The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I teach general music and choir... I have an instrumental ed degree, but there aren't any band jobs that look good right now, so I'm staying where I am. Most of the people who complain (besides ignorant dinosaur teachers who are about to retire) are my friends who didn't finish college, and are pissed that I have health insurance and a good paycheck for "working" 9-10 months out of the year.

Or they're friends from other school districts who are jealous of the one I teach in (which is either the 1st or 2nd in the state) :p


I would never call you not a teacher. Someone has to teach music and it sure isn't me. No way. I playfully taught preschoolers some things about music and instruments but nothing really, I don't know, important I guess. My job was just to make them aware and perk their interest before they went off to school.
I teach general music and choir... I have an instrumental ed degree, but there aren't any band jobs that look good right now, so I'm staying where I am. Most of the people who complain (besides ignorant dinosaur teachers who are about to retire) are my friends who didn't finish college, and are pissed that I have health insurance and a good paycheck for "working" 9-10 months out of the year.

Or they're friends from other school districts who are jealous of the one I teach in (which is either the 1st or 2nd in the state) :p
Most people just don't appreciate a good band job until they can't get one.
AMEN! UP HI-- waiddaminute

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

I would never call you not a teacher. Someone has to teach music and it sure isn't me. No way. I playfully taught preschoolers some things about music and instruments but nothing really, I don't know, important I guess. My job was just to make them aware and perk their interest before they went off to school.
Oh man... Pre-k scares me. I student taught high school band, and I have NOTHING to teach them... and I see them an hour a week... it's the class that makes me the most nervous!


One of my favorite things I ever did with my class was we watched some parts of Fantasia 2000 and we talked about how music without words can still tell a story. Because that's how fantasia was made. Then I had them listen to some different orchestral pieces and draw pictures of what it brought to mind. It was really fun and interesting. As a preschool activity it really covered a lot, language, music, art, and then speech because they all stood up and told the class what they drew. It was super fun. I think my best idea ever.


aw man twice in a row again ah well.

my fucking mother! She works with this guy, they are good friends, he has been trying to lose weight like 80 lbs and he's really stressed out about it. I told my mom that he looks good the way he is, and I mean that I think he is super hot. Well my mom told him that! Come on. Now I get mocked on facebook because he is also my friend. Excellent.
So apparently you're not supposed to yell out " Oh shit! This got real real, real fast! Rubik's Cube off bitches!" in the grocery store toy aisle. What ever lady, your kids were gonna learn about Rubik's Cubes someday anyway.


Staff member

---------- Post added at 08:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

I lay down at 6 pm just to "rest my eyes" and just woke up. I guess the sleeplessness is catching up with me.
You're just leaving yourself open for Shego.

My minor rant: I love Joss Whedon, but he can truly be an asshole. We finished Firefly yesterday and watched Serenity today... Christ, what an asshole.


Staff member
Last night my daughter had a music program at school. I got off work at 5, went home & picked up the wife and had to be to school by 6:30. So we stand in line until 7 when they finally opened the doors to sit down. The concert started at 7:30. The lights dimmed...and the pain began.

Part #1: Freshmen choir. First song right out of the box? Journey. Don't Stop Believing. They tried the Glee version and it was horrendous. Then they followed that up with "Eye of the Tiger". Yes, that crappy song from Rocky III. It wasn't as bad as the Journey tune, but it weren't good, man!

Part #2: Mutant Choir. Okay, this is actually called the Mixed Choir. It's the chorus made up of people who aren't good enough to be in normal choir but are taking the class so they have to perform. They did two pretty easy tunes and did a surprisingly good job. Most times the Mutant Choir sucks ass.

Part #3: Junior Varsity Choir. This is the one my daughter is in. They did three songs, of which the first was VERY interesting and the second was forgettable. The first song was written by one of the students and was amazingly good. The teacher made her sing a solo part of it and she sucked. My daughter says that the girl didn't want to and that it was a song for chorus, not solo. So the song was very good and well written, but the teacher ruined it by forcing the girl to highlight herself.

But it's the last song that truly made the Junior Varsity Choir an event. They did Queen's "Somebody to Love". Ever heard this song?

The song had 10 individual soloists. 10. Yes, Sammi was one of them. I'm proud to say that she was one of 2 people that actually put emotion in their voices and were able to hit the notes. But it was quite the clusterfuck. From the first note where the kid went into about a 3 octave slide to finally hit the note right before he had to end it to a different kid trying to hit the final last falsetto note the song was a disaster of nearly epic proportions. The kids elected to sing it and the teacher prefaced the performance by saying, "I think they bit off a little more than they could chew." Well shit, music teacher! Isn't it your job as the teacher to either tell them they can't do it or pick a different song? Nope, I guess it's better to make the kids look like bloody idiots.

After the JV choir there were two different band things, but I didn't stay to watch them as I had to go to the store and get a few things. I got back and they were still playing. Finally, at 9:15 or so it was all over. We then had to go get dinner and go home. So we got home at about 10 or so and I ate dinner, THEN I had to cook 5 pounds of ground beef for Cinco De Mayo lunch here at work. Because I guess I need to get in touch with my Mexican heritage.

I finish and put it in the fridge, clean up the kitchen and finally hit the sack at about 11:45.

What a productive day that was.
Wait, you mean not everyone who sings in high school doesn't have a wonderful singing voice and the ability to auto-tune on queue?? GLEE is a lie??? NNOOOOOooooo! :shocked:

Wasabi Poptart

The baby was dancing to The Ramones. I tried to record a video of it and some how hit the record button a second time (which is pause on our camera) before I could get a good shot of her dancing. I didn't notice until the song was over. Now, of course, she isn't interested in dancing anymore. :doh:
Going to Europe for three months. I leave on Monday. This is awesome.

Rant: My friend has not bought a backpack for our backpacking trip, does not have the clothes he'll need, and is generally procrastinating when we do not have time for this crap. Agh.

Rant 2: Iceland's fucking volcano erupted again! If this delays my flight... Fuuuuuuuuuuu
Been really sick recently and my laptop has a few keys that dont seem to work. I couldn't connect to the internet with it for some reason leaving my itouch as my only connection to the internet at home and my computer at work for everything else.
Also it rained balls yesterday leaving the streets flooded. A 20 minute walk home took two hours.

And my cat scratched me.

That bastard.
I was sick this morning so I stayed home from work.

I spent the whole day restless and agitated. I think it's because I've gone the whole day in my house without any access to Cola. Does that make me an addict?
And this just in: Here at the korean school, I just found out that the parents/teachers bought hats for the primary kids to wear on sports today. What to the hats say? "We get busy fuckin'"

Won't someone please think of the children?


Our college has a textbook lending library for non-white and/or economically disadvantaged students, of which I am a member. Basically, I get to check out textbooks for my classes instead of buying them and reselling them; it's great. Problem is, I have to attend on event per term at the Office of Intercultural and International Life to stay in the library. This term, I decided to attend the discussion on 'ableism' (discrimination against the mentally and physically handicapped).

This being a liberal arts college in a left-leaning state, everybody's pretty damn social liberal, which means I have to watch my mouth sometimes, or I'll get into trouble making jokes that nobody outside the college (or Charlie Don't Surf) would get upset about. So, I go to this discussion. A few minutes in, I panic. What am I doing here? If I open my mouth, they'll tear me apart. But I decide to stick to saying things that, while they'll provoke interesting conversation, won't get anybody upset. This works well until folks start preaching about how the society needs to change its habits instead of the disabled changing theirs. I open my mouth to offer a position which I feel is, again, thought-provoking, yet not controversial. I'll do my best attempt to paraphrase.

"Still, though, I think we can all agree that there is a line beyond which we should not try to stamp out ableism. Would anyone here want to take a genetics class with someone who's schizophrenic? I mean, full-on, the-walls-are-melting, voices-telling-me-to-kill-people, everyone-in-the-room-is-a-CIA-agent schizophrenic? For one thing, if the professor decides to adopt the anti-ableist idea that there is no right way to learn, and so teaches in a way the schizophrenic person can understand, then we all lose out, because we're not going to learn as much. And if the professor doesn't do that, then we still lose out, because their presence is going to be disruptive. So we can all agree that there is a line that needs to be drawn. The real problem is where."

Apparently, we cannot all agree on this. Folks found this insulting and outrageous, and if it weren't for the moderator, I'd have been essentially screamed out of the room. Fuckin' hippies.
Ahhh I love Engrish. When I was in Korea there was a restaurant called "Fuckin' Awesome."
One of my co-workers says if they actually wear those hats for sports day, he's going to make a hat that sucks "fuck you" in Korean to see how they take it. Fair's fair he says.

Element 117


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