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BAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA! More like Officer Saliva-back! *runs off to spread more lame jokes*
*ahem* In a totally lame segue to this, as a homonymical pun, one of my sergeants brought up the point about crooks still being scared of K-9s when they're not scared of anything that a human officer could bring to the party. He posited that what if officers could train OTHER animals to act as their backup. Then he mentioned that "Yeah, they'll be running, but the look of 'WTF?' on their faces when they seen me charging up, baton in hand, riding a Silverback keeps me warm at night."

This is the same sergeant who punched out a Suburban when it almost ran him over (not even kidding). He broke his arm, but it was worth it to see him do it.

.... Segued enough, I hope?
I played the trombone. My wife gets pissed when I give her raspberries while trying to put her leg into the 4th slide position.

You should see me emptying the spit valve...
My ex-wife played the trombone in college. The skill set acquired is probably more applicable to fellatio, old chum ;)


Staff member
I thought you guys would appreciate this exchange between my wife and I in Yahoo IM today.

knihsen (4/12/2010 1:59:28 PM): please let me know what our $ situation is. we forgot something. my meds. Don't cuss.... maybe we can do 1/2 a scripts til we get paid again.
edrondol (4/12/2010 1:59:55 PM): I won't curse. Are you out?
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:02:18 PM): yes, after tonight.
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:02:30 PM): I didn't want to say anything last night.
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:02:48 PM): ruin the mood.....
edrondol (4/12/2010 2:04:02 PM): :)
edrondol (4/12/2010 2:04:11 PM): I love you but tonight Dave must sleep.
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:05:46 PM): FINE.
edrondol (4/12/2010 2:06:11 PM): You're gonna take advantage of me aren't you?
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:08:17 PM): god willing.
knihsen (4/12/2010 2:08:38 PM): or should I say.... gravity willing?
edrondol (4/12/2010 2:08:46 PM): Ouch.
FIRST OF ALL: The actual "spit valve" is actually called a water key. Blow on a mirror. What happens? It fogs up! Is that spit? Nope! Imagine playing and buzzing your hot air into a perpetually cold, metal instrument. That fog collects and begins to bead down the slide. If you don't empty it, it'll sound like a flushing toilet. So, it's not really spit coming out of there, but condensation that has been marinating in the metals of the instrument. It tastes NASTY (...cold marching parade... we snapped our horns up and it all went gushing down my neck/in my mouth... ugh), but isn't really spit. IMHO, it's worse because if your slide has mold (as this isn't unusual for instruments that aren't washed too often), that can break off into the condensation as well. We brass players just tell all our pansy-ass woodwind friends that it's spit to freak them out!

THE MORE YOU KNOW. As you can see, I love being an instrument know-it-all! :awesome:

Birthday update: We spent the whole day rebuilding our life from moving on Saturday... damn did that test our relationship lol. No AM BJ because he passed out Saturday night while I was in the shower and he didn't take a shower...

No presents, no cake... took him out to dinner... what a horrible weekend... hopefully I can make this up to him as I feel really bad about it. There was nothing either of us could do as we HAD to move this weekend. I apologized profusely (while crying) last night that his birthday sucked, and he assured me that he was ok. Once we unpack, I will throw him a surprise one at the house. I AM DESTINED TO MAKE THIS UP TO HIM.
SOME spit must also be in that condensed water, think about it, you're blowing into it all day long... spit is bound to accumulate too.
FIRST OF ALL: The actual "spit valve" is actually called a water key. Blow on a mirror. What happens? It fogs up! Is that spit? Nope! Imagine playing and buzzing your hot air into a perpetually cold, metal instrument. That fog collects and begins to bead down the slide. If you don't empty it, it'll sound like a flushing toilet. So, it's not really spit coming out of there, but condensation that has been marinating in the metals of the instrument. It tastes NASTY (...cold marching parade... we snapped our horns up and it all went gushing down my neck/in my mouth... ugh), but isn't really spit. IMHO, it's worse because if your slide has mold (as this isn't unusual for instruments that aren't washed too often), that can break off into the condensation as well. We brass players just tell all our pansy-ass woodwind friends that it's spit to freak them out!

THE MORE YOU KNOW. As you can see, I love being an instrument know-it-all! :awesome:
Bah, we saxophone players didn't have a spit valves*. We just sucked whatever accumulated in our mouthpieces and necks right back into our mouths!

*Except the bari sax players. They had spit valves.
FIRST OF ALL: The actual "spit valve" is actually called a water key. Blow on a mirror. What happens? It fogs up! Is that spit? Nope! Imagine playing and buzzing your hot air into a perpetually cold, metal instrument. That fog collects and begins to bead down the slide. If you don't empty it, it'll sound like a flushing toilet. So, it's not really spit coming out of there, but condensation that has been marinating in the metals of the instrument. It tastes NASTY (...cold marching parade... we snapped our horns up and it all went gushing down my neck/in my mouth... ugh), but isn't really spit. IMHO, it's worse because if your slide has mold (as this isn't unusual for instruments that aren't washed too often), that can break off into the condensation as well. We brass players just tell all our pansy-ass woodwind friends that it's spit to freak them out!

THE MORE YOU KNOW. As you can see, I love being an instrument know-it-all! :awesome:
Bah, we saxophone players didn't have a spit valves*. We just sucked whatever accumulated in our mouthpieces and necks right back into our mouths!

*Except the bari sax players. They had spit valves.[/QUOTE]

Fuck yeah we did. Kings of the woodwinds. :toocool:
*Except the bari sax players. They had spit valves.
Fuck yeah we did. Kings of the woodwinds. :toocool:[/QUOTE]

Man, I miss playing Bari Sax! :(

* Oh, and eating a girl out too. I swear, I would go to town like a starving Ethiopian kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet! Nothing's more of a turn-on than doing that for a girl while she grabs the back of your head and moans.


Staff member
* Oh, and eating a girl out too. I swear, I would go to town like a starving Ethiopian kid at an all-you-can-eat buffet! Nothing's more of a turn-on than doing that for a girl while she grabs the back of your head and moans.
EXCEPT making her come so hard her whole body shivers like she's having a seizure, her moans rising in pitch until her voice fails her and she lies there, shivering under your tongue, her mouth open in a voiceless scream.

And to think, some women don't want it. I watched a sex ed video where someone suggested that some women feel their only form of control in life is whether they have pleasure or not, and so to exert more control, they deny themselves that pleasure... It sounds like BS, but then, what explanation is there?

Maybe some guys use teeth or the girl is ticklish.


A friend of mine doesn't like it because she is super sensitive and instead of being pleasurable it is just uncomfortable. She doesn't care though because due to the sensitivity she climaxes easily from other, less direct, stimulation.
Adam & Eve is where I usually buy my stuff from, and they have their own version that is cheaper. Reading the reviews, it's apparently better to invest in the actual Hitachi because it can last about 7 years with daily use. I also want it because I have the knots that form in my shoulders and this is also supposed to be the BEST thing to get that out!


Staff member
Awwwwww, and it looks like a lil' microphone! So you can sing "Lovin' you" and then make yourself hit the high note.


Staff member
I know nothing about that show, but I'm more than happy to be your partner in crime. I don't have to wear shoulder pads, do I?


Staff member
Mwahaha, you're welcome.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

Man now I'll forever be thinking dirty thoughts on karaoke night.
Oh... my GOD! What respectable southern woman hasn't seen Designing Women??? It's like a Southern, yet slightly younger Golden Girls!!!



hehe you should make a thread just about those two shows. I could squee for hours.

Wasabi Poptart

A friend of mine doesn't like it because she is super sensitive and instead of being pleasurable it is just uncomfortable. She doesn't care though because due to the sensitivity she climaxes easily from other, less direct, stimulation.
I've tried to explain this to people about why I don't like vibrators. It almost hurts. You'd think I have some odd affliction from the looks I get when I say they're too much for me.
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