The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I'm worried about today's class. There's a girl in my Education class who I had another class with about a year ago. She's a fucking mess. And she's one of those girls who hides behind her kid (it's not even hers, really...) as an excuse to not do shit. She got together with this dude recently and she treats his daughter like her responsibility now, which is fine I guess, but she ends up screwing over her groupmates in the process. OH and she used Wikipedia and as sources in her final presentation. I'm so afraid she's gonna try to squeeze into the group I've already formed with some friends of mine. I do NOT want her to ask, because then I'll have to probably tell the truth as to why she cannot join.

...I really don't have a problem with moms in school, by the way. I realize I might have come off that way. Most of them I have no problem with. But every now and then you meet a parent in school who's really self-righteous about it. He/she treats school like it's meaningless all of a sudden just because they reproduced, and it drives me up the wall.
CG - yeah, and then when they make mistakes like that, they're quick to say, "Well, how should I know what I'm supposed to do?" and it's like "That was covered in class, you were even given a tour of the resources available that were acceptable, it's in your syllabus..."
Just found out Micah has strep throat, and he's supposed to be in a wedding Saturday. Also working off two hours of sleep last night due to said strep throat. So sleepy...
I deal with students every day, trying to help them find sources and a lot of them just don't listen. I have this conversation almost once a week:

"You're looking for a peer reviewed article? Well, we have a lot of online databases that we subscribe to for that. So, close your facebook page, and go to our website, go to the library link... where it says 'Library'... no, that's Blackboard. Because it says 'Blackboard' on the link instead of 'Library'. No, to the right, a little further, begins with an 'L'... yeah, that's right. Now click it... no, the left button on the mouse. Okay. Now, see where it says 'Online Databases'? ..No, that says 'Hours'. It's the third one down. Third. There's two above it. One, two... yes, that one. Click on it. Okay, what course is this for? No, no, I know it's for a paper, what class is that paper for? You don't... *sigh* Who's your professor? ...Well, what does he look like, does he wear a suit, does he take off his shoes before class - he does? Okay, that's Bradford. That means this is for English Composition II, right? You think so? Okay, you're gonna want to scroll down to LRC - that's the Literature Resource Center. No, scroll down. Down. Towards the bottom. Okay, stop. Why? Beacause you see that heading where it says 'Literature'? Something tells me it's in there. Okay. Click on that one. Because that's the link to the database. Pretty sure, yeah. Okay, now, see that search box? The box. The long rectangle with nothing in it. That, there. Put the author you're researching in there... what?! Their name? You don't know who you're doing research on? Well, if you don't know, and you are the one who picks the subject, how should I know who it is?!" *sigh* "I'll get Ariana, maybe she can help you."
Wow dude, you're way more patient than I'd be.. the instant they didn't even KNOW the course it's for I'd send them on their merry way.


Staff member
I hate the word "schadenfreude". No. The word itself is fine. I hate the viral nature of it. 3 years ago, no one knew this word. Then somebody used it on the internet, and now it seems to be the hallmark of a haughty post.
Only in English, mate. I've known the Finnish equivalent since I was three; roughly it translates as "joy of misfortune".

Personally I dislike it when non-black people start speaking "street". Especially if they're pissy little teenagers who want to show it to the man while still getting allowance from Mommy.

God, I must be old now... I get irritated by pissy little teenagers.

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

Jet goes in too surgery on Friday.

I think.

I hate surgeons. They like to jerk me around.
*hugs* Everything's gonna go fine, LittleSin. Call it a hunch, but I just know it.
Wow dude, you're way more patient than I'd be.. the instant they didn't even KNOW the course it's for I'd send them on their merry way.
I got in trouble for doing that.

QUESTION OF THE DAY (SO FAR): "How do I use the Norton Anthology?" (meaning the Norton Anthology of American Literature, which is a course's textbook)

Not "How do I cite things from it" - I asked to make sure. Just "how do I use it?"

Eventually, I responded, "Open the cover and read the pages."
People at work are generally really grumpy these days so no one will talk to each other.

It's been lonely as fuck.
I'm assuming the people you work with at least speak enough English to hold a conversation when they do talk. So you know, at least you have that.
Man, I just made the worst muffins ever.
Are they worse than eating all the raw ingredients? Or can you sincerely say that you've improved on their natural state?[/QUOTE]

The batter tasted kind of alright. It was just when I took them out of the oven and had a few they were just awful. I think maybe either some of the cooking spay ended up getting a bit into the mix and made it taste bad or it was just a shitty mix I used.
Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.


Staff member
Went to a doctor yesterday for the first time in about a half-dozen years. Giving another shot at trying to find out what's been wrong with me for half my life (please no questions). I passed out when they took the blood samples, not from squeamishness, but because my body didn't handle the fluid loss very well. I'm still recovering, and getting winded and dizzy faster than usual from exertion. Grrr, this had better be worth it.


Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.
Im not feeling well today. I blame baer. Let's kill him.

Man, I just made the worst muffins ever.
Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.
Im not feeling well today. I blame baer. Let's kill him.[/QUOTE]
Good call! It's probably a computer virus...
Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.
Im not feeling well today. I blame baer. Let's kill him.[/QUOTE]
Good call! It's probably a computer virus...[/QUOTE]
I woke up with a headache and runny nose. This is starting to make LOTS of sense...


Staff member
Fire muffin! :laugh:

So is there some mass movement against the use of turn signals that I'm not aware of?! Drives me nuts.


Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.
Im not feeling well today. I blame baer. Let's kill him.[/QUOTE]
Good call! It's probably a computer virus...[/QUOTE]
I woke up with a headache and runny nose. This is starting to make LOTS of sense...[/QUOTE]

Den I guess you were right, I should have shot him when I had the chance.
Aaaaand... I'm sick. For two days everyone in the house has been sick and I thought I had successfully avoided the doom virus that seems to have implanted itself into the walls of the building I am residing. Now I sit with my nose dripping a magical goo of discomfort. Blech.
Im not feeling well today. I blame baer. Let's kill him.[/QUOTE]
Good call! It's probably a computer virus...[/QUOTE]
I woke up with a headache and runny nose. This is starting to make LOTS of sense...[/QUOTE]

Den I guess you were right, I should have shot him when I had the chance.[/QUOTE]
But you shot Foster instead, and now I don't trust you luggin' a shotgun around ;_;


Staff member
Medieval Market rehearsal today. Rehearsed a small scene where yours truly, playing the butcher Andreas Jacobsson, and a fellow town burgher Albert Adamsson try to see if they can't wed off some sons and daughters who are of eligible age (yours truly having three sons in their pre-teens, Albert having three daughters from ages 11 to 17). The scene includes the butcher going completely ape-shit at one point, yelling and cursing loudly, spewing expletives that would make your head explode.

I think I managed to get a cramp in my diaphragm from all that shouting, and had to spend some time leaning against the wall and hoping the stinging pain and the hard knot in my midriff would go away. Not nice, not nice at all.

I got better, though.


Staff member

I'm a grouchy Cajungal today. Not sure why. But it's a bad day for me to have a customer service-type job. I've already pissed off one guy. But he started it.


Staff member

I'm a grouchy Cajungal today. Not sure why. But it's a bad day for me to have a customer service-type job. I've already pissed off one guy. But he started it.
"The customer is always right. And they must be punished for their arrogance!"[/QUOTE]

:laugh: Thank you; that's my motto today.[/QUOTE]

Despite all the flak Dilbert gets (rightfully) for being tedious, there are moments when pure awesomeness is provided ;)
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