Movies you are still traumatized by..

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Scared the living shit out me as a kid.

Freddy Kruger, IT, and The Shining also rank up there.


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Whoever said Fire in the Sky--that came on Scifi or something when I was a kid. I only saw the PREVIEW and I couldn't sleep.


I just realized that Chaz was traumatized by the heat and snow misers... from the rudolph movies?
yes goddamn it. I fucking hated that claymation shit as a kid. It was all just waaay too surreal.


Staff member
Huh. Of all the answers you could have given I never would have guessed that. O well. I'm not trying to make fun of you; I guess I can't see it because I love those movies so much.


I love those movies too but I didnt see the misers until i was in my teens, well past the freak out point.

That being said, Coraline gave me nightmares. I guess Im not far enough past the freak out point.
I love those movies too but I didnt see the misers until i was in my teens, well past the freak out point.

That being said, Coraline gave me nightmares. I guess Im not far enough past the freak out point.
I hope lots of kids saw Coraline and got freaked out by it. What a great movie.
"Beep beep, Richie."

I didn't see IT in its entirety until about a year ago so that film couldn't warp my fragile little mind.

Wasabi Poptart

I almost forgot about "Amityville Horror". I didn't see the movie (I was only 7 or 8 when it came out), but there was a trailer for it that played on tv where the girl's doll closes it's eyes and when it opens them again they are glowing red. It absolutely freaked me out. Didn't help that my mom was reading the book, so I saw where it was a "true story". I used to turn all of my dolls so they weren't looking at me when I went to sleep.
It's not a movie, but i'm not the only one, even if it wasn't so bad that i had to write a play about it:
I almost forgot about "Amityville Horror". I didn't see the movie (I was only 7 or 8 when it came out), but there was a trailer for it that played on tv where the girl's doll closes it's eyes and when it opens them again they are glowing red. It absolutely freaked me out. Didn't help that my mom was reading the book, so I saw where it was a "true story". I used to turn all of my dolls so they weren't looking at me when I went to sleep.
Oh Jesus I had forgotten about this movie. I saw the original, and the scene where the kid's imaginary friend leaves the room and fucking stares at the mom with those yellow eyes from outside the window freaked the hell out of me. Worst part is I was staying at my gf's place and sleeping across from a giant window.

Kitty Sinatra

The movie that really freaked me out as a kid was seeing that porno my older sister made.

(I still watch it regularly)
This is not gonna be blazingly original, but Jaws. I really can't go in natural bodies of water that well. I go in the ocean a little bit, but can only do it really with a big group of people.

---------- Post added at 11:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

The scene in Poltergeist where the clown doll tries to strangle the kid. I have a monkey doll about the same size as the clown, and I still keep it buried in my closet where I can't see it when I'm trying to sleep.
Both of these. Jaws much more so. Poltergeist doesn't really bug me anymore, but it did for a long time when I was a kid.


Staff member
I tre volti della paura - known as "Black Sabbath" in the US. It came out in 1963 and I saw it when I was pretty small. The last part is called "The Drop of Water" and it freaked me the fuck out. To this day I remember the scene where the dead girl comes to get her ring back from the nurse who stole it from her. She didn't even DO anything! She just stood there in the flashes of light with her rictus grin, getting closer and closer each time it flashed. NO DIALOGUE in the scene that I remember, just the fucking freaky dead girl wanting her ring back.

Fuck I ain't sleeping tonight now.
So, eyah, just as I thought, mine has already been mentioned. IT.

IT is the first and to date LAST movie to have ever scared me. IT scared me so much as a kid that I became immune to being scared by a movie since. Of course, it also means I have a very slight, yet real, case of Coulrophobia. I can't stand clowns. I won't run screaming if I see one, but you'd have to wrestle me to the ground to make me get closer than I feel comfortable to one. That movie literally scarred me psychologically. For life.

Thank god the Coulrophobia was the only thing that stuck into adulthood, cause as a kid I was scared SHITLESS of the shower drain, too. And storm drains. And I was uneasy near red balloons, too.

Hell, to shower I had to take a Ninja Turtle action figure in with me. As a kid I reckoned, what better friend to defend you from a fucking kid-eating clown from hell that will pop up from the drain than a ninja turtle that LIVES in the sewers? Hey, that's sound kid-logic.
So, eyah, just as I thought, mine has already been mentioned. IT.

IT is the first and to date LAST movie to have ever scared me. IT scared me so much as a kid that I became immune to being scared by a movie since. Of course, it also means I have a very slight, yet real, case of Coulrophobia. I can't stand clowns. I won't run screaming if I see one, but you'd have to wrestle me to the ground to make me get closer than I feel comfortable to one. That movie literally scarred me psychologically. For life.

Thank god the Coulrophobia was the only thing that stuck into adulthood, cause as a kid I was scared SHITLESS of the shower drain, too. And storm drains. And I was uneasy near red balloons, too.

Hell, to shower I had to take a Ninja Turtle action figure in with me. As a kid I reckoned, what better friend to defend you from a fucking kid-eating clown from hell that will pop up from the drain than a ninja turtle that LIVES in the sewers? Hey, that's sound kid-logic.
Well, which Ninja Turtle? Michelangelo and Donatello would not be too effective with their blunt instruments, but Rafael and Leonardo would easily be able to slice n dice.


Staff member
I can't believe how many people are scared of clowns. Were you scared of clowns before or after you saw IT?


I dont why there is so much clown hate in this thread? If you cook them just right, they taste just like everyone else. :p
I've never seen IT but I am afraid of clowns. I don't know why. It's just unsettling. I mean, I don't panic and run, but... They give me the jibblies!

---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------

I dont why there is so much clown hate in this thread? If you cook them just right, they taste just like everyone else. :p
I thought they tasted funny? #cannibaljoke
Whoa, just looked The Drop of Water up on youtube. I could totally see how that would be a real source of nightmare fuel for a kid. Had I seen that when I was little it probably would have fucked me up too.

Nope, I LIKED clowns before IT. My parents can attest to this.

Furthermore, I'm not the only one. Most people in my generation at school had similar feelings about IT. Lots of Mexicans that are around my age (more so than any other age bracket) do. Apparently one of the open channels down here loved to show IT all the time at the time when my generation was between 4 and 7. Of course, they showed a dubbed, probably edited version late at night, but what kid doesn't watch TV at night, you bastards!?

To be fair, in MY case it wasn't canal 5 that traumatized me, we were at a sleep over party thing and some genius decided to rent IT (I still remember it was so long it came in TWO VHS tapes). So me? I got the un-edited, subtitled, complete version.


What's also funny is that you'll find a similar level of trauma from my PARENTS' generation thanks to The Shining.

fucking Stephen King has traumatized TWO generations.


Staff member
I was a wee lad when I witnessed BABY DRAGONS EATING THE PRINCESS in Dragonslayer. I think the crashing, horrifying sense of blood-splattered, intestine-chewing "fail, hero" might be part of what has made me so cynical today.


Whoever said Fire in the Sky--that came on Scifi or something when I was a kid. I only saw the PREVIEW and I couldn't sleep.
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who couldn't sleep after that movie
No, I hate ALL clowns, IT literally ruined that whole thing for me.

I'm not as bad off as a friend of mine, though, she's not only coulrophobic.. the whole presence of face-covering MAKEUP gives her the creeps. She can't stand Darth Maul or watch Cats cause of the make up. And all thanks to IT.


My clown hatred wasn't even from It... it was, and yeah I am ashamed but I was really little, Killer Clowns From Outer Space. Fuck that movie with a Tabasco covered rake.
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