The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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So I was bored as fuck at home, tired as fuck of being stuck in my room cause I was buried doing a particularly troublesome translation all day. I decide to say "fuck it" and do one of the things that unstress me the most.. go to the movies while high. None of my friends were available (on a Tuesday night, the adult fuckers) so I decided to go alone. I was a bit short on time but I still decided to first get the ticket while sober so I limit my human interactions while high. Tina Fey and Steve Carrell in a movie together? Sign me up.

So I buy the ticket and I have a good 15 minutes to spare to go back to my car, clean up some weed and fill up and smoke a bowl. I get in, make sure it's visually safe, take the weed out, begin cleaning it and when it's all unseeded and ready to be enjoyed I take out the pipe and..... I can't unscrew the lid. My pipe is a metal lidded one that looks something a bit like this:

(not really but paints the right picture)

I just can't unscrew the lid. The resin probably built up and stuck the two pieces together. So I do what most self-respecting men would.. I tried to use my teeth to pry it open. So I'm at the movie parking lot, a bunch of now-a-bit-sweaty weed ready to be smoked in one hand, a stuck metal pipe on the other, trying to be opened with my mouth. And I feel the pipe turn in my mouth.

YES!! VICTORY!! I think

And I look at the pipe.. still closed shut. With a bit of a whitish residue around it.

"No, it can't be" I think

So I flick my tongue inside my mouth... and sure enough... I scraped my tooth!!! The fucking metal thing fucking scraped a bit r of my tooth right off!! Like it was fucking butter!! I have a DENT ON MY FUCKING TOOTH!

And I never got the damned pipe open So I got to sit through the movie alone and sober.. tonguing my permanently damaged tooth.

fun times.

Philosopher B.

Woah, major bummer. I've always been afraid of damaging my teeth. I used to bite things while stressed. :confused:
Thank god I didn't feel a thing... cause that quarter turn the pipe made inside my mouth? That was it scraping my tooth off, not the lid turning. The mere THOUGHT of this gives me goosebumps. Had I actually FELT my tooth being scraped like that i would have probably died of goosebumpness.
I put my name in for an audition time for a local summer theater thing. I'm so fucking nervous right now about not being called back or some shit that it doesn't even make sense.


Staff member
LSU moms are a bunch of snooty bitches who love of turning their children into spoiled, soft assholes... 80-90% of them anyway... and if I had the chance I'd love to hit them in the face with a Tabasco-filled water balloon.

Philosopher B.

I drove all the way to school today through hell and high water and construction going on everywhere, only to walk up to the door of my class-room at the same time a woman was putting a note up and telling the other students the dude called to cancel. This dude has already cancelled a bajillion times.


Staff member
I'd put that on his evaluation and maybe report it if it's really been that bad. That's a big waste of money, not just from missing all those classes but driving all the way there for no reason.

Philosopher B.

It's been a bit worse towards the end of the semester. I don't think I can do much, though, as apparently he's on his way out after this semester. At this point I just want a grade and to be on my way.


My property prof has canceled 12 classes this semester. We are worried we won't meet bar standards. She is so flaky.


Staff member
Ahhh, so he's even more checked out than some students at this point. Bummer. :\ Hope it doesn't cause any major problems.
Re: tooth-damage

A week ago I did something similar. I like to fiddle with things, and while hanging out at my girlfriend's house, I found a bobby pin to play with. I pried it open and went 'oh, crap. Someone might want to use that." I tried to bend it closed, but I could only get it so far. I decided to try using my teeth to bend it the rest of the way closed.

I tasted grit on my tongue, and checked my teeth, and sure enough I had bit a new groove right into one of them.
If you people are scraping your teeth that easily you must have really terrible oral hygiene. Healthy teeth should not do that.
Dude, it's METAL.. with ridges... and I was using the pipe's long thing as a LEVER.. if that doesn't scrape YOUR tooth, you're a mutant.


Staff member
Yeah, I've damaged a tooth that way. I take really good care of my teeth, but my enamel is still soft. Even if it wasn't... like Calleja says, it's metal.
Dental enamel has a Mohs hardness of 5
Stainless steel has a Mohs hardness of 6.5
(based upon the best searches I could come up with)

Thus, it's not surprising that steel can etch teeth.
Plus the ridges... those fucking ridges left a permanent mark in my tooth, I can FEEL them. Like tiny metal teeth from hell.
Dental enamel has a Mohs hardness of 5
Stainless steel has a Mohs hardness of 6.5
(based upon the best searches I could come up with)

Thus, it's not surprising that steel can etch teeth.
Darn you and your "facts." Still, I like to think I take care of my teeth (and my dentist also tells me so) and I've never had issues with scratching them on stuff. However, for the benefit of all Halforums, I've decided to make a little PSA.

When you need to loosen a piece of metal, you should use this:

Or these:

Instead of these:

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!
Plus the ridges... those fucking ridges left a permanent mark in my tooth, I can FEEL them. Like tiny metal teeth from hell.
Give it a few days. The sharp edge of where you messed it up will soften eventually. For two days after I fucked up mine, I could feel it every second of the day. Now it's like it never happened unless I search for it.


at the science fiction.... double featuuuure..

those teeth freak me out! Do not want!


Staff member
AUGH, you're a bitch. You're a bitch bitch bitch. Knock knock? Who's there? You, acting like a bitch. I'm sitting behind you now, fighting the urge to swat the back of your head for talking down to me.


Staff member
You mean my tirade or something else? Yeah, I was pretty pissed off this morning. My Kines group is a pack of whiny little Catch U Next Tuesdays.
You mean my tirade or something else? Yeah, I was pretty pissed off this morning. My Kines group is a pack of whiny little Catch U Next Tuesdays.
Ya know CG, if you get angry enough. I suggest blowing up at your group and declaring it a dictatorship instead of a group democracy. With you in charge of course. :p


Staff member
That's what I would do if I cared. I've done that in the past. I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to school; the thought of my grade hinging on some kid who keeps saying "ex-pecially" makes me scared sometimes. But it's kinesiology. I've got A's in everything else, and I can't fail the class, so I just can't shake away the apathy. Plus this frees up my weekend for working on my classes that have worth. So really I should be thanking them!

The situation, by the way? They're completely shutting me out. No answered emails (after admitting to receiving them), not letting me help them with our poster for Tuesday (they say it's because I wrote the whole lesson plan) and basically not letting me see it before we present. My professor's going to be aware of this is they don't let me see it at all before the presentation, but like I said, I could really use the time.
Apparently the ex feels really bad about how she'd treated me and she might want to reconcile. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I might be able to forgive her, but I can never forget what she did. Abusive previous relationship or not, there are some things you just don't do.
personally, I'd tell her to fuck off.
There are 6 billion people in the world...more than enough for you live a happy life without wasting time on assholes.
Man I am starting to get really annoyed with the one of the people they have working at m,y works cafe. On a whole he seems like a nice guy but whenever you order something that is a little different than normal (even if it's on the menu) he gets annoyed and sighs and grumbles. Like today I ordered the 2 piece fish and chips and than two other people behind me ordered the same thing and you could tell he was getting mad about it.In particular there is one sandwich he hates making. It is a grilled chicken BLT with avocado on a croissant. Whenever I order it (or even when I see someone else order it) he starts grumbling, sighing, and etc. The last two times I have had him make me the sandwich he has made it very sloppily and poorly (cooked it a bit long, dry bread, etc) and I think he is doing on purpose in hopes I (and probably other people as well) will stop ordering the sandwich. Now it is not like I order it every day I Order once a week at the most. But he still makes a big but silent show of frustration.
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