So, because morphine is funny this way how does a cop

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identify themselves as actual law enforcement to a blind person, in the age of prankster jerks and cop imitating fraudsters?

I mean besides saying "hey baby, wanna feel my gun? Is there a procedure for this?
...... You know, I hadn't ever thought about that... Our badges are embossed with the letters, so they could perhaps "read" that, but otherwise......

Man, now I'm not going to be able to sleep til I work that one out!

Wasabi Poptart

S.....o if I wanna get out of a ticket I just have to pretend to be blind?
No, that's only if you want to run your fingers over the nice police officer's big "gun". "Oops! 'Cuse me I can't see every well."


Badges can be bought, though, right? I mean isnt that the trick? And if a blind woman had been mugged by a guy claiming to be a cop, what's the law book procedure? If all identification is visual and any wanker with 5k can fake the siren and rent a Oldsmobile interceptor...?
You know, actually something like that was happening in parts of north jersey and eastern PA - a man claiming to be a police officer was pulling women over and sexually assaulting them. After they got a good description they were able to catch the guy, but yeah, it can be a problem, sighted or not. Especially since PA police in some areas use a single blue light instead of red and blue, while in NJ any fireman or EMT can buy a blue light for their car for emergencies.


Staff member
I'm a sucker for that, man. The more languages someone can speak the better. :drool: I'm like the chick from "A Fish Called Wanda.
Lessee.... French (lived near Marseilles for three years) Italian... kinda (Sicily for one), a smattering of German, and a slowly-increasing Spanish (although I tend to get it confused with my French and Italian, which makes the hispanics I deal with look at me like "Queeee...?")


Staff member
Lessee.... French (lived near Marseilles for three years) Italian... kinda (Sicily for one), a smattering of German, and a slowly-increasing Spanish (although I tend to get it confused with my French and Italian, which makes the hispanics I deal with look at me like "Queeee...?")
goddamn. I'm jealius. I only know a tiny bit of spansih


Lessee.... French (lived near Marseilles for three years) Italian... kinda (Sicily for one), a smattering of German, and a slowly-increasing Spanish (although I tend to get it confused with my French and Italian, which makes the hispanics I deal with look at me like "Queeee...?")
goddamn. I'm jealius. I only know a tiny bit of spansih[/QUOTE]

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