The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Apparently, we cannot all agree on this. Folks found this insulting and outrageous, and if it weren't for the moderator, I'd have been essentially screamed out of the room. Fuckin' hippies.
I have been there.

Heck, I've spent so much time there, I'm considered a full-time resident for tax purposes.
Just shoot me now.

I got my nose pierced last Saturday. It wasn't planned or anything, I like nose piercings and I was already there so, I just did it and I quite liked it.

Until now.

I just got out of the shower and while I was drying my face with the towel somehow I pulled it with my nail and got it halfway out. It hurt like a bitch. It bled a little bit and I just tried to push it back down but all I did was hurt myself even more. IT WON'T GET BACK IN... NOR OUT!! It huuuuuurts soooo muuuuuch. I don't know what to do now.

This story might just end like one of Dave's "now she's dead" stories ; _ ;
Apparently, we cannot all agree on this. Folks found this insulting and outrageous, and if it weren't for the moderator, I'd have been essentially screamed out of the room. Fuckin' hippies.
As a paranoid schizophrenic myself, I find that you statement is perfectly valid, and have encountered teachers who have had to try their best to just teach the rest of the group and acknowledge that the environment simply wasn't suited to my needs, which I thought was reasonable. The squirrels who live in my bellybutton made me cut him anyway, but I did so against my will.
Man the last few days of work have been very tiring and my back was killing me last night. So between being tired and my back hurting I decided to go to bed real early. So I crashed out at 7:30 p.m. and slept until about 6:50 a.m. and I do feel better but my head still feels like it is in a fog or something. :(


Staff member
Augh, that sucks. Facebook should mind its own business.

Insanely unimportant rant: I wish I'd have gotten a cup of coffee before coming to work.
I was all excited that Trombone Shorty is playing in covington tonight... the boyfriend is tired. Now, he gets off at 7 from a 12 hour shift, but COME ON
GODDAMN so we missed out on Trombone Shorty due to him being tired... a fucking world class performer that we DON'T have to drive to NOLA for, and he's too tired. He suggests snuggling on the couch and watching a movie offa Netflix on the Xbox.

He picks a movie that is a sequel to some anime. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON

I just stared at my cat licking himself for the past 80 minutes...
GODDAMN so we missed out on Trombone Shorty due to him being tired... a fucking world class performer that we DON'T have to drive to NOLA for, and he's too tired. He suggests snuggling on the couch and watching a movie offa Netflix on the Xbox.

He picks a movie that is a sequel to some anime. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON

I just stared at my cat licking himself for the past 80 minutes...
Why did he need to go with you? If you wanted to see it, he could have stayed home, yeah?
In a random bout of curiosity, I looked up what the average requirements to be a sperm donor are.

Apparently at 5 foot 8 I'm too short. So much for my emergency money-making plans.
And this is why you start prepping early for a big to-do like tonight's rehearsal dinner.

I just singed my shallots, making the entire buerre blanc taste like ass. Time to go to the store and start anew.
In a random bout of curiosity, I looked up what the average requirements to be a sperm donor are.

Apparently at 5 foot 8 I'm too short. So much for my emergency money-making plans.
Height? Really?[/QUOTE]

I wanna see this list now.

I need to know how many of genetic abnormalities are going to ruin my chances are producing hardy offspring.
Why the hell do all women around me suddenly start to say that size does, in fact, matter?? Man, "Size doesn't matter" is one of my favourite joke sentences to say when comparing sizes of random things, but now, every time I say it, they make me kinda sad...
In general, I fucking hate people. Especially people on the weekends. It doesn't take much to not be a complete retard, but yet it still surprises me when people constantly prove me wrong. :mad:

Philosopher B.

I swear, I am the worst person on the planet when it comes to remembering numbers. Three days after the end of my semester, I swear I've forgotten my student ID number already. I mean, I remember how the latter half goes. Aaarrrggghhh.
I swear, I am the worst person on the planet when it comes to remembering numbers. Three days after the end of my semester, I swear I've forgotten my student ID number already. I mean, I remember how the latter half goes. Aaarrrggghhh.
You have never seen me trying to remember numbers.
I love my girlfriend. I really do. She's moving in in august. But, you know, she already lives here, sort of. 7 days a week. And I'm fine with that. She's wonderful. She cooks. And she clean,s sometimes (more than me, lately, I think :-p). She snuggles me, lots and lots and lots. Which I love. We share a taste for TV shows. She's smart and sort of funny. She's a bit overweight but it doesn't bother me in the least. She's always warm when I have cold feet, and she's cold when I'm too warm. She's, generally speaking, awesome.
But my appartement is seriously too small to be in with just one person, no matter how great, all day every day. Yes, I can go out with my friends, and she doesn't always (but usually) accompany me. Yes, she goes out with her friends (though I usually go along, too). But sometimes, I just want to be ALONE for a day or so, which she doesn't understand at all. I ask for a few hours alone time, she gives in after some pushing and goes off to study or whatever in the kitchen, but even so, she'll come by every 15 minutes for something or other. Mind you, I sometimes like the fact that she comes by to give me a kiss...But when I want to be alone and have peace and quiet, I want to be alone, dammit.
It's my first day off in 6 days and it's entirely occupied with me getting a haircut/ going to the doctor for a physical/ helping my dad build a shed/ going to my cousin's for his 9th birthday.

Call me whiny but I wanted to be lazy today and play video games. :(
I love my girlfriend. I really do. She's moving in in august. But, you know, she already lives here, sort of. 7 days a week. And I'm fine with that. She's wonderful. She cooks. And she clean,s sometimes (more than me, lately, I think :-p). She snuggles me, lots and lots and lots. Which I love. We share a taste for TV shows. She's smart and sort of funny. She's a bit overweight but it doesn't bother me in the least. She's always warm when I have cold feet, and she's cold when I'm too warm. She's, generally speaking, awesome.
But my appartement is seriously too small to be in with just one person, no matter how great, all day every day. Yes, I can go out with my friends, and she doesn't always (but usually) accompany me. Yes, she goes out with her friends (though I usually go along, too). But sometimes, I just want to be ALONE for a day or so, which she doesn't understand at all. I ask for a few hours alone time, she gives in after some pushing and goes off to study or whatever in the kitchen, but even so, she'll come by every 15 minutes for something or other. Mind you, I sometimes like the fact that she comes by to give me a kiss...But when I want to be alone and have peace and quiet, I want to be alone, dammit.
Man, everyone needs some "alone" time every now and then. It's not a slight against her, its just the way you are built. Don't be afraid to let her know you need some time every now and then.
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