My son is now a college man.

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After 2 years in college I've yet to be invited to (or hear about, or see a flyer for) any kind of college party :(

Might be cause I'm in a dang community college.


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I am speaking from current (past 3 years and as recent as last month) experience.
I'm speaking from six years of experience, undergrad and postbac, at a party school, with a Big 10 University down the road. I just don't believe you.
Yeah Juice, cause every college campus is identical to the last.

I have every reason to lie, to win an internet argument :laugh: That's a riot.
12 qualifies as full time for most "on paper" purposes... but when I was in school, if I wasn't taking 16+ credit hours a semester, my old man accused me of slacking off or having a 5 year degree plan.
Yup, I took between 12-14 per semester at the community college I'm at and I am a 2nd year sophomore because of it. I only needed 1 credit to graduate before this semester so I could have done it in 2.5 years if I would have taken a summer class or winterim class but I hadn't decided to transfer to Iowa State yet so I was like eh I will just go full time this semester to stay on my Dads insurance. I am probably going to be taking 18 or so credits starting in the fall but that will actually be doable because I am living on campus just off my student loans, not getting a job because I want to focus and do well. I had to work here while going to school and it seriously effected my grades, and my school schedule pretty much had to work around work so that meant less credits, less choice in class times, and just not having time to really study... but I had to work where as I didn't have to go to school.
Congrats! This is very good! He's doing something, which is better (obviously) than nothing, and if he continues next year this is the start of a very good path (in life, professionally, whatev).


Staff member
Yeah Juice, cause every college campus is identical to the last.

I have every reason to lie, to win an internet argument :laugh: That's a riot.
Who says it's an argument? I think I've seen plenty of college campuses and definitely plenty of parties. You're totally exaggerating.


Staff member
I was invited to one of the parties much like the one on the video (except the women weren't as good looking). I felt uncomfortable because I only knew 1 guy and he left me alone pretty much right away, people were smoking pot all over and I was about 8 years older than everyone.

That was in 1990.

They may not be the norm but these parties do happen.


Yeah Juice, cause every college campus is identical to the last.

I have every reason to lie, to win an internet argument :laugh: That's a riot.
Who says it's an argument? I think I've seen plenty of college campuses and definitely plenty of parties. You're totally exaggerating.[/QUOTE]

So have I. Hell, just four years ago I went to a party at Penn State main campus. I literally had a pitcher of grain alcohol randomly given to me. Yes, parties in college can get that wacky.


Staff member
Yeah Juice, cause every college campus is identical to the last.

I have every reason to lie, to win an internet argument :laugh: That's a riot.
Who says it's an argument? I think I've seen plenty of college campuses and definitely plenty of parties. You're totally exaggerating.[/QUOTE]

So have I. Hell, just four years ago I went to a party at Penn State main campus. I literally had a pitcher of grain alcohol randomly given to me. Yes, parties in college can get that wacky.[/QUOTE]

If that's the best story you got : /...

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

But all right, I realize that I basically just started a "whose dick is bigger" thing going on. And I still think people are exaggerating with rose-tinted glasses, and that song still fucking blows. But yes, the chances that it can happen is in the realm of possibility.

And really, the whole point is that we party, innit? If you guys have seen that youtube in its reality...well, woohoo. I hope you had fun. I hope the stereotypes were fun, too :p

I really think that if we went back in time and actually saw the shit you guys were at, it wouldn't stack up to the pure toolbox stereotype that music video has. I'm going to hold the help that they were actually better parties. That is my hope!


Juski: The early years.

My best story involves waking up on the roof of a car with a TV


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I don't party. I was uncomfortable. I was like the creepy older dude who goes to spring break parties to see topless women they could never get again.


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Man, I never partied. I went to a street party in a college rent house neighborhood for Halloween, but I didn't do anything crazy. A guy dressed as Jesus got smacked around by a cop, though. That was interesting to see. And I got to watch a buddy of mine agonize while a really unappealing woman pawed at him.
I was the social chair for my fraternity for a while. I made the magic happen.

The stuff in that video, sorry Juski, that shit happens. My crew tended to get a bit more... pharmaceutical... so the scene and resulting stories were a bit weirder than the typical binge-drink-a-thon.


I'm a little confused. Is the argument that the video portrays an unrealistic party? Is that what Juski is getting all bent out of shape about?


I went to a few frat parties in undergrad. They were pretty standard bunch of drunken idiots wandering around parties. I hated it so I didn't go to very many so my sample of parties is pretty low but I could see how the parties could turn into stuff like the video.


Staff member
Well, yeah, that and the fact that Asher Roth's idea of a party is a stereotypical toolbag / douchefest. It's all a giant eyeroll for me. But, again, I realize that I just painted myself in the corner of wagging my dick out at the whole thing. I know I'm being way whiny about it. Just party on, brochachos, and try not to be a douchebag. :) I love fucking with those guys.


I'm curious, what constitutes as an awesome, non douchebag Juski affair?


Staff member
Man, there's plenty of things. They usually involve good music, good people, hot girls and a fucking hangover that lasts and lasts and lasts.

And, you know, people who aren't intrinsically dumb and boring.

If only HowDroll were here to back me up on what I consider a good college party...but she doesn't have time anymore to visit, with her bone-buddy and all :p


Man, there's plenty of things. They usually involve good music, good people, hot girls and a fucking hangover that lasts and lasts and lasts.

And, you know, people who aren't intrinsically dumb and boring.

If only HowDroll were here to back me up on what I consider a good college party...but she doesn't have time anymore to visit, with her bone-buddy and all :p
And this is different from every other college party under the sun how?

Eh, my definition of a good party involves numbers. The more the merrier. It ain't no party lest you got at least 30 mother fuckers up in the place, a keg of beer, and a live band.

btw: I'm translating that you're into sausage fests + 2 chicks, amiright!?!??!??!



A party where the main goal of the people there is to get shit-faced is a crappy party in my opinion.
You guys crack me up.
But yeah, even here in Germany, I have been to a couple of parties that were almost identical to the one in the video.Maybe with a little more Hash and Weed.
I guess that the template for college parties is in most countries the same.
This isn't turning into anything Juice. I wasn't saying "you said it was an argument". Simply put, I have no reason to exaggerate or lie. Why would I? Unless you were implying that I was trying to "win" a conversation.


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I'd go. I'd sit in the corner all by myself with an overcoat and dark glasses. I wouldn't talk to anyone and would stare at the women.

If I'm going to feel uncomfortable I'm taking someone with me.
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