The ONE DREAM I have about Shego...

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....and it's not about her trying to pounce on me or something.

I was grocery shopping, and I had tortillas, lunchmeat, peanut butter, and bagged salad. She comes up out of nowhere and tells me that I shouldn't eat peanut butter because it's bad for me. Then she says... I remember it word for word... "This isn't a good decision. EXPLAIN YOURSELF!" And I get all pissed and say, "I don't have to explain myself! I like peanut butter, goddamnit! It comes in a jar! Get off my back!" Then I pick up a bag of candy and she glares at me, and I say, "It's for my niece!" And she just kind of trails behind me making critical comments while I go up and down the aisles. Then when I try to pay, I find I've forgotten my wallet. When I turn around to ask if I can borrow 20$, she's vanished.



Staff member
I can't say as I've ever dreamed about anyone specifically. I have dreamed that I was on HF, though. I had a panicked dream once that we were under a spam attack and I was suddenly in like a NORAD war room scenario trying to combat it. It was very movie-like in that all the generals & stuff were there asking me what to do and I was barking orders.

"There! That image! Now zoom and enhance it!"

"We have to find this guy before it's too late!"

You pick the dramatic movie cliche and it was in that dream. I'm getting too old for this shit.
The other night I had a dream wherein I read a list of names of people who were staying at a hotel that I apparently owned. My subconscious was like "Oh I guess I have to populate this list wit some names now" and so Shego, Crone, figmentPez and ChibiBar were on the list among other people that I know in real life.
I can't say as I've ever dreamed about anyone specifically. I have dreamed that I was on HF, though. I had a panicked dream once that we were under a spam attack and I was suddenly in like a NORAD war room scenario trying to combat it. It was very movie-like in that all the generals & stuff were there asking me what to do and I was barking orders.

"There! That image! Now zoom and enhance it!"

"We have to find this guy before it's too late!"

You pick the dramatic movie cliche and it was in that dream. I'm getting too old for this shit.
We DO have a couple generals around here...
So the dream machine works.... Now to set it to nightmare mode....
The fact that you are testing a dream machine makes me feel a little more sane. Last night I had a dream that Shego and I were attacking Trolls (no one in particular, just "forum trolls") with bags of flaming sugar (we were throwing them at their houses, she "knew" where they lived). She then convinced my father that I could reset the password for his work machine. When I told him I couldn't do that and explained what my job is, he said my team was doing a poor job...

glad to know I'm not crazy(er)

(notes of interest. Shego was represented by herself from the "mug" shots she posted about a year ago, not one of her avatars. This was the first dream she has ever been in for me (though she is not the first forumite to appear in one of my dreams). Yes, I have had people appear as their avatars in my dream. I am a very lucid dreamer, meaning I can't tell dreams from reality until I wake up).
I once had a dream that started with me browsing the forum, but was really about my computer doing surreal things. Never dreamt about the forum/forumites...


Staff member
No, that was more a comment about the idea of people dreaming about others on an internet forum. Jay just made another good point, though. I was quite content with the boards when you stopped posting for that long while.


Funny thing is, Shannow seems to be more interested in posts about me than any other person here.
interested in?

or interested in and needing to reply too? What I call the Chazwozel "Omfg an Attention Whore!" effect.

I have a hypothesis that has an experiment, but it's probably not unbiased.


Staff member
Funny thing is, Shannow seems to be more interested in posts about me than any other person here.
interested in?

or interested in and needing to reply too? What I call the Chazwozel "Omfg an Attention Whore!" effect.

I have a hypothesis that has an experiment, but it's probably not unbiased.[/QUOTE]

Oh, like you are one to talk!


Oh, like you are one to talk!
"Talk? No Mr. Bond, I expect you to di-"

Oh wait, right. Anyway, Shannow, are you saying that I am an attention whore, which I accept readily, we all know that already-- or are you're saying that I also do the whole Chazspaz zomfg it's croone/ :facepalm: knee jerk response to a forumite every time a thread is posted about them I don't like?


Staff member
Also...unrelated to topic., anyone getting an error with IE that seems to put the last word of a line again on the next line? But will dissapear when refreshed?

Case in point.
Good for you.

Oh, like you are one to talk!
"Talk? No Mr. Bond, I expect you to di-"

Oh wait, right. Anyway, Shannow, are you saying that I am an attention whore, which I accept readily, we all know that already-- or are you're saying that I also do the whole Chazspaz zomfg it's croone/ :facepalm: knee jerk response to a forumite every time a thread is posted about them I don't like?[/QUOTE]

Both, actually. Good summation right there.

Actually, the more I think about it (christ, I shudder that I am doing so), I suppose that no, you are not on the second there.


Staff member
I mistook this place with someplace I came to have fun. Apparently this is the "whining like toddlers" forum. Forget I brought it up, jeez. Just made me laugh when I woke up and thought it might amuse someone else too... not incite a gripefest.


@Shannow: That's actually very funny, because I'd say the same about you and chaz. Anytime someone posts an appreciation/shego thread there you are, reacting, generally being assholes about it. Instead of hitting the "ignore" button.

@Cajun I'd have to say it's a bit less civil than toddlers. But there's a few attention whores on this forum, myself included, so that's expected. In memory of of your dream I'll bow out :)
Bah, I got no issues with the poster in question, just the goddamned advertisements to forum porn stars generally from forum fluffers. Thread could have easily have been titled, “Dreams about other Halforum posters” but we got what we got, once again, with Shegs name in it. Completely unnecessary.

Fact: During this past weekend, I was taking down my tempo; somehow I cut my finger and started bleeding. I though about Gusto and about “rolling second chance” from a game we play together. I didn’t need to A) Create a thread about it and B) Wouldn’t have titled it, “Rolling sloppy seconds with Gusto”.

Fact: Last Thursday as I came home, this old guy in a Caddy was slow, I yelled, “Out of my way Dave!” I didn’t need to A) Create a thread about it and B) Wouldn’t have titled it “Dave causes traffic everyone, true story”.

Fact: A few weeks ago the Habs played the Pens, Crosby dived again and I wondered if Chaz feels the same way I do about Crosby about diving but figured he’s just another delusional Pens fan. I didn’t need to A) Create a thread about it and B) Wouldn’t have called it “Chaz like men who go down easily”.

Long story made short, quit it fluffers.

And secondly, stop taking this shit as seriously as Shannow.


Staff member
So, how much was the experimental surgery which gives you a long, intense, EXTREMELY satisfying orgasm every time you complain about harmless, pointless threads? I'm gonna start saving my pennies and practicing.

"Grrr, this thread is dumb."
I swear to fuck all Jay that you and Shannow are both a couple of fucking ignorant twats if you can't even tell that (taking a cue from your number here)
A) you outright seek and desire attention just as much as anyone else. You don't get it from praise and (what you call fluffers) so you do it like a fucking toddler thinking that even bad attention is still attention, so you get your wish. Guess what kiddo, we still love you too, even if you have sibliings.
B) your fucking trolling around and jumping into threads just to spread bile should fucking stop. Take a fucking clue. You don't have to be a post whore and get into every fucking thread. You don't like the way a thread is, shut your fucking yap and don't click it. There are tons of threads on this board that I don't feel like getting into, may not even care for the subject matter but you don't see me going into them just to cuss their existence.
C) Every poster in some way wants to have attention. They want their opinion and or thoughts acknowledged and appreciated. Even in your case where it's simple to be vile then you gain your acceptance because that's what you are aiming for. There is nothing wrong with this thread or even if you had made threads about Gusto, Dave, or anything else that has had an effect upon you that you can relate to this forum. You wouldn't even be at fault if you made a thread that wasn't not related to this forum.

Because that's what we do.

In short. Shut up. Both of you.
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