better answer you coy little freak, or I will find you and beat your ass!

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------






You better answer you coy little freak, or I will find you and beat your ass!

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------



So THAT's how this










Rob King

Rob King

I only very recently realized that "gyp" was a racist thing to say.

I won't deny it, though. I haven't stopped saying it.

I'm also going to find it difficult to not use "Niggardly" a lot, now that it's been re-brought to my attention. But then, I once called Moses "One Genghis Khan motherfucker," in a bible study. I've been trying to get past my 'let's rock the boat to see who falls out' thing ... but sometimes you just want to see people fall out of a damn boat.




Might as well, right?



Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.
OMG all those years that my dad was doing that racist activity. OH THE SHAME.[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? He said cotton picking or he actually picked cotton?
Because cotton picking as an insult definitely had racist origins because the cotton pickers were primarily black people even after slavery.

Yeah gyp got me too and welshing on a bet. Many common terms came from derogatory ones.







I am awed by the awesome direction this thread has taken, and hereby request that Shannow and Chaz run for US president. Either we'll finally get flying cars and jetpacks, or landsharks and nerds on roids will roam the streets. Either way, it is the answer to all this country's problems.




I believe 'puss' and 'pussy' actually started out as slang for 'little girl' way back when. How it ended up meaning 'mouth,' 'cat,' or '(another thing which looks kind of like a mouth),' I have no idea.

And yes, there was a Cracked article about this sort of thing. Isn't etomology fun?





I think you mean etYmology, and yeah, it's hella fun.



Philosopher B.


no you can not.[/QUOTE]

That Article said:
The teacher, Stephanie Bell, said she used 'niggardly' during a discussion about literary characters. Parent Akwana Walker, who is black, protested the use of the word, saying it offended her because it sounds similar to a racial slur.
That woman sounds like a real nagger.





no you can not.[/QUOTE]

That Article said:
The teacher, Stephanie Bell, said she used 'niggardly' during a discussion about literary characters. Parent Akwana Walker, who is black, protested the use of the word, saying it offended her because it sounds similar to a racial slur.
That woman sounds like a real nagger.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the whole issue with people misunderstanding terms to mean something racist is a real tar baby.




I think you mean etYmology, and yeah, it's hella fun. hella.
I have a hard enough time remembering that it's not 'entomology.' It's my biology background showing through. As to whether it's hella-fun, that'll depend on whether the committee ratifies it, to start.





Heh, good catch of my reference there.




no you can not.[/QUOTE]

That Article said:
The teacher, Stephanie Bell, said she used 'niggardly' during a discussion about literary characters. Parent Akwana Walker, who is black, protested the use of the word, saying it offended her because it sounds similar to a racial slur.
That woman sounds like a real nagger.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the whole issue with people misunderstanding terms to mean something racist is a real tar baby.[/QUOTE]

Tar babies grow up to be Tar men!








GREAT link, Shannow!

Love that bit!





