RapeLay "game"

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Staff member
I see eye to eye with the shark on this one. How can anyone look at this and NOT know it's wrong? How can rape or abuse of little girls EVER be seen as entertainment in a civilized society?
Snarkily, I would point out that people are, indeed, assholes to one another.

Don't know enough about Japanese culture and the tendency of sexual fantasies therein to offer anything else than "They're seriously fucked up".


So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but did you have an asian fetish before meeting her? Your relationship (you know, a healthy one) isn't the same as what's being described when we talk about geeky obsession over asian women.[/QUOTE]

So is it the submission thing?


They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.


Staff member
One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.


Staff member
One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.

Ouch. The bruises on my ego... :p


So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but did you have an asian fetish before meeting her? Your relationship (you know, a healthy one) isn't the same as what's being described when we talk about geeky obsession over asian women.[/QUOTE]

I guess I can't deny having a touch of the yellow fever (My last two long term relationships since 1993 have been with Asian women) but I can't remember being obsessed with them or their culture (Indeed, I've learned far more about asian culture 'since' dating and marrying them rather than before).

In regards to the obsession, maybe it's the hardcore anime crowd who want a sailor moon all of their own? I've noticed a prevalent theme in Japanese anime is the lonely geek who somehow ends up living with two or more sexy women who inexplicably find him attractive, so maybe they're buying into that fantasy.


Staff member
One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.

Ouch. The bruises on my ego... :p[/QUOTE]

Iiiiii have no evidence of what's true and therefore make no assumptions. :p

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Something about their voices seems to get to guys too--the soft, airy voices of bubbly anime chicks. Did anyone see that ep of Harvey Birdman with the Japanese band, and everyone was hypnotized by the young girl's voice?


They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]




They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]



I love you.


Staff member
They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]



I love you.[/QUOTE]





*falls off chair, laughs like a maniac*


Staff member
My God, I can't help it but now I hear everything Chaz says in a Mort Goldman voice... Can't... stop... laughing... my sides... splitting...


I got mah grillz, bitches! BLING BLANG

---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

My God, I can't help it but now I hear everything Chaz says in a Mort Goldman voice... Can't... stop... laughing... my sides... splitting...
I guess I just don't get the allure. Never have.
Pretty much "ditto". I'm fascinated by the Japanese language and culture, which was why I ended up studying abroad there for a year. Although I did run into a lot of cute girls (and I did notice there seemed to be a higher proportion of attractive girls there than here), I couldn't understand why a couple of my friends were going nuts over it. Most of the girls they dated seemed to be either shallow, self-centered, or just emotionally immature, and I got that impression from a good chunk of the girls I met. Although, funnily enough, I now have a Chinese girlfriend, and--as her parents don't speak English that well--I decided I may as well learn Mandarin since it can only help in the long run.

As to the original point of this article: I'm vehemently against it in principle, but we can't really tell another country what to do. Personally, I think this stems from Japan's obsession on youth: there's a cultural stigma that a woman who's not married by 25 has 'expired'; anime and manga often depict youthful qualities (the facial features, for example, of most anime characters are reminiscent of children no matter their age; the optimism/cynicism/'cool!' qualities); and oftentimes characters will be given an age far exceeding their characteristics (look at Ichigo from Bleach, for example, or the characters from the game Blue Dragon). That's just my .02, though; it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.


Dave... I don't even want to know how you find this one...

As for the game, I don't think I can even comprehend the logic behind it much less even have a glimpse of understanding of it.


I see eye to eye with the shark on this one. How can anyone look at this and NOT know it's wrong? How can rape or abuse of little girls EVER be seen as entertainment in a civilized society?
I think it's the breaking-of-taboos factor that's likely to be the turn-on here. Just like being brought up to view sex as dirty can apparently contribute to a scat fetish.

... Incidentally, if you don't know what a scat fetish is, folks, then FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't look it up.


Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.
Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.
Most prefectures bump that up to 18 though. Local seems to trump federal in this case.


Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.
Most prefectures bump that up to 18 though. Local seems to trump federal in this case.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, in theory. Besides, 'most' ain't 'all'.

Also, on an unrelated note, there's apparently such a thing as a company called the 'Sexual Harassment Corporation' operating out of Tokyo, which allows paying customers to engage in simulated workplace molestation. On the plus side, at least it's simulated. Yay?

What the fuck, Japan.
Damn, this story is pretty old. I've heard of the game as far back as 3-4 years ago. Why is this coming into the spotlight now? What happened?
Damn, this story is pretty old. I've heard of the game as far back as 3-4 years ago. Why is this coming into the spotlight now? What happened?
They needed a story to hide the news.[/QUOTE]

Basically this. Some parents group in the US heard about the game and tried to protest the company that made it, before learning it was made in Japan. They then raised a stink over the very EXISTENCE of such a game to some major news outlets, which caused the US government to lean on Japan to deal with this shit. Japan was dragging it's feet for awhile, but it's banned rape games and a law about depiction of minors is supposed to go to a vote soon. It's actually pretty likely it'll pass too, despite several Manga creators (including some of the top in the field) complaining that it will hamper Artist's ability to create. Try as you might, it's pretty hard to justify Rape and Child pr0n, even in Japan.
Yeah, this game's been out for years. It's even got a sequel or two.

As for why people like rape fantasies, power is a turn-on. A rape simulator gives people a simulation of power.

Finally, I'm glad to see so many people outraged by a rape simulation game, I look forward to seeing a similar level of outrage when the next murder simulation game is released.

(Okay, yeah, that last line is trolly, m'bad :p)
So, I've never been to Japan. Does this pass as normal there? Really? I just have a hard time believing that. I hope not.

I see a lot of weird shit from time to time from Japan (pillow lovers, jacked up games shows, this shit
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but I thought some of the other stuff was just a subset of a subculture. We need to root for Godzilla next time.


right, cause no other country has rape fantasy porn. also, this game was released in 2006, america got outraged in 2009, why is cnn reporting on it now?
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