The Video Gamer's Eternal Struggle, summed up in a single photo

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makare, there's something I need to tell you. Despite everything I've told you before, I'm actually a fat lesbian with bad skin. I'm sorry for lying to you, can you forgive me?
considering how many men *insist* they are lesbians, I can see this.[/QUOTE]
It's true, I do love the women and the women love me. :hump:

I don't know. The bad skin is such a surprise....
I've been talking to my dermatologist though and he's gonna put me on some meds to help get it under control.
Hmmm. Well, I'm definitely fat, I have okay skin I think, but I'm most definitely not a lesbian. We just share some of the same interests.


makare, there's something I need to tell you. Despite everything I've told you before, I'm actually a fat lesbian with bad skin. I'm sorry for lying to you, can you forgive me?
considering how many men *insist* they are lesbians, I can see this.[/QUOTE]
It's true, I do love the women and the women love me. :hump:

Aw yeah sexy time... see it is possible to have your games and sexy time too.


Thank you everybody. This week has been a little ruff.

Not as ruff as the prison time Calleja is going to have, but still.


Shit. My hormones can't be THAT out of control, can they?
Scary video[/QUOTE]

that's... just really messed up. I am failling to parse the little girls with the little guys standing around. Tin... damnit now I have to find my therapists #.

---------- Post added at 06:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

so NO ONE else sees that pic and gets a male brain "ooh, she's hot" reaction?

Dunno if it helps, but I was oogling her too. *shrug*[/QUOTE]



Staff member
I also never understood the whole "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" joke. That means you think of yourself as a girl who likes other girls, which I don't think you were trying to convey. Unless you're transgendered and a lesbian.
I also never understood the whole "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" joke. That means you think of yourself as a girl who likes other girls, which I don't think you were trying to convey. Unless you're transgendered and a lesbian.
That's pretty much the definition of a transgendered lesbian. You answered your own question.
I also never understood the whole "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" joke. That means you think of yourself as a girl who likes other girls, which I don't think you were trying to convey. Unless you're transgendered and a lesbian.
We just want to be pretty, like women are... don't judge us.

Or something...
I've heard that the novel is quite good.

Also, regarding the picture, at the angle she's seated she does look like she's around 16. Still a bit icky depending on how old you are, but at least I can understand Calleja's conundrum. Still, I wouldn't give a try to her without getting an age. Too low and you're entering Humbert territory.
It's just the rather creepy way it was said. You can say, "She makes me wish I was that young again," or "Well, if I were that kid, I'd be going for it too." Both of those indicate that you find the girl attractive, but it's not as creepy. Why? Because a teenager with a teenager isn't creepy, it's appropriate. But a grown man looking at a school-age girl and saying, "Yeah, I'd hit it," as he is now instead of when he was that age, IS creepy.

I think that girl's well on the way to becoming a very attractive woman, and if I was 14 or 15 or however old those kids are, I'd probably be crushing like hell.

But she's a kid, and I'm over 30. They're too young to be into. After a certain point, you just don't feel it anymore. Shit, that 19 year old that was crushing on my last year was too young.
The novel is FANTASTIC. You expect it to be icky, and of course it is, but it's also one of the most brilliant and intelligent pieces of fiction ever written (at least in my learned opinion.) Nabokov is a master of wordplay, allusions, and dry wit. I'd even go so far as to say that he's one of the best since Shakespeare, certainly up there at least with Joyce.
Joyce is more dense and impenetrable than the Amazon rainforest. In both cases, you need to use a chainsaw.
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