We're sorry we lost your dog, have a voucher.

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Wait, so are you trying to imply that if you look specifically for them, you could find pictures of slums from ANYWHERE?! Oh my god, it's almost as if using pictures to represent how poor a country is is incredibly stupid!! :shocked:


Staff member
Hm, the website I got it from claimed it was a slum in mexico.

But you got one thing straight... Detroit ain't part of America any more. We are damn ready to disown that mess. Only problem is Canada doesn't want it either.

At least mexican slums look like human life still exists. Detroit is practically post-human.

Finally, the human menace is dealt with and nature begins to reclaim the evidence of their existence!
Those pictures remind of me home! :)

Well, my house is built well, it's clean, and has nice view of the bay. Charming, really. The rest of this reservation ain't so lucky.
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