You're annoying facebook friends.

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The most annoying things to me in Facebook are as follows:

- Groups like "Let's get 1000000 people in this group for no reason" or "Join this group to win an IPod!"
- They've found a way to implement chain letters through facebook statuses "If you agree with this post as your status"
- People posting every damned Farmville/Mafia Wars/etc update. Fortunately, you can turn this off completely.


Staff member
Mind just scolds me when I cuss. All in all, she's pretty cool about it and doesn't like when people "facebook stalk" each other either. And she thinks you guys who post on my wall are funny.
There was another one that was going around: "93% of people out there are affected everyday by someone who needs a punch in the face. If you or someone you know are affected by someone who needs a punch to the face, please post this in your status. Needing a punch in the face can be a lifelong disease, causing heartbreak for thousands." Considering it was posted by one of my superiors in the department, needless to say, LOLs were had.
I actually posted something similar to this a couple weeks back tat was like "80% of people out there will be or know someone who will be eaten by dragons." and I think my mom commented on it being "more of that dungeons n dragons bullshit."


My girlfriend and my mom are on Facebook so often that my mom knows more about what's going on with her than I do.


Wasabi Poptart

My mom's on FB. She only comments if I say something's wrong with the kids or if I post pictures. It's kind of nice to have that in addition to the phone since we're so far away.
The one exception was that joke one that went around: \"93% of people won't post this because they're afraid of dragons. Someone has to solve the dragon problem!\" or something funny like that.
I liked that one.

I get annoyed when people do like ten notes a day that are just quizzes ... and then they answer all of the questions coyly, or vaguely. First, it bugs me because nobody cares about you enough to read five getting to know you quizzes a day. Second, it bugs me because you don't put anything into it.

The exception was the 25 random things about me one that was floating around. I loved that one.

I've blocked the people who post so much drama on their facebook statuses. "why r u givin me so much shit godd if you spent half the time on ur life that u spend hatin me ud be happy" got to be too much. Every day was another message to the people 'hatin' on her, or about even though 'it' was difficult, she'd make it through.

I never cared enough to ask what 'it' was.

Then there's a girl who posts nothing but depressing crap. She's got some sort of illness, so I feel like she's allowed to be that bummed out, but can you please stop flooding my facebook with how difficult your life is? I care less about you now, after five posts a day about it, than I did when I didn't even realize you were sick.

And then, there's that time that I found out my dad was dating someone because of a Facebook relationship status change. But that's just because he doesn't like to keep me in the loop.

That said, I'm often afraid that I'm an annoying facebook person. I do update my status anywhere from two to six times a day, but that's because it's linked to my twitter account. And I like to think that my updates have more substance or entertainment value than your average update, but I guess that's for someone else to judge.

And notes. I post a decent number of notes, but again, that's just because it pulls posts off of my blog's RSS feed.


Staff member
Fuck apps, and fuck annoying people. That said, I status update with some dumb shit movie quote, Achewood Reference or other inside joke once or twice a day. I bet people love to hide my ass :)
My mom's on FB. She only comments if I say something's wrong with the kids or if I post pictures. It's kind of nice to have that in addition to the phone since we're so far away.
My mom basically only joined FB because it's just easier for me to upload pics amd videos there of the kids instead of mass emailing everyone in my family with them. (And my grandmother is a facebook addict, I swear to god she is on there 50% or more of the day, and if I don't post on Facebook for like, 2 days, she's leaving messages on my wall asking if I'm ok.)
I hate people posting "happy birthday" on all of their friends' walls, especially if that's the only communication they ever have with that person.

Well, kinda. I talked to the guy like 3 days ago.

---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------

If someone keeps bugging me on facebook I'll just ignore their posts. I had to block like two people, one of which is my friend's little brother because he just posts the most annoying updates and his like 500 little **** friends all comment on it.

I'm thinking about hiding another friend because she has her twitter tied into her FB status, but she never updates her status, only her twitter. And she's one of those serious twitter users so EVERYTHING she tweets is either a RT or has 5 usernames in it. "About to see a movie with @myboss and @coworkeri'mnetworkingwith RT@moviecritic this movie is soooooo goooooooood or something!" every fuckin' time.
It's annoying to no end when people have over 500 + 'friends'. There is no way anyone makes that many friends in their lifetime, I don't care who you are. Furthermore, when people add me as a friend solely because we've talked maybe once or twice, you are NOT my friend, buddy.


Staff member
It's annoying to no end when people have over 500 + 'friends'. There is no way anyone makes that many friends in their lifetime, I don't care who you are. Furthermore, when people add me as a friend solely because we've talked maybe once or twice, you are NOT my friend, buddy.
I have 700, fuckhead. Though most of them are cultural acquaintances and people I go out with. The relativity of 'friendship' in there is scalable; and I do constantly prune.
It's annoying to no end when people have over 500 + 'friends'. There is no way anyone makes that many friends in their lifetime, I don't care who you are. Furthermore, when people add me as a friend solely because we've talked maybe once or twice, you are NOT my friend, buddy.
I have 700, fuckhead. Though most of them are cultural acquaintances and people I go out with. The relativity of 'friendship' in there is scalable; and I do constantly prune.[/QUOTE]

I know people IRL who have very large lists, and I've witnessed myself that the interaction between them and their 'friends' is minimal at best. Having so many 'friends' while barely keeping in contact reeks of insincerity; that's the primary reason for my displeasure.
It's annoying to no end when people have over 500 + 'friends'. There is no way anyone makes that many friends in their lifetime, I don't care who you are. Furthermore, when people add me as a friend solely because we've talked maybe once or twice, you are NOT my friend, buddy.
I have 700, fuckhead. Though most of them are cultural acquaintances and people I go out with. The relativity of 'friendship' in there is scalable; and I do constantly prune.[/QUOTE]

I know people IRL who have very large lists, and I've witnessed myself that the interaction between them and their 'friends' is minimal at best. Having so many 'friends' while barely keeping in contact reeks of insincerity; that's the primary reason for my displeasure.[/QUOTE]

You hit a nerve of Juski's insecurity. More people added as friends = the more human he appears.
I hate all those who "become fans" of every single fucking thing.



Staff member
I once was friends on facebook with a girl who publicized fights with her boyfriend on facebook and even compared him to her previous boyfriends.

"_K_ wishes that a certain someone wouldn't go back on his word. *sigh*" Crap like that.

Then there's my teenage cousin who posts really emo stuff about her ex. "I don't want anyone else, I want you," "My world is crashing down around me" "boohoo I'm 14 and will never know true love again." <--ok I made that last one up.


Staff member
It's annoying to no end when people have over 500 + 'friends'. There is no way anyone makes that many friends in their lifetime, I don't care who you are. Furthermore, when people add me as a friend solely because we've talked maybe once or twice, you are NOT my friend, buddy.
I have 700, fuckhead. Though most of them are cultural acquaintances and people I go out with. The relativity of 'friendship' in there is scalable; and I do constantly prune.[/QUOTE]

I know people IRL who have very large lists, and I've witnessed myself that the interaction between them and their 'friends' is minimal at best. Having so many 'friends' while barely keeping in contact reeks of insincerity; that's the primary reason for my displeasure.[/QUOTE]

You hit a nerve of Juski's insecurity. More people added as friends = the more human he appears.[/QUOTE]



I hate that my wife farms on my account and posts every fucking Farmville thing she can so her other accounts can get the little prizes that these posts give. She basically spamposts using my name and I hate it. I no longer do anything on FB except Mafia Wars and Bejeweled simply because looking at my own profile wall makes me want to jab a nail through my coccyx.
This made me wonder, when you guys are on facebook where do you spend your time? I am always on the home page and not my own profile.

Oh and I have already today found something else annoying about my facebook friends. I added a bunch of people from school and all they talk about is sports. That ignore button is looking pretty tempting.
Most of my family on Facebook scare the hell out of me... mainly because they are right wing extremists. Not well thought out, able to back up their points somewhat right wingers like GasBandit (whom I can actually respect to a degree), but the kinds of extremists who talk about "taking back Central Ohio from minorities, leftists, and the godless" and who declare that "Obama is the Anti-Chirst and any who follow him will burn in hell for all eternity".

I add them then hit ignore, but it was shocking the first time I heard them talking about this kind of stuff. You never want to have confirmed proof that your family has lost it's mind.
Random friend requests are horrid, especially when you see that person IRL and they ask why you havent friended them yet.

Yeah I see you 2 hours a week at training and we talk, that qualifies you as a friend of sorts. Your mother who I see maybe 3 times a year, does not.
Yes we do the same sport and I see you every 3 months and say hi, and you were my mums boss for 6 years when i was 7 and where pretty cool back then. No we are not friends.

Best one was my girlfriends twins- best friends ex boyfriends best friend....whom I have never met!


Hey I think my cousin is one of those annoying people who posts vague statements looking for sympathy...

she wrote "unreal.... throroughly annoyed and severely dissappointed in some people...." spelling errs are hers.

Hehe now Im getting my facebook drama next I want a pony... or a new car.


Staff member
Hey I think my cousin is one of those annoying people who posts vague statements looking for sympathy...

she wrote "unreal.... throroughly annoyed and severely dissappointed in some people...." spelling errs are hers.

Hehe now Im getting my facebook drama next I want a pony... or a new car.
I ignore those fuckers SO fast.


Im not going to ignore her. Im actually just amused that within a few days of saying I don't have people like that on my facebook they start to emerge.
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