What a Sick F--K! Guy Hits Kids Suckerpunches Little Kids for the "Thrill"

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You should not use the term e-thug to describe some one that would intervene during a violent altercation. You do know know if they are Hindu Cultists...


When I call someone a pussy I mean catlike. Skittish, afraid, cowardly.... although I have a cat who is none of those things but in general cat= fraidy cat= pussy.
You guys do have a point, but I think more people that use pussy as a pejorative mean it that the person is not brave like a woman. Like the counterpoint to saying someone has "huge balls" for doing something brave.


I never understood that balls thing either because balls are basically the weakest part on a guy.

I think we can agree that those kinds of sayings are baseless and kind of silly.


You guys do have a point, but I think more people that use pussy as a pejorative mean it that the person is not brave like a woman. Like the counterpoint to saying someone has "huge balls" for doing something brave.
Actually saying 'huge balls' refers to bulls. They have huge nuts and are tough.


If that's true the saying should refer to rats. Compared to their size rodents have much larger testicles and they are very resilient.


If that's true the saying should refer to rats. Compared to their size rodents have much larger testicles and they are very resilient.
Yeah, but a charging bull makes you shit your pants while a charging rat will probably shit itself midcharge.

I just realized that they made a movie about when Charlie and I first meet:

I love you, man!


I suppose. Bulls are scary, I have had to run away from a couple. But I don't associate their scary or tough nature with their balls. I have also run from moody castrated bulls.


I suppose. Bulls are scary, I have had to run away from a couple. But I don't associate their scary or tough nature with their balls. I have also run from moody castrated bulls.
The simple point is bulls are tough, big, scary, and their nuts are huge. Don't over-analyze it.


I think you're incredibly dense if you think people that say "It took some huge fucking balls to do (x)" are referring to bulls in any way.
Well to counter, I think you're dense if you suggest that using that phrase always carries with it sexist undertones.


The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.


I think you're all a bunch of weenies.
I am offended.

---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:27 PM ----------

The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!


The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!
I guess? I don't know I can never tell when you are being serious or not.
I actually have no clue where "weenie" comes from. But I do try not to call people "pricks" or "dicks" when they're being brash or mean or what-have-you, since it's misandrist in the same way.


The thing with sexism is that a person who is not sexist can use sexist phrases and still not be sexist but a person who is sexist, everything he or she says is sexist regardless of what it is. The meaning and the person matter.
Cool, so it's like black people saying n****r!
I guess? I don't know I can never tell when you are being serious or not.[/QUOTE]

I'm not. But I seriously do think the idea of walking on eggshells to be overly PC and please everyone is pretty stupid. Pussy and 'nut up or shut up' are pretty common vernacular slang, and while they are rooted within sexist principles (that is gender roles), the use of them does not inherently make one sexist or indicates that one is using those terms in a sexist manner exclusively.


Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.


Sometimes racist sayings sneak up on me and then I feel stupid. For example it wasnt until last year that I realized that "cotton picking" was racist.

I felt dumb.
Awe, don't feel too bad. That was Daffy Duck's primary insult to Bugs Bunny.
The word chink literally means imperfection. Niggardly is also a word you can use, I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh whine about that a lot too. But testicles do not magically make you a stronger-willed person!


Staff member
There are a lot of sayings floating around that seem harmless unless you either think hard about it or do some research. I think there's a Cracked article about it.
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