Stuff White People Like...

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Element 117

Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.


I get that beer is a hugely popular drink, but in my experience it always tastes like (DrinkFlavor) + WeirdwetrottenshoeinwaterDogsmell. The closest I've ever gotten to liking a beer was Mead at a rennfaire, which really isn't beer at all.


Look buddy, just because you have excellent taste in Vodka doesn't mean you're going to win me over in an anti-beer argument!


Staff member
The microbrew thing is the about the assumption that microbrew = better just because it's exclusive. It's true, and I think white people are especially guilty of equating exclusivity and expense with goodness. There are plenty of good large scale brews, and plenty of skunky microbrews (I'm looking at you, Abita--esp. that Purple Haze crap).
The microbrew thing is the about the assumption that microbrew = better just because it's exclusive. It's true, and I think white people are especially guilty of equating exclusivity and expense with goodness. There are plenty of good large scale brews, and plenty of skunky microbrews (I'm looking at you, Abita--esp. that Purple Haze crap).
Actually I think microbrews are considered better because of the assumption that not having to mass produce stuff means they don't have to cut costs where ever possible, so they can produce a higher quality product.

And also Seej and Vyta swear by Abita! Are you some kind of Louisiana hipster?


Staff member

Actually I know what he means about purple haze; it was a little weird last time I tried it. I still love Abita Amber though :D. I tried the strawberry ale this year and it was... yeah, it was pretty bad. It tastes like beer mixed with Fanta.


Staff member
Yeah, I thought I'd enjoy it, but I took one sip and was very happy I'd stolen it from my parents' fridge. There was a beer they put out to support New Orleans after Katrina--Fleur de Lis beer or something--infused with rose oil or something. It was pretty bad too. The one I swear by is Amber--and I know Vyta likes Andygator.


Staff member
I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I... I... I can't believe you wrote this. I thought I knew you.
I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!

Element 117

I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.


Staff member
That site is pretty funny. Sucks that Chaz doesn't get it.

Also Dave, fucking shame on you. Shame on you so fucking hard.

Also, microbrews usually are better beer. I think some people /= to "indie bands". Just because its not well-known or mass-produced, doesn't mean it's always a good thing. Which is true of microbrews as well, but many microbrews actually have passion and nuance in their craft, versus the giant vats of Coors being pumped outside of Denver.

Element 117

I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.[/QUOTE]

Quoting a movie is trollish? Wow, I never knew.[/QUOTE]

[STRIKE]closest to. Miles away, still.[/STRIKE]

well, when white people do it, yes.


Did anyone enjoy the taste of their first beer?
Just about every beer lover didn't.

Yeah, your brain definitely doesn't attribute the happy feelings you get after the taste so over time, you enjoy the taste of beer.
definitely not...*cough* (Granted most people's 1st beer is the worst tasting macro kind)

And yes, i enjoy drinking beer, especially micro


Staff member
After my first beer, I swore I'd never drink another. My dad can afford very good beer, and he'd always offer me some when I was older. After trying many, I guess I acquired a taste for some. There are still a lot I hate. I can't stand Guinness, for example.
I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.[/QUOTE]

Quoting a movie is trollish? Wow, I never knew.[/QUOTE]

[STRIKE]closest to. Miles away, still.[/STRIKE]

well, when white people do it, yes.[/QUOTE]

It's good to see I haven't lost my touch, then.

Element 117

I've had many beers in my young life time. Micro, macro, etc. There is always (Flavor) +deadwetshoeanddogsmell flavor.


Staff member
I've never understood the desire to acquire a taste for something I hated the first time.

It's also why I don't smoke, drink coffee or go ass to mouth.


I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I concur. I hate the taste of beer and I REALLY hate people who try and make me drink it. I went on this tour of Europe and right away I told people that I don't care for beer. But they kept trying to make me try different beers. The worst, absolute worst, was in Germany "You have to try this beer michelle it isn't like american beer it has more flavor." and by god it did! ....more flavor of BEER. I nearly threw up on the table. and yet they kept coercing me into trying it, which I would because at that age I was less likely to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone.

After my beer rape tour of Europe I really laid down the law on beer when I got home. The last problem I had with it was this friend of my friends who is into microbrew and it like offends him on some deep emotional level that I don't like beer. I can't fathom why he gives a shit but anyway he said "you just don't like it because you haven't found one you like yet." I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking. If he finds one Ill try it. It would be nice to be able to say there is this one special magical not beer tasting beer i like. Then the beer loving jerks I know will leave me alone.


Staff member
That's gotta be annoying. Some people just don't like the general taste and texture of beer. I used to hate it when people tried to make me taste different teas. The inherent "tea-ness" of tea... you know that weird feeling on your soft palate... I don't know how else to describe it right now... well anyway it made me feel sick. But people keep force-feeding it to you thinking they'll be the one to convert you.


That's gotta be annoying. Some people just don't like the general taste and texture of beer. I used to hate it when people tried to make me taste different teas. The inherent "tea-ness" of tea... you know that weird feeling on your soft palate... I don't know how else to describe it right now... well anyway it made me feel sick. But people keep force-feeding it to you thinking they'll be the one to convert you.
exactly. but all they are doing is making you hate it more and resent the person.
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