What Gets You Banned From Xbox Live Until The Year 9999?

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A concerned parent has apparently taken to the official 360 forums, looking for an explanation as to why his son had been banned from Xbox Live until the Year of our Lord, 9999. Microsoft was only too happy to oblige. \"Would be helpful if someone could enlighten me as to why he has been suspended until 31/12/9999 without notification\" reads the plea from user TC57UK. Xbox Live enforcer XBLPET Whiskey was on-hand to provide said notification.

MY SON 2 [Xbox, via NeoGAF]



Staff member
....How old is said son?

That's either sad or really, really disturbing.

But either way it's funny! The response that is. "Draw FOUR?!? DRAW THIS!!!!"
I can tell you what gets you and three other people banned from Chatroulette. Making fun of guys with their dicks out. Three in a row that we all mocked pretty hard and suddenly we were banned for breaking the rules.


I thought that was the only possible purpose of chatroulette.
I've been to Chatroulette multiple times and I've never seen a single penis. I am a statistical anomaly, or a very lucky lady!

Philosopher B.

I have yet to go on Chatroulette myself. I just know the second I get on there I am going to be met with some dude's dongle swingin' in the breeze.
Hey, the lady just wants to dicktate her preferences, that's all. Why do you have to give her such a hard time? Get a hold of yourself, man!


Hey, Mex, no need to get up in his face. It's hard for others to sustain one of your vigorous, virile punning streaks.
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