The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Thank you HCGLNS for giving me a useful answer. That being said, I've never had a problem getting my quesadillas to be crispy using cheddar.
Hey, I don't trust Mexican cheese ever since I found out that Chihuahua cheese isn't made from milk from real chihuahuas. That's just misrepresentation of a product is what that is.
Quesadillas are meant to be done with queso oaxaca, adobera and maaaybe, manchego.

People, we don't even use Cheddar cheese in Mexico, just fyi.
Which one's the white, kind of crumbly cheese? I've had that on things, it's fantastic. That's what I meant when I said 'queso blanco' (which I know means basically 'white cheese').
So, yesterday, my stepson tells us that we never paid for his yearbook.

Today, I stop by the school at 3pm, pay $80 (wtf??) for one, and bring it home.
At 4pm, I pick him up, and he's got a yearbook with him. He evidently just missed it when his teacher told everyone to get their yearbooks last week, and today, she told him "hey, you still haven't gotten your yearbook." You know, the one we DID pay for.

I call the journalism teacher back and explain the situation, and he balks a bit about giving me my money back, because now it's 'used'. I told him "I just bought it an hour ago! What the hell do you think I did with it?" I guess he realized I wasn't going to be brushed off easily (hell no I won't! Not for an $80 freaking book I won't!) and finally agrees to give me my money back. Luckily, I only live 5 minutes from the school.
Hey, I don't trust Mexican cheese ever since I found out that Chihuahua cheese isn't made from milk from real chihuahuas. That's just misrepresentation of a product is what that is.

Quesadillas are meant to be done with queso oaxaca, adobera and maaaybe, manchego.

People, we don't even use Cheddar cheese in Mexico, just fyi.
Which one's the white, kind of crumbly cheese? I've had that on things, it's fantastic. That's what I meant when I said 'queso blanco' (which I know means basically 'white cheese').[/QUOTE]

Well if it was melted on top of something or in a quesadilla it was probably adobera (which is white), there's also one that's called queso blanco but most of the time that one is too fresh for quesadillas, it doesn't really melt.
Quesadillas are meant to be done with queso oaxaca, adobera and maaaybe, manchego.

People, we don't even use Cheddar cheese in Mexico, just fyi.
Which one's the white, kind of crumbly cheese? I've had that on things, it's fantastic. That's what I meant when I said 'queso blanco' (which I know means basically 'white cheese').[/QUOTE]

If it's crumbly then it HAS to be queso ranchero/rancherito. It's my favorite kind of cheese to eat on its own, but it won't really melt in a quesadilla.
Well, this ended up not being so serious, so I'll put it here.

Every parent of a young child that owns a pool has a worst nightmare associated with it. Well, tonight, that happened. The gate was shut and latched, but somehow he got in anyway, and fell right into the pool. Fortunately, my wife was gardening outside, so he wasn't in there for more than a minute. The only damage at this time appears to be that he's now deathly afraid of water/the pool and will hopefully never do that again. Beyond that, we're all a little freaked out, so tomorrow I'll go put a more secure latch on the gate with a lock so this won't happen again.


Staff member
.............Really? Right before bed. RIGHT BEFORE BED someone's gotta say something to piss me off. I hate going to bed in a mood like this. Goddamnit. Why are people jerks when I didn't do anything to them? At least not lately.
I can't catch a break in star craft 2.

I lose all 5 of my placement matches, but figure I'll just do one more before going to bed tonight. I get in the game, I spawn terran and he's protoss so I know he's going to go with Void rays so I get ready for it. I build a shit ton of marines with medivacs and a bunch of marauders to help against any stalkers he might have. He attacks me first with a handful of stalkers and zelots and I take his force out. I counterattack with my own troops and take out his expansion and the void rays he had just built. I was going up his ramp and about to completely take out his base and a box pops up saying I'd been dropped, which means I can only surrender and so I lost the match.

My first victory in a match against someone of comparable skill level (shitty) and I lost because either my internet just crapped out, the game glitches or he kicked me from the match or SOMETHING that I just don't know.


I have an exam tomorrow, I hate studying Friday nights.

I have the feeling everybody else is having fun right now and going out. :(

And on top of that there is this one text that doesn't seem to get in my head and I'm afraid that's what she will ask

If somebody is interested you can see it here:

**phone rings**

The reboot worked. No one will get hurt.
I'm so nervous. We finished a little short for a competition tonight... But I'm afraid it will be rejected. And it doesn't look as good as it should.

AND IT ENDS TOMORROW. We may not have time to redo the parts I think may be a problem (we have a character watching stuff on the computer, some of it with copyright... We recorded it because a teacher told us we could do that without any trouble... but still.)
I hate shaving. It's annoying, it's messy... And when I try to trim, it comes out a mess, necessitating another shave. I wish I could just get it to the right length and freeze the growth there, like Wolverine... he has that power, right? Always seemed like he did.

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