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RapeLay "game"




Figured this would go better either here or in the politics section.

Japan has released a game where the object is to rape young girls. I'm not kidding. What kind of sick fuck would ever want to "play" this?


Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The game begins with a teenage girl on a subway platform. She notices you are looking at her and asks, \"Can I help you with something?\"

That is when you, the player, can choose your method of assault.

With the click of your mouse, you can grope her and lift her skirt. Then you can follow her aboard the train, assaulting her sister and her mother.

As you continue to play, \"friends\" join in and in a series of graphic, interactive scenes, you can corner the women, rape them again and again.

The game allows you to even impregnate a girl and urge her to have an abortion. The reason behind your assault, explains the game, is that the teenage girl has accused you of molesting her on the train. The motive is revenge.

It is little wonder that the game, titled RapeLay, sparked international outrage from women's groups. Taina Bien-Aime helped yank the game off store shelves worldwide.

\"This was a game that had absolutely no place on the market,\" said Taina Bien-Aime of women's rights organization Equality Now which has campaigned for the game to be taken off the shelves.
But the controversy that led to stopping sales of the game instead took it viral.

That was how Lucy Kibble and Jim Gardner in Britain heard about it.

\"I think the idea that you can do it by wholesale banning is just never going to work anyway because we downloaded it for free off the Internet,\" Gardner said.

In the case of RapeLay, he was right. It is still readily available on dozens of Web sites, sometimes for free.

What happened to RapeLay is an example, said Bien-Aime, of why Japan needs to police game makers.
\"It's obviously very difficult to curtail activity on the Internet. But the governments do have a role in trying to regulate this sort of extreme pornography of children, both in their countries, and through the Internet ,\" she said, adding that they were calling for the Japanese government \"to ban all games that promote and simulate sexual violence, sexual torture, stalking and rape against women and girls. And there are plenty of games like that. \"

Those games are known as \"hentai games.\" Almost all feature girlish-looking characters. Some of the games are violent -- depicting rape, torture and bondage in detail.

Step into a game shop in Akihabara, Japan's electronics district, and hentai games are readily available. In minutes, we found a game similar to RapeLay. The object here is also revenge: Find and rape the woman who fired the player from his imaginary job. Along the way, the player can rape a number of other girls and women.

Hentai games are not new to Japan. This country has long produced products the rest of the world would call pornographic. But before the arrival of the Internet, such items stayed in Japan. Now, once a game goes on sale in Tokyo, it is digitized and shared everywhere.

Japan does have censorship laws for sexual content. In games and videos, genitalia are obscured, even if it is animated. But Japan's laws do not restrict the themes and ideas of the games.
A national law that would make possession of real and virtual images of child porn illegal is under discussion, but no serious legislation has moved forward in Japan's parliament.

CNN contacted the Gender Equality Promotion Division in the Gender Equality Bureau of Japan's Cabinet Office, which is charged with handling the hentai gaming issue.

Despite repeated calls over a period of weeks, no representative from the government office would comment to CNN on camera. The office refused to make a statement on paper. A spokeswoman would only say over the telephone that the Japanese government was aware that the games were a problem and it was checking to see if self-policing by the gaming industry was enough.

A member of the Institute of Contents Culture, who did not want to give CNN his name, said restricting game themes limits freedom of expression.

\"In my opinion, RapeLay's storyline went too far. However, if a game creator wants to express something and create content out of it, a government or public entity shouldn't have the power to restrain it.\"

Lucy Kibble and Jim Gardner, the gamers in Britain, said trying to control games on the Internet was futile and that content control was up to parents.

\"The idea of banning it, or telling people what they can and can't do just because on the off chance some kid might get involved with it is just ridiculous,\" said Gardner.
By the way, any "you gonna get raped" pics are going to be deleted in this thread.



Ive seen quite a few of those games. My desensitization to that kind of thing is coming along quite nicely I guess.





This controversy has been pretty mainstream for at least 6 months now. Kotaku's been following it pretty heavily. Here's some links for you to get more acquainted with it.

Erotic Game Comments On Erotic Game Controversy

United Nations Calls For Explicit Japanese Game Ban

Company Renames Rape Game Category

Rape Games Officially Banned In Japan

Ero Game Website Blocks Non-Japan Viewers To "Defend Culture"

Erotic Game Developer Explains Foreign Access Web Blocking

As much as it pains me to say, the Japanese do have a point: The US is pulling a power play on Japan to legislate THEIR morality. As close of allies as we are, Japan gets to decide what happens in it's borders, not the US, and we just have to accept that they view things differently their... especially since we're the ones who fucked them up to being with.




Yeah I thought it had been out for awhile 'cause I remember reading about a rape game a few months ago. Maybe there was another similar game?



There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.




especially since we're the ones who fucked them up to being with.
How did the war fuck up a culture that has hated women forever? Ask 80+ year old women in Korea and Shanghai about Japanese rape fantasies.

Or look at the centuries old fantasies of tentacle rape.



It's not like the Japanese have the market cornered on rape fantasies.



especially since we're the ones who fucked them up to being with.
How did the war fuck up a culture that has hated women forever? Ask 80+ year old women in Korea and Shanghai about Japanese rape fantasies.

Or look at the centuries old fantasies of tentacle rape.[/QUOTE]

I'm so fucking sick about hearing about how wrong it was for the US to use nuclear weapons on Japan, and how everything wrong with Japan is a direct result of it. Damn sandal-wearing, goldfish tenders!




This game was reviewed on something awful like 2 years ago. Way to keep up, CNN.

That being said, yes, it's a sick game. But apparently games like this are a full genre in their porn industry. Bottom line is, they aren't selling it here, so what the hell are we trying to control?




It's not like the Japanese have the market cornered on rape fantasies.
They are more out in the open about it.






It's not like the Japanese have the market cornered on rape fantasies.
They are more out in the open about it.[/QUOTE]

At least when it happens in the open people know about it but when it is hidden people can become victims. I don't know if that makes sense. I don't actually care about rape fantasies as long as people are willing participants but in an unregulated porn industry operating behind closed doors, what is presented as fantasy might have been the real thing. If it is going to exist I want to know about it and regulate or control it the best we can. Give potential victims a legal recourse.



It's not like the Japanese have the market cornered on rape fantasies.
They are more out in the open about it.[/QUOTE]

At least when it happens in the open people know about it but when it is hidden people can become victims. I don't know if that makes sense. I don't actually care about rape fantasies as long as people are willing participants but in an unregulated porn industry operating behind closed doors, what is presented as fantasy might have been the real thing. If it is going to exist I want to know about it and regulate or control it the best we can. Give potential victims a legal recourse.[/QUOTE]

This makes no sense.




We can't prevent crimes we don't know about.

Is that better?




Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.



We can't prevent crimes we don't know about.

Is that better?

But we do know that rape is a prevalent crime in all countries...

---------- Post added at 02:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 PM ----------

Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.

Wow, that's like the complete antithesis to what gives me a boner.



We can't prevent crimes we don't know about.

Is that better?

But we do know that rape is a prevalent crime in all countries...[/QUOTE]

We are talking about Japans openness about rape porn compared to the US's secrecy about it. If it is open they can do something about it. If it is secret you can't.




Okay, first of all, makare, according to the SA review, it's all computer generated. There are no actual people involved. Does it being toons make it better? Not really, but neither are there actual victims in this case.

Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.

Yes, the whimpering and crying and "child" aspects are grotesque, and I agree with Chaz (dun dun dun!) that it is the opposite of sexy. But we aren't them, and they aren't trying to market it to us. You kind of have to go out of your way to try and acquire it in the first place.



We can't prevent crimes we don't know about.

Is that better?

But we do know that rape is a prevalent crime in all countries...[/QUOTE]

We are talking about Japans openness about rape porn compared to the US's secrecy about it. If it is open they can do something about it. If it is secret you can't.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can get rape fantasy/ S&M shit at your local porn shop in the U.S. no fuss, no muss.

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

Okay, first of all, makare, according to the SA review, it's all computer generated. There are no actual people involved. Does it being toons make it better? Not really, but neither are their actual victims in this case.

Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.



Okay, first of all, makare, according to the SA review, it's all computer generated. There are no actual people involved. Does it being toons make it better? Not really, but neither are their actual victims in this case.

Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
I haven't made any of those arguments.

And my response was to sixpackshaker saying that Japan being more open about it was somehow a bad thing. Where I think it is better that it is out in the open.




Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?





oh, thanks Sheg 8)




I'm not saying it's okay, I'm saying we don't have the right to force them to change. All we can do is say it's not acceptable here, which is already the case.



Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
:tape: Oh please god no, not that topic.

I'm not saying it's okay, I'm saying we don't have the right to force them to change. All we can do is say it's not acceptable here, which is already the case.
If you are still talking to me, I didn't say we should. When I speak of regulation I mean by their own government not by the US.



I'm not saying it's okay, I'm saying we don't have the right to force them to change. All we can do is say it's not acceptable here, which is already the case.

Yes we do.




We must bear the White Man's burden.



We must bear the White Man's burden.
Nah, if we are going to watch a Travolta movie I vote Pulp Fiction. Always a good time.




That cutting literary reference aside, I think the idea is really gross. But that's their sick, bag. Can't make Japan *NOT* want rape fantasies. Just gotta try and facilitate less wrong ways to engage in their kinks. Let's be honest here: you can't teach an old dog-fucker new tricks. But you can let him put out his perversions in a shitty photoshop so he won't actually fuck a dog.




Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
:tape: Oh please god no, not that topic.[/QUOTE]
I"m on here everyday, and I don't think I've ever seen an answer to that.




We must bear the White Man's burden.
Nah, if we are going to watch a Travolta movie I vote Pulp Fiction. Always a good time.[/QUOTE]

It's a Travolta movie? I was trying to be smart and refer to Rudyard Kipling :/ that's what I get, I guess.




How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.



Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
:tape: Oh please god no, not that topic.[/QUOTE]
I"m on here everyday, and I don't think I've ever seen an answer to that.[/QUOTE]

People that get their jollies off child porn real or animated are pretty fucked in the head.



How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
I don't think our government has a right to say anything to them. But I sure as hell do. I can say what I think they should do all I want because that is my right as a person. Particularly one living in the US.




People that get their jollies off child porn real or animated are pretty fucked in the head.
People are fucked in the head in lots of ways, doesn't make it illegal/able to put them in prison.



How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
So it's cool that women in Saudi Arabia are beaten by their husbands and treated as second class citizens because it's part of their culture? It's cool that Indian caste systems still exist in many regions and basic human rights are denied certain people because it's their culture? Awesome!




Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
You know the argument. People worry that animated porn featuring underage girls will encourage pedophiles to go out and do it in the real world to real victims.




Okay, great. No one is arguing that it's not sick. But since it's not being sold here, I don't really see where we have to do anything about it.




Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
You know the argument. People worry that animated porn featuring underage girls will encourage pedophiles to go out and do it in the real world to real victims.[/QUOTE]

Well then that still means that the actual act of child porn is the crime.

That's like blaming violent video games for columbine.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.
The BDSM world/scene is in no way synonymous with rape enthusiasts.



Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
You know the argument. People worry that animated porn featuring underage girls will encourage pedophiles to go out and do it in the real world to real victims.[/QUOTE]

I think that's hardly the issue, just as violent video games don't turn you into an axe murderer. Mainstreaming violence, however, does contribute to a desensitization to it.




I'm not saying I support that argument, I'm just repeating what I usually hear in these news stories.



There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.
The BDSM world/scene is in no way synonymous with rape enthusiasts.[/QUOTE]

Not synonymous no, but rape fantasy would be a subset of SM. Definitely.

Also, I would love to right all the injustices in the world that chap my ass but I am really scared of giving the government, any government, power over the morality and social structure of another country. If change is going to be made it should be made by civilians and by encouraging a change in the populations perceptions on the issue.




How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
So it's cool that women in Saudi Arabia are beaten by their husbands and treated as second class citizens because it's part of their culture? It's cool that Indian caste systems still exist in many regions and basic human rights are denied certain people because it's their culture? Awesome![/QUOTE]

As I just said, it's not okay, but neither do we have the right to force change about it. We're not Saudi Arabia, so that shit doesn't fly here - but look in any trailer park, and see that it exists. We can say it's not allowable here, but we can't say it's not legal there because it's not our country.



Remind me again, Child porn is illegal because there is a victim, the child, correct? Therefore, what exactly is illegal about animated child porn?
You know the argument. People worry that animated porn featuring underage girls will encourage pedophiles to go out and do it in the real world to real victims.[/QUOTE]

Well then that still means that the actual act of child porn is the crime.

That's like blaming violent video games for columbine.[/QUOTE]

Well violent shit did contribute to desensitization of the violence that occurred at Columbine. In a lot of cases, teenagers don't realize the reality of, say, shooting someone means they die, and stay dead and the consequences of that act till after it happens.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.
The BDSM world/scene is in no way synonymous with rape enthusiasts.[/QUOTE]

Not synonymous no, but rape fantasy would be a subset of SM. Definitely.


Yeah, rape fantasy. But his "not in video game form" kind of unfairly implies BDSM is full of rapists.




I think it's fair for a country or countries to enforce basic human rights. This would mean stopping violence against women, but not trying to force a country to alter its sexual preferences for animated porn.



There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.
The BDSM world/scene is in no way synonymous with rape enthusiasts.[/QUOTE]

Not synonymous no, but rape fantasy would be a subset of SM. Definitely.


Yeah, rape fantasy. But his "not in video game form" kind of unfairly implies BDSM is full of rapists.[/QUOTE]

You have a right to your own interpretation but I didnt read that into his statement at all.



How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
So it's cool that women in Saudi Arabia are beaten by their husbands and treated as second class citizens because it's part of their culture? It's cool that Indian caste systems still exist in many regions and basic human rights are denied certain people because it's their culture? Awesome![/QUOTE]

As I just said, it's not okay, but neither do we have the right to force change about it. We're not Saudi Arabia, so that shit doesn't fly here - but look in any trailer park, and see that it exists. We can say it's not allowable here, but we can't say it's not legal there because it's not our country.[/QUOTE]

Cool, if I see someone getting mugged I'll just shrug my shoulders and tell myself that it's wrong but not my problem.




Cool, if I see someone getting mugged I'll just shrug my shoulders and tell myself that it's wrong but not my problem.
Congratulations, you have just earned the achievement "Stereotypical New Yorker"




How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
So it's cool that women in Saudi Arabia are beaten by their husbands and treated as second class citizens because it's part of their culture? It's cool that Indian caste systems still exist in many regions and basic human rights are denied certain people because it's their culture? Awesome![/QUOTE]

As I just said, it's not okay, but neither do we have the right to force change about it. We're not Saudi Arabia, so that shit doesn't fly here - but look in any trailer park, and see that it exists. We can say it's not allowable here, but we can't say it's not legal there because it's not our country.[/QUOTE]

Cool, if I see someone getting mugged I'll just shrug my shoulders and tell myself that it's wrong but not my problem.[/QUOTE]

Chaz, why are you talking on an internet forum when you should be preaching / advocating / solving all of the world's moral problems?

Go man, the world needs you and your jet pack!



How do you figure that, Chaz? What gives us the right to interfere with something that doesn't involve us at all? There's interfering when it's something that is a threat to our nation or our allies - that's necessary. But we don't have the right to tell them what should excite them any more than they have the right to tell us how we should live.

Mak - their government seems to be okay with it, so that's settled then.
So it's cool that women in Saudi Arabia are beaten by their husbands and treated as second class citizens because it's part of their culture? It's cool that Indian caste systems still exist in many regions and basic human rights are denied certain people because it's their culture? Awesome![/QUOTE]

As I just said, it's not okay, but neither do we have the right to force change about it. We're not Saudi Arabia, so that shit doesn't fly here - but look in any trailer park, and see that it exists. We can say it's not allowable here, but we can't say it's not legal there because it's not our country.[/QUOTE]

Cool, if I see someone getting mugged I'll just shrug my shoulders and tell myself that it's wrong but not my problem.[/QUOTE]

Chaz, why are you talking on an internet forum when you should be preaching / advocating / solving all of the world's moral problems?

Go man, the world needs you and your jet pack![/QUOTE]

What? There are only like 10 human beings I really give a shit about.




If you think that's the same thing, Chaz, well I guess that's all that can be said about it.



If you think that's the same thing, Chaz, well I guess that's all that can be said about it.
No it's not, but the indifference you seem to be showing is. "It's all good, dawg, throwing babies over a cliff is just their culture."



If you think that's the same thing, Chaz, well I guess that's all that can be said about it.
No it's not, but the indifference you seem to be showing is. "It's all good, dawg, throwing babies over a cliff is just their culture."[/QUOTE]



At least they catch the babies, I guess...




I'm usually a "pro-everything" person, mostly because I believe more in education than in prohibition but, this game thing really appalls me, as someone already said, we can't blame violent games for the violent things people do, but let's not kid ourselves, videogames can really help shape up the mind of a kid, they're young and stupid, a game like this turns the rape subject into something "normal" for them, it CANNOT be a good thing. Definetely not.




Okay, great. No one is arguing that it's not sick. But since it's not being sold here, I don't really see where we have to do anything about it.
It is being sold here, hell there are links to Japanese Rape Porn in our NSFW section. And with their porn the females all wear High School Sailor Uniforms.



So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.




Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.
Human rights =/= porn industry.

Well, not before someone makes a porno about Amnesty International.




Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.
Human rights =/= porn industry.

Well, not before someone makes a porno about Amnesty International.[/QUOTE]

Torture Porn is quite popular.




I had no idea that this type of thing was so prevalent. I didn't think I was that sheltered but holy hell.




Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.
God I remember this one porn tape my friend got in Japan. It was a gift from his host brother and the brother swore up and down that this was the hottest tape in his possesion.

It was of course 40 minutes of the girl crying during sex.



Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.
Human rights =/= porn industry.

Well, not before someone makes a porno about Amnesty International.[/QUOTE]

Alright you got me there.

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.
God I remember this one porn tape my friend got in Japan. It was a gift from his host brother and the brother swore up and down that this was the hottest tape in his possesion.

It was of course 40 minutes of the girl crying during sex.[/QUOTE]

HOW IS THIS A TURN ON!??!?!?!??!?




Ew. :(




Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.
God I remember this one porn tape my friend got in Japan. It was a gift from his host brother and the brother swore up and down that this was the hottest tape in his possesion.

It was of course 40 minutes of the girl crying during sex.

Who the fuck knows? We all know about Rule 34. There are people who will get off on ANYTHING.




I see eye to eye with the shark on this one. How can anyone look at this and NOT know it's wrong? How can rape or abuse of little girls EVER be seen as entertainment in a civilized society?



Wow noone? Really?


Anyway, as for the topic at hand: Getting Japan to ban animated child porn isn't ever going to happen. Not sure where I read it, but I remember an article saying that older asian men enjoyed the fact that most asian women whimper and cry during sex because it reminds them of a child.
God I remember this one porn tape my friend got in Japan. It was a gift from his host brother and the brother swore up and down that this was the hottest tape in his possesion.

It was of course 40 minutes of the girl crying during sex.

Who the fuck knows? We all know about Rule 34. There are people who will get off on ANYTHING.[/QUOTE]

Actually this thread reminds me of Death Proof.



So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.




Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.
Human rights =/= porn industry.

Well, not before someone makes a porno about Amnesty International.[/QUOTE]

Alright you got me there.[/QUOTE]




So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Well my question is why do so many geeks go gaga for Asian women?

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:37 PM ----------

Secondly, the US has no right to try and regulate another country's porn industry. It's absurd.
This is true. But at the same time it's like saying it's ok that Islamic women are beaten and generally treated like shit in Saudi Arabia just because it's 'the culture'.
Human rights =/= porn industry.

Well, not before someone makes a porno about Amnesty International.[/QUOTE]

Alright you got me there.[/QUOTE]


They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...




So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but did you have an asian fetish before meeting her? Your relationship (you know, a healthy one) isn't the same as what's being described when we talk about geeky obsession over asian women.




I see eye to eye with the shark on this one. How can anyone look at this and NOT know it's wrong? How can rape or abuse of little girls EVER be seen as entertainment in a civilized society?
Snarkily, I would point out that people are, indeed, assholes to one another.

Don't know enough about Japanese culture and the tendency of sexual fantasies therein to offer anything else than "They're seriously fucked up".



So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but did you have an asian fetish before meeting her? Your relationship (you know, a healthy one) isn't the same as what's being described when we talk about geeky obsession over asian women.[/QUOTE]

So is it the submission thing?




They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.



They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.




One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.




One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.

Ouch. The bruises on my ego... :p



So is the whole submission thing what attracts so many geeks to Japanese women. Cause I've never been a fan of Asian chicks, but it seems a lot of geek male culture revolves around Asian chicks.
I'm married to an asian woman, and I can tell you right now that submission doesn't really enter into it.

Not from her end anyway.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but did you have an asian fetish before meeting her? Your relationship (you know, a healthy one) isn't the same as what's being described when we talk about geeky obsession over asian women.[/QUOTE]

I guess I can't deny having a touch of the yellow fever (My last two long term relationships since 1993 have been with Asian women) but I can't remember being obsessed with them or their culture (Indeed, I've learned far more about asian culture 'since' dating and marrying them rather than before).

In regards to the obsession, maybe it's the hardcore anime crowd who want a sailor moon all of their own? I've noticed a prevalent theme in Japanese anime is the lonely geek who somehow ends up living with two or more sexy women who inexplicably find him attractive, so maybe they're buying into that fantasy.




One time I heard a guy say that, since Asian men have small penises (I'm NOT saying what's true or not...), that Asian women must therefore have small vaginas. Therefore, they're impressed by even average dudes.

...don't kill the messenger.

Ouch. The bruises on my ego... :p[/QUOTE]

Iiiiii have no evidence of what's true and therefore make no assumptions. :p

---------- Post added at 02:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Something about their voices seems to get to guys too--the soft, airy voices of bubbly anime chicks. Did anyone see that ep of Harvey Birdman with the Japanese band, and everyone was hypnotized by the young girl's voice?




I guess I just don't get the allure. Never have.



They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]




They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]



I love you.




They caught the shark at the end of Jaws too, my friend. But there were sequels...
I know. I just thought the image fitted the situation, my kilt-wearing marine predator friend.[/QUOTE]

Indeed my shash wearing, horned forehead, de-pantsing friend.

acutally, speaking of my avatar. Could someone shop the bling-bling teeth from my sigfile shark onto my shark avatar? That would be neato.[/QUOTE]



I love you.[/QUOTE]





*falls off chair, laughs like a maniac*




Heeheehee, grilled shark.




My God, I can't help it but now I hear everything Chaz says in a Mort Goldman voice... Can't... stop... laughing... my sides... splitting...





WTH... Were they using Willy Wonka as bait?



I got mah grillz, bitches! BLING BLANG

---------- Post added at 04:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------

My God, I can't help it but now I hear everything Chaz says in a Mort Goldman voice... Can't... stop... laughing... my sides... splitting...




I guess I just don't get the allure. Never have.
Pretty much "ditto". I'm fascinated by the Japanese language and culture, which was why I ended up studying abroad there for a year. Although I did run into a lot of cute girls (and I did notice there seemed to be a higher proportion of attractive girls there than here), I couldn't understand why a couple of my friends were going nuts over it. Most of the girls they dated seemed to be either shallow, self-centered, or just emotionally immature, and I got that impression from a good chunk of the girls I met. Although, funnily enough, I now have a Chinese girlfriend, and--as her parents don't speak English that well--I decided I may as well learn Mandarin since it can only help in the long run.

As to the original point of this article: I'm vehemently against it in principle, but we can't really tell another country what to do. Personally, I think this stems from Japan's obsession on youth: there's a cultural stigma that a woman who's not married by 25 has 'expired'; anime and manga often depict youthful qualities (the facial features, for example, of most anime characters are reminiscent of children no matter their age; the optimism/cynicism/'cool!' qualities); and oftentimes characters will be given an age far exceeding their characteristics (look at Ichigo from Bleach, for example, or the characters from the game Blue Dragon). That's just my .02, though; it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.




Ultra-shiny braces... Lisp... mental image killing me with laughter...



Ultra-shiny braces... Lisp... mental image killing me with laughter...

They're not braces. It's a grill, nigga.



There's plenty in the BDSM world that are into this type of thing. Not in video game form.
The BDSM world/scene is in no way synonymous with rape enthusiasts.[/QUOTE]

I know.




Ultra-shiny braces... Lisp... mental image killing me with laughter...

They're not braces. It's a grill, nigga.


They don't have black people where Ranger's from. He's probably not familiar with it.



Dave... I don't even want to know how you find this one...

As for the game, I don't think I can even comprehend the logic behind it much less even have a glimpse of understanding of it.




It was front page CNN this morning.



I see eye to eye with the shark on this one. How can anyone look at this and NOT know it's wrong? How can rape or abuse of little girls EVER be seen as entertainment in a civilized society?
I think it's the breaking-of-taboos factor that's likely to be the turn-on here. Just like being brought up to view sex as dirty can apparently contribute to a scat fetish.

... Incidentally, if you don't know what a scat fetish is, folks, then FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't look it up.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I think it's the breaking-of-taboos factor that's likely to be the turn-on here.
Also why incest is kind of a common theme in Japanese games.



Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.




Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.
Most prefectures bump that up to 18 though. Local seems to trump federal in this case.




I refuse to take such a game seriously. What kind of idiotic name is RapeLay?



Regarding the underagedness, though, don't forget that the age of consent in Japan is 13, in theory if not always in practice.

So we know where Icarus moved to when he left the forum, at least.
Most prefectures bump that up to 18 though. Local seems to trump federal in this case.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, in theory. Besides, 'most' ain't 'all'.

Also, on an unrelated note, there's apparently such a thing as a company called the 'Sexual Harassment Corporation' operating out of Tokyo, which allows paying customers to engage in simulated workplace molestation. On the plus side, at least it's simulated. Yay?

What the fuck, Japan.




Damn, this story is pretty old. I've heard of the game as far back as 3-4 years ago. Why is this coming into the spotlight now? What happened?




Damn, this story is pretty old. I've heard of the game as far back as 3-4 years ago. Why is this coming into the spotlight now? What happened?
They needed a story to hide the news.




Damn, this story is pretty old. I've heard of the game as far back as 3-4 years ago. Why is this coming into the spotlight now? What happened?
They needed a story to hide the news.[/QUOTE]

Basically this. Some parents group in the US heard about the game and tried to protest the company that made it, before learning it was made in Japan. They then raised a stink over the very EXISTENCE of such a game to some major news outlets, which caused the US government to lean on Japan to deal with this shit. Japan was dragging it's feet for awhile, but it's banned rape games and a law about depiction of minors is supposed to go to a vote soon. It's actually pretty likely it'll pass too, despite several Manga creators (including some of the top in the field) complaining that it will hamper Artist's ability to create. Try as you might, it's pretty hard to justify Rape and Child pr0n, even in Japan.




Yeah, this game's been out for years. It's even got a sequel or two.

As for why people like rape fantasies, power is a turn-on. A rape simulator gives people a simulation of power.

Finally, I'm glad to see so many people outraged by a rape simulation game, I look forward to seeing a similar level of outrage when the next murder simulation game is released.

(Okay, yeah, that last line is trolly, m'bad :p)




So, I've never been to Japan. Does this pass as normal there? Really? I just have a hard time believing that. I hope not.

I see a lot of weird shit from time to time from Japan (pillow lovers, jacked up games shows, this shit
View attachment 455

but I thought some of the other stuff was just a subset of a subculture. We need to root for Godzilla next time.



right, cause no other country has rape fantasy porn. also, this game was released in 2006, america got outraged in 2009, why is cnn reporting on it now?




Are you kidding? I always cheer for Godzilla.




You want to see weird though.. I think you have to be Japanese to go to a lot of places in the darker parts of Tokyo.
This is true. They flat out refuse Westerners at some of the brothels, hostess clubs, and fetish clubs. It's ostensibly because Westerners "scare" the girls who work there, but it's mainly about trying to keep parts of Japan "pure". This is also one of the reasons you will NEVER see a Western looking member of the Yakuza.

Fun Fact: Yakuza are allowed to own offices and operate openly in Japan because, while it's illegal to have a criminal organization operating in Japan, it's not illegal to be a member of one.




I haven't read through past the first page, but I'd like to at least clear something up:

First of all, this game is super fucking old.

Second, the player does not "rape" the girls in the game. The beginning stages are just tools for seeing nakey toon girls (lifting skirts and whatnot) and the girls do not react any more negatively than any OTHER Japanese girl hentai. Just the typical "oh!"s and "ah!"s that the fullest-ly consensual sex gets from them.

The later stages is just sex. There is no rape, it is not even implied (other than the name of the game, which might be more of a pun than anything). The girls don't really react negatively to anything. They're just sort of there for the player to have fun with. They will even happily go oral on the "ghost man" player, without a hint of being unhappy about it.

From what I've seen, it's just more 3D sex game. It's about as much rape as a blow-up doll is rape; it just sits there while you fuck it and has no real opinion on the matter.

Now if the game was you chasing down a girl on the street, threatening her with a knife, pushing her to the ground, and forcefully taking her, that would be completely different.

In all honesty, the mangas where the people murder the girls and fuck their rotting corpses is far more horrible than this, just for the idea.



ITT: Japanophiles defending their beloved rape porn.




I haven't read through past the first page, but I'd like to at least clear something up:

First of all, this game is super fucking old.

Second, the player does not "rape" the girls in the game. The beginning stages are just tools for seeing nakey toon girls (lifting skirts and whatnot) and the girls do not react any more negatively than any OTHER Japanese girl hentai. Just the typical "oh!"s and "ah!"s that the fullest-ly consensual sex gets from them.

The later stages is just sex. There is no rape, it is not even implied (other than the name of the game, which might be more of a pun than anything). The girls don't really react negatively to anything. They're just sort of there for the player to have fun with. They will even happily go oral on the "ghost man" player, without a hint of being unhappy about it.

From what I've seen, it's just more 3D sex game. It's about as much rape as a blow-up doll is rape; it just sits there while you fuck it and has no real opinion on the matter.

Now if the game was you chasing down a girl on the street, threatening her with a knife, pushing her to the ground, and forcefully taking her, that would be completely different.

In all honesty, the mangas where the people murder the girls and fuck their rotting corpses is far more horrible than this, just for the idea.

Yeah, no. You're completely wrong here. The game has you take a girl from the subway train, (underage girl mind you), go to a bathroom stall, where you proceed to tell her if she doesn't do what you tell her to, you'll kill her family. You then proceed to rape her (taking her virginity as she bleeds immediately) while she cries through the whole thing. Afterwards the player takes pictures of her as she lays there almost lifeless and tells her that the pictures will be shown to the public to humiliate her if she talks. That's just the FIRST stage. Later there is very clear implecations of gang rape with multiple men on the single child. So yeah, I'd suggest you really know what you're talking about before giving a completely wrong opinion. (All this information comes from a "walkthrough" I've happened across, to see if it really was as indepth as described).







That Kotaku article is pretty interesting.







Holy shit, Canada is leading the way with most rapes per 100000 people. :/

I've seen gameplay of this game before in the past, it's not as innocent as some of you are led to believe. There are FAQs out there telling you how to "break" the girls to eventually becoming willfull sex slaves. Even options to impregnate them. Yeah...




Jeezus christ, Doom. You know, there are some things you can't defend, and some things you shouldn't try to, you know?




Holy shit, Canada is leading the way with most REPORTED rapes per 100000 people. :/
Fixed that for you. It's important to note that was reported rape, not necessarily how much it happens overall.


Philosopher B.

Yeah, I'll bet there's a big disparity in reported rapes in Japan vs actual rapes.




Disparity or not, you gotta take in consideration that Canada is not as big as some of the countries listed and is still that high. %s might be closer to the truth, which still doesn't bode well for Canada.




We should have a HF ge ttogether somewhere in Canada. :)
