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Stuff White People Like...



...kinda pisses me off.

Some of the posts are funny, but for the most part the site should be called "Stuff Rich People Like..."

Overall though, it's nothing more than a nice big mishmash of stereotypical garbage.





It's obvious satire, though.




Yeah, that's the joke.




Wasn't that what I was saying?




I liked the Conan O'Brien article.




Wasn't that what I was saying?
I was replying to Chaz, sorry for the confusion.



It's obvious satire, though.

Say I make an obvious satirical blog site titled "Stuff Black People Like..." Then have blog posts like Watermellons, Soul Foods, Rap music, Block Parties... Suddenly it's not funny and I'm getting death threats for being racist, right?

That said, I do think some of the posts are funny, but some of them are pretty much the equivalent to saying black people like stealing car stereos because that's what black people do.




AVC: Your site's an acquired taste. For white people who don't like it, what's the most common reason?

CL: There's a couple. One of them is, "I'm white, and I don't like anything on this list. So I find this very offensive." I always find that particularly funny, because it's like, "So you're offended that I've made a generalization about your race that doesn't apply to you? I think every other minority on earth has been through this in the last thousand years, so good. I'm glad you feel that way." And then the other thing is people who get offended by the whole idea of stereotypes in any capacity. I got an e-mail from someone in Canada who reported the site to a hate-crimes commission. Actually submitted it and said that they wanted to get the Canadian government involved to shut it down as a hate crime.

AVC: Did anything come of that?

CL: No. One of my commentators left this; it was the best comment they ever said: "There's a big difference between these stereotypes and other stereotypes. The difference is, white people don't get denied jobs for liking yoga. These aren't hateful stereotypes, they're not demeaning stereotypes. There's a big difference in where it's going. There's not a hateful aspect." So I think that sums it up perfectly, about why those people are wrong when they get upset about it.

AVC: A lot of angry people like it, too, though, including white supremacists. The white-supremacist forum Stormfront linked to your site.

CL: The guy posted it, and then people listed their own things that should be on the list. One of them was "living with my own kind." All these awful things were in there. It was just like, "What have I done?"

AVC: Surely you could have seen something like that coming, though.

CL: When I started this, I didn't consider more than five minutes ahead. It surprised me where it was coming from. The funny thing is, I knew about Stormfront before. In the late '90s, I was playing a videogame called Tony La Russa Baseball. Loved it, one of the best baseball games for a computer ever, and it was made by a company called Stormfront Studios. So I typed "Stormfront" into Google—sorry, at the time, AltaVista—and they had the domain first. That's how I first came across it.

One of the things with my site that I thought was great was that it took the idea of racial difference and it approached it from a non-hateful way. So when people do spin-off sites, like Stuff Educated Black People Like or Stuff Asian People Like, it was written by black people, or it was written by Asians, and it wasn't done in a way to be offensive. It was meant to sort of say, "Here are the things we like as a people, and it's kind of stupid."

AVC: Another angry person has copped to liking it: Kanye West linked to your site. Have you heard from him?

CL: No, but I'm trying my best to. I want him to write an entry on himself. I just want him to write the word "sweaters." That's it. Just write, "Sweaters. —Kanye West."

AVC: The site reads as a guide for non-whites on how to deal with white people. Was that always its intention?

CL: Absolutely, in a hilarious way. It's funny when I'll get an e-mail from someone who's black saying, "I wish I had this before I left for college, it would have saved so much time." So there is actually a good mix, because people get the joke, and that it is as much about class as it is about race. People who are in this upper-middle class, they relate to it. And the fact that is, that class is still overwhelmingly dominated by white people. As much as we'd like to think it isn't—"No, it's dominated by this perfect coalition." No, it's white people.

That's where the humor transcends race a little bit. People can relate to this. They say, "You know what? I'm black, but I've been called white my whole life because I like these things." I'm not making a judgment about the things themselves, but about the way people approach the things. That's where the audience is. And then, a lot more old people than I thought. [Laughs.] Which is great, though, I love it. That's fantastic that they get the jokes and they find it funny. I'm thrilled with that.
I don't know if I'd say its racist, its there to make a point. I agree, if I made a website called "stuff black people like" and wrote about fried chicken and watermelon and stealing shit, first of all I'd have to be an asshole AND an idiot, but yeah it would be racist.

Somehow though, in the world of comedy, we're allowed to make fun of ourselves, just not eachother. The guy's making a point about that, I think.

Nonetheless, I've seen the site before, and I still don't actually think its funny. Not cause its offensive, but because its just not written well.




Don't forget the author is white himself, which also adds to the "allowed" factor, for better or worse.



AVC: Your site's an acquired taste. For white people who don't like it, what's the most common reason?

CL: There's a couple. One of them is, "I'm white, and I don't like anything on this list. So I find this very offensive." I always find that particularly funny, because it's like, "So you're offended that I've made a generalization about your race that doesn't apply to you? I think every other minority on earth has been through this in the last thousand years, so good. I'm glad you feel that way." And then the other thing is people who get offended by the whole idea of stereotypes in any capacity. I got an e-mail from someone in Canada who reported the site to a hate-crimes commission. Actually submitted it and said that they wanted to get the Canadian government involved to shut it down as a hate crime.

AVC: Did anything come of that?

CL: No. One of my commentators left this; it was the best comment they ever said: "There's a big difference between these stereotypes and other stereotypes. The difference is, white people don't get denied jobs for liking yoga. These aren't hateful stereotypes, they're not demeaning stereotypes. There's a big difference in where it's going. There's not a hateful aspect." So I think that sums it up perfectly, about why those people are wrong when they get upset about it.

AVC: A lot of angry people like it, too, though, including white supremacists. The white-supremacist forum Stormfront linked to your site.

CL: The guy posted it, and then people listed their own things that should be on the list. One of them was "living with my own kind." All these awful things were in there. It was just like, "What have I done?"

AVC: Surely you could have seen something like that coming, though.

CL: When I started this, I didn't consider more than five minutes ahead. It surprised me where it was coming from. The funny thing is, I knew about Stormfront before. In the late '90s, I was playing a videogame called Tony La Russa Baseball. Loved it, one of the best baseball games for a computer ever, and it was made by a company called Stormfront Studios. So I typed "Stormfront" into Google—sorry, at the time, AltaVista—and they had the domain first. That's how I first came across it.

One of the things with my site that I thought was great was that it took the idea of racial difference and it approached it from a non-hateful way. So when people do spin-off sites, like Stuff Educated Black People Like or Stuff Asian People Like, it was written by black people, or it was written by Asians, and it wasn't done in a way to be offensive. It was meant to sort of say, "Here are the things we like as a people, and it's kind of stupid."

AVC: Another angry person has copped to liking it: Kanye West linked to your site. Have you heard from him?

CL: No, but I'm trying my best to. I want him to write an entry on himself. I just want him to write the word "sweaters." That's it. Just write, "Sweaters. —Kanye West."

AVC: The site reads as a guide for non-whites on how to deal with white people. Was that always its intention?

CL: Absolutely, in a hilarious way. It's funny when I'll get an e-mail from someone who's black saying, "I wish I had this before I left for college, it would have saved so much time." So there is actually a good mix, because people get the joke, and that it is as much about class as it is about race. People who are in this upper-middle class, they relate to it. And the fact that is, that class is still overwhelmingly dominated by white people. As much as we'd like to think it isn't—"No, it's dominated by this perfect coalition." No, it's white people.

That's where the humor transcends race a little bit. People can relate to this. They say, "You know what? I'm black, but I've been called white my whole life because I like these things." I'm not making a judgment about the things themselves, but about the way people approach the things. That's where the audience is. And then, a lot more old people than I thought. [Laughs.] Which is great, though, I love it. That's fantastic that they get the jokes and they find it funny. I'm thrilled with that.
I don't know if I'd say its racist, its there to make a point. I agree, if I made a website called "stuff black people like" and wrote about fried chicken and watermelon and stealing shit, first of all I'd have to be an asshole AND an idiot, but yeah it would be racist.

Somehow though, in the world of comedy, we're allowed to make fun of ourselves, just not eachother. The guy's making a point about that, I think.

Nonetheless, I've seen the site before, and I still don't actually think its funny. Not cause its offensive, but because its just not written well.
So how is saying all white people love camping, coffee, and religions that their parents don't belong to not akin to saying all black people like fried chicken, playing dominos, and rims?

---------- Post added at 02:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 PM ----------

Don't forget the author is white himself, which also adds to the "allowed" factor, for better or worse.

yeah, and he looks like a hipster douchebag...whoops did I just contradict my stance on his website?




I've seen this book at the college bookstore. Some are funny, but it's not exactly comedy gold.



Wow I can disect his Q&A bullshit right here:

"The difference is, white people don't get denied jobs for liking yoga. These aren't hateful stereotypes, they're not demeaning stereotypes."

It's funny when I'll get an e-mail from someone who's black saying, "I wish I had this before I left for college, it would have saved so much time."

So it's not hateful or demeaning, yet people read it and take it seriously, and then go off and apply it to their real lives. I'd say that's the very definition of hurtful stereotype.




...did Chaz get freaky-friday'd with Charlie or something?








Jodie Foster or Lindsay Lohan?




I think the difference is that these are things that aren't already associated with a race to the point of cliches. Fried chicken and watermelon is the standard go-to for bad jokes about black people. The equivalent for whites would be if the blog just consisted of "white people love to make money while keeping minorities out of positions of power"



...did Chaz get freaky-friday'd with Charlie or something?
Shouldn't you be taking a siesta right now?

I think my biggest beef with the list is that half of them are just fucking stupid...




While not having a job, wearing a poncho, and twirling your giant waxy moustache.

And ending every sentence with "Mang".




Jodie Foster or Lindsay Lohan?
Oh, Chaz is DEFINITELY Jamie Lee Curtis




Jodie Foster or Lindsay Lohan?
Oh, Chaz is DEFINITELY Jamie Lee Curtis[/QUOTE]

Chaz endorses fiber-packed yogurt?



Jodie Foster or Lindsay Lohan?
Oh, Chaz is DEFINITELY doing Jamie Lee Curtis[/QUOTE]






Watch out for the wiener.







I can't say I'm mad about the site or anything, I'm mostly just surprised people think this site is funny/decent satire.



I find it quite funny. Going to a liberal arts college, where you can't joke about anything related to race or culture, and a lot of the stuff in the blog is assumed (of course we like hummus and camping!), this blog is a breath of fresh air.

EDIT: That said, if I were not where I am now, I'm not sure if I'd find it funny. But here, it's like he's pointing at my classmates and saying, "Yeah, you're not the only person who sees these things."




There is a bigger blog from years ago that covered more topics. I just don't recall it. I think it was like ...Things White People Like to Do...

It seemed to be a bit more insulting.


Philosopher B.

Frankly, reading through the articles kinda bores me.




That is such a white person thing to say. Psh. Be all "frankly...." :nerd:


Philosopher B.





Frankly, reading through the articles kinda bores me.
I don't even know what some of those things are. Ed Harley shirts? What are those? I guess it just doesn't seem all that original to me. He might as well have a Redneck version as well.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Cracker, please.


What? I like crackers. As a white person, I thought this would be an appropriate venue to bring up this information.




Oh no, a white person made a silly satire about white people! Gosh, how could anyone think that's different from a white person making fun of black people and using old stereotypes about fried chicken?




... Witchyo whaht-bread sef! *rolls eyes*




I like things.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

God this isn't what white people like

it's what white spoiled university brats who never had to work in their lives like to do.




God this isn't what white people like

it's what white spoiled university brats who never had to work in their lives like to do.

Yeah, but I think that's the point of the list.

I dunno, I could be wrong. I always thought that the author was making that exact statement though, mocking the likes and dislikes of spoiled and/or upper-class white folk.




Are mayonnaise, Celine Dion and Friends on that list?




Pfft, I like Conan O'Brien and I'm no spoiled university brat... bitch



God this isn't what white people like

it's what white spoiled university brats who never had to work in their lives like to do. When I was going to school I worked two jobs starting at 4am and going to bed at 11pm. Coffee is the drink of the gods.

Well that's what I mean too. Some of the things on that list are universally liked by everyone. Who doesn't like a good sandwich damn it!?!




haha I like a snammich with a spicy southwest chipotle sauce(HOT N SPICEY MAYO!)


Element 117

So, do white people like this website?




Well, it's not on the list, so I guess we don't.




It's actually in the FAQ as one of the 2 worst suggestions he's ever gotten.








It's actually in the FAQ as one of the 2 worst suggestions he's ever gotten.
Halforums or mayo?




I'm not really WHITE, though I AM caucasian...




I'm not really WHITE, though I AM caucasian...
Technically, I'm dark pink. Especially after being out in the sun all day.




Dude, you're Scandahoovian. That's about as white-bread as it gets. *grins*




Dude, I know! I can't even go swimming in the outdoors public swimming pools at high summer without burning my back to lobster crisp!




Mmmm.... lobster.... *reaches for bib, drooling*




Back off, bub!


Element 117

i would pay a cool hundred to watch OC eat NR.




Hey hey hey.... this ain't the Truth or Dare thread... *grins*


Element 117

Every thread, OC. EVERY THREAD.




Amy, sometimes I wonder where your puppet mistress tendencies come from... ;)




I'll donate some money to that cause. :unibrow:


Element 117





Uhm, she's a WOMAN? Duh....


Element 117

I'll donate some money to that cause. :unibrow:




Euros or dollars?




I am a little concerned with the way this thread has turned....




Man....I guess I'll be the unpopular white guy in the room and say "holy crap it's like looking in a mirror!"

Honestly it's pretty fucking spot on for the one's I have read so far:

Corecting Grammer
Being Offended (Chaz..... :) )
Bottles of Water
Unpaid Internships
Study Abroad
Mos Def
Michel Gondry
Knowing what's best for poor people
Moleskin Notebooks
Hating People who wear Ed Hardy
Vespa Scooters

That's pretty fucking spot on.

Damn I love being white.


Element 117





Does he have one:

"not being racially profiled" ? Because I fucking love that.




Only some of this reflects me, but that's mostly from being from a lower-middle class background.




Yeah, the list does pretty much read like an upper-middle/upper-class primer for doucebaggery.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Yeah, the list does pretty much read like an upper-middle/upper-class primer for doucebaggery.
It's Necrotic!




Ahem, that's Necronic

Is there anything on there about spending way too much money on coffee? Or microbrews?




He has one about how white people love microbrews, yes. I am so guilty of that one too.



He has one about how white people love microbrews, yes. I am so guilty of that one too.

You mean... people actually like good beer?!??! Wow, there's a shocker.




He has one about how white people love microbrews, yes. I am so guilty of that one too.

You mean... people actually like good beer?!??! Wow, there's a shocker.[/QUOTE]

Apparently only white people like good beer.


Element 117

Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.




Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.



Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that whilst keeping your smug nose open to the smell of your own farts!


Element 117

Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.


I get that beer is a hugely popular drink, but in my experience it always tastes like (DrinkFlavor) + WeirdwetrottenshoeinwaterDogsmell. The closest I've ever gotten to liking a beer was Mead at a rennfaire, which really isn't beer at all.



Look buddy, just because you have excellent taste in Vodka doesn't mean you're going to win me over in an anti-beer argument!




The microbrew thing is the about the assumption that microbrew = better just because it's exclusive. It's true, and I think white people are especially guilty of equating exclusivity and expense with goodness. There are plenty of good large scale brews, and plenty of skunky microbrews (I'm looking at you, Abita--esp. that Purple Haze crap).




Good beer?

that's like cold fusion, man.

Yeah, just keep telling yourself that whilst keeping your smug nose open to the smell of your own farts![/QUOTE]

I'm gonna mark this down as an overreaction. :p




The microbrew thing is the about the assumption that microbrew = better just because it's exclusive. It's true, and I think white people are especially guilty of equating exclusivity and expense with goodness. There are plenty of good large scale brews, and plenty of skunky microbrews (I'm looking at you, Abita--esp. that Purple Haze crap).
Actually I think microbrews are considered better because of the assumption that not having to mass produce stuff means they don't have to cut costs where ever possible, so they can produce a higher quality product.

And also Seej and Vyta swear by Abita! Are you some kind of Louisiana hipster?





Actually I know what he means about purple haze; it was a little weird last time I tried it. I still love Abita Amber though :D. I tried the strawberry ale this year and it was... yeah, it was pretty bad. It tastes like beer mixed with Fanta.




That sounds awful.

I tried a strawberry beer this past weekend and it tasted like Fruitopia.




Yeah, I thought I'd enjoy it, but I took one sip and was very happy I'd stolen it from my parents' fridge. There was a beer they put out to support New Orleans after Katrina--Fleur de Lis beer or something--infused with rose oil or something. It was pretty bad too. The one I swear by is Amber--and I know Vyta likes Andygator.




I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.



Frankie Williamson


Man, I want to go to Brewsters and have some raspberry ale. God damn that place brews some good shit.

If I was anywhere near a Brewsters, I would live there.





I'm drinking a Keith's right now!




I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I... I... I can't believe you wrote this. I thought I knew you.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Dammit, now I want beer. And corn.

I have mixed feelings about this.




Dammit, now I want beer. And corn. and Taco Bell.

I have mixed feelings about this.
Had to, sorry.




I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!


Element 117

I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.




I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.[/QUOTE]

Quoting a movie is trollish? Wow, I never knew.




I've decided that my favorite is "making people feel bad for not going outside." :laugh:




That site is pretty funny. Sucks that Chaz doesn't get it.

Also Dave, fucking shame on you. Shame on you so fucking hard.

Also, microbrews usually are better beer. I think some people /= to "indie bands". Just because its not well-known or mass-produced, doesn't mean it's always a good thing. Which is true of microbrews as well, but many microbrews actually have passion and nuance in their craft, versus the giant vats of Coors being pumped outside of Denver.


Element 117

I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.[/QUOTE]

Quoting a movie is trollish? Wow, I never knew.[/QUOTE]

[STRIKE]closest to. Miles away, still.[/STRIKE]

well, when white people do it, yes.



Did anyone enjoy the taste of their first beer?
Just about every beer lover didn't.

Yeah, your brain definitely doesn't attribute the happy feelings you get after the taste so over time, you enjoy the taste of beer.
definitely not...*cough* (Granted most people's 1st beer is the worst tasting macro kind)

And yes, i enjoy drinking beer, especially micro




After my first beer, I swore I'd never drink another. My dad can afford very good beer, and he'd always offer me some when I was older. After trying many, I guess I acquired a taste for some. There are still a lot I hate. I can't stand Guinness, for example.




I... I can't believe I'm hearing this.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you... (*points at Chaz*) you're cool... fuck you, I'm out!
this was the closest I have ever seen you come to trollish behaviour. I'm so proud :) Have a martini.[/QUOTE]

Quoting a movie is trollish? Wow, I never knew.[/QUOTE]

[STRIKE]closest to. Miles away, still.[/STRIKE]

well, when white people do it, yes.[/QUOTE]

It's good to see I haven't lost my touch, then.




Smithwick's. I shall accept no substitute.


Element 117

I've had many beers in my young life time. Micro, macro, etc. There is always (Flavor) +deadwetshoeanddogsmell flavor.




I've never understood the desire to acquire a taste for something I hated the first time.

It's also why I don't smoke, drink coffee or go ass to mouth.




Just stick to your dry toast and water, old man. Never try anything new.


Element 117

daves post read like "lovely sweet jazz muza-RECORD SCRATCH!"



I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I concur. I hate the taste of beer and I REALLY hate people who try and make me drink it. I went on this tour of Europe and right away I told people that I don't care for beer. But they kept trying to make me try different beers. The worst, absolute worst, was in Germany "You have to try this beer michelle it isn't like american beer it has more flavor." and by god it did! ....more flavor of BEER. I nearly threw up on the table. and yet they kept coercing me into trying it, which I would because at that age I was less likely to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone.

After my beer rape tour of Europe I really laid down the law on beer when I got home. The last problem I had with it was this friend of my friends who is into microbrew and it like offends him on some deep emotional level that I don't like beer. I can't fathom why he gives a shit but anyway he said "you just don't like it because you haven't found one you like yet." I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking. If he finds one Ill try it. It would be nice to be able to say there is this one special magical not beer tasting beer i like. Then the beer loving jerks I know will leave me alone.




That's gotta be annoying. Some people just don't like the general taste and texture of beer. I used to hate it when people tried to make me taste different teas. The inherent "tea-ness" of tea... you know that weird feeling on your soft palate... I don't know how else to describe it right now... well anyway it made me feel sick. But people keep force-feeding it to you thinking they'll be the one to convert you.



That's gotta be annoying. Some people just don't like the general taste and texture of beer. I used to hate it when people tried to make me taste different teas. The inherent "tea-ness" of tea... you know that weird feeling on your soft palate... I don't know how else to describe it right now... well anyway it made me feel sick. But people keep force-feeding it to you thinking they'll be the one to convert you.
exactly. but all they are doing is making you hate it more and resent the person.




Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this. I never really acquired a proper taste for beer, especially the pig-swill that teenagers drink like it's frickin' water to get a quick buzz going on. To me it tastes like it's already been digested twice over. It's the same with most alcohols for me, though... I don't even go for wines, liquors or anything else too much. They always have that same sting that I don't much care for.

I do, however, make an exception for Smithwick's. Mainly because it's a little sweet and not so disgusting as most beers, so I can easily cradle a single pint and empty it during a nice bar night. Plus, it's also fairly rare here (I learned about it in Ireland and grew to like it): to my knowledge only two pubs serve it in Turku, so it's not like I'm gonna go over the top with it.

Also, as a social lubricant, I like a single shot of whiskey on the rocks. Jameson is my staple, but if I can find for instance some Kilbeggan that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I'll have that.

Otherwise... mead. Sweet, sweet May Day mead with raisins swimmin' in it ;)




I can understand that makare. Nothing worse than people trying to make you eat foods you have an intense, experienced dislike for. Next person who offers me a mushroom is going to be fishing it out of their brain.




I can understand that makare. Nothing worse than people trying to make you eat foods you have an intense, experienced dislike for. Next person who offers me a mushroom is going to be fishing it out of their brain.
Testify, bro. I have the same thing with onions and pineapple as well. Both things my dad frickin' loves to have in anything he cooks. Pineapple... *shiver*




Ohhhh but mushrooms are sooooooo good! If you had mine you'd love them.

:awesome: I keed.



I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
You're dead to me, Dave. You're more dead to me than your dead mother.




Frankly, I don't enjoy the flavor of beer, so why drink it? I can only think of two reasons to drink beer:

1) Flavor - Mmmm, fermented barley and hops. No thanks.
2) Get drunk - There are many more efficient ways to go about doing that.



I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!



I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I concur. I hate the taste of beer and I REALLY hate people who try and make me drink it. I went on this tour of Europe and right away I told people that I don't care for beer. But they kept trying to make me try different beers. The worst, absolute worst, was in Germany "You have to try this beer michelle it isn't like american beer it has more flavor." and by god it did! ....more flavor of BEER. I nearly threw up on the table. and yet they kept coercing me into trying it, which I would because at that age I was less likely to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone.

After my beer rape tour of Europe I really laid down the law on beer when I got home. The last problem I had with it was this friend of my friends who is into microbrew and it like offends him on some deep emotional level that I don't like beer. I can't fathom why he gives a shit but anyway he said "you just don't like it because you haven't found one you like yet." I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking. If he finds one Ill try it. It would be nice to be able to say there is this one special magical not beer tasting beer i like. Then the beer loving jerks I know will leave me alone.[/QUOTE]

Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!




I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.


Element 117

Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this.




I think the trick to getting to enjoy beer is to have a lot of shit beer and then try the better ones.

the first time a beer tasted good to me was after a long day camping. It was just after loading the truck full of firewood and then immediately unloading it at the camp site. I sat down and my dad handed me a shiner and it tasted amazing.

It's not for everyone though, which is fine.

I'm doing the same thing now with tea and whiskey. I've been plowing through a few cups of tea a day and when I go out I try to have a bit of whiskey mixed with coke to get a bit more used to it.




I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
Exactly! :D When I used to bring leftover stuffed mushrooms home from a catering gig, the fella never wanted any. I'd have a whole tupperware container all to myself! He got stuck with the gross bacon-cheese toast points I always was made to prepare.




Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?



Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this. I never really acquired a proper taste for beer, especially the pig-swill that teenagers drink like it's frickin' water to get a quick buzz going on. To me it tastes like it's already been digested twice over. It's the same with most alcohols for me, though... I don't even go for wines, liquors or anything else too much. They always have that same sting that I don't much care for.

I do, however, make an exception for Smithwick's. Mainly because it's a little sweet and not so disgusting as most beers, so I can easily cradle a single pint and empty it during a nice bar night. Plus, it's also fairly rare here (I learned about it in Ireland and grew to like it): to my knowledge only two pubs serve it in Turku, so it's not like I'm gonna go over the top with it.

Also, as a social lubricant, I like a single shot of whiskey on the rocks. Jameson is my staple, but if I can find for instance some Kilbeggan that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I'll have that.

Otherwise... mead. Sweet, sweet May Day mead with raisins swimmin' in it ;)
Dude, if you like Smithwick's, you should try any and every pale ale out there.




Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this.

Soooo... You're saying I'm like a red-haired Antonio Banderas?





I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.[/QUOTE]

Le'ts make it kegger party, aye?



I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.[/QUOTE]

If I am going to drink alcohol it would probably be rum and coke. Rum tastes good. But I really try not to drink. That's my goal. So Im happy with soda. Mmmm soda.



Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.


Element 117

Soooo... You're saying I'm like a red-haired Antonio Banderas?

no, just that I must be on your ignore. That's cool.




Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.[/QUOTE]
She said she tried beer all over Europe and didn't like it at all. How is that ignorant?




I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.[/QUOTE]

If I am going to drink alcohol it would probably be rum and coke. Rum tastes good. But I really try not to drink. That's my goal. So Im happy with soda. Mmmm soda.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried spiced rum with vanilla coke? My first love affair with a mixed drink.



And no, if a person doesn't like beer I don't take it personally, but 9 times out of 10 that person is totally smug about it.




Woodchuck Cider is really good.




I like my beer like I like my coffee: reasonable.

Let me be clear:

I love great beer, but I am alright with sufficient beer.

Certainly not a beer elitist or anything like that.



Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.[/QUOTE]
She said she tried beer all over Europe and didn't like it at all. How is that ignorant?[/QUOTE]

I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking.

Woodchuck Cider, bitch!




I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!



I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.

The couple I've had may have been made wrong, but I really don't see the craze over Mojito's.




While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?



Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.




How is Woodchuck considered beer? It's apple juice fermented with champagne yeast.




I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.

The couple I've had may have been made wrong, but I really don't see the craze over Mojito's.[/QUOTE]

Cold yet flavorful. Best way to end a boring day.




I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.

The couple I've had may have been made wrong, but I really don't see the craze over Mojito's.[/QUOTE]

It is a craze now, isn't it? To be honest I've only had one real mojito, so I'm no expert or anything. I just love rum AND lime.



While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?

Honestly, I don't give a crap whether she likes beer or not. It's just that from my experience the people who don't drink beer (or alcohol for that matter) are usually really stuck up and smug about it, which pisses me off.




I once tried an improperly-made mojito and drunkenly commented "It tastes like an alcoholic salad" to the great amusement of my drinking buddies.

Man, I miss Cuba...



While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?
I do. Sorry Chaz I doubt I would like a cider either because I don't like ciders for mostly the same reason I don't like beer. It's like it tastes thick and the flavor fills your head, like in your nose. It gags me. That could be that soft palate thing you are talking about CG.

Im not smug about it. I dont have an agenda or anything I just cant stand the taste of beer.



How is Woodchuck considered beer? It's apple juice fermented with champagne yeast.
Uh, you just answered your own question...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't drink beer.





How is Woodchuck considered beer? It's apple juice fermented with champagne yeast.
Uh, you just answered your own question...[/QUOTE]

So champagne is beer too? Along with every other fermented beverage?



While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?
I do. Sorry Chaz I doubt I would like a cider either because I don't like ciders for mostly the same reason I don't like beer. It's like it tastes thick and the flavor fills your head, like in your nose. It gags me. That could be that soft palate thing you are talking about CG.[/QUOTE]

Wait, so you don't like regular ol' apple cider either?


---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

How is Woodchuck considered beer? It's apple juice fermented with champagne yeast.
Uh, you just answered your own question...[/QUOTE]

So champagne is beer too? Along with every other fermented beverage?[/QUOTE]

No, it's a cider, but ciders are like a intermediate between beers and malt liquors... I dunno.




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.



Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir!




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.



Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.[/QUOTE]

But have you actually had it? I've had the Rogue and the Sam Smith.




While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?

Honestly, I don't give a crap whether she likes beer or not. It's just that from my experience the people who don't drink beer (or alcohol for that matter) are usually really stuck up and smug about it, which pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

Like people who are smug about not watching TV?




Just the once in a beer exchange. Fucking Epic.




While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?

Honestly, I don't give a crap whether she likes beer or not. It's just that from my experience the people who don't drink beer (or alcohol for that matter) are usually really stuck up and smug about it, which pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

Like people who are smug about not watching TV?[/QUOTE]


CG: 1
Chaz: 0




Wait, does Chaz not watch TV? I just know we've discussed that before on the boards and thought it was applicable; I didn't mean anything by it!




Wait, does Chaz not watch TV? I just know we've discussed that before on the boards and thought it was applicable; I didn't mean anything by it!
Accidental snark is the best kind :D




Wait, does Chaz not watch TV? I just know we've discussed that before on the boards and thought it was applicable; I didn't mean anything by it!
I can remember a few comments from Chaz about how stupid TV is, so I thought that's what you were saying. It was just funny, nothing mean.




Ah... well then.... in your face! Mwaha! *snark dance*








I'm pretty sure woodchuck cider is not a beer. It's categorized as beer, but I'm not sure why. Beer is made using malted grains and occasionally adjuncts.

This opinion brought to you by someone who makes enough beer in a year that it's almost illegal to not have a microbrewery license. Sorry Chaz.



Wait, does Chaz not watch TV? I just know we've discussed that before on the boards and thought it was applicable; I didn't mean anything by it!
I can remember a few comments from Chaz about how stupid TV is, so I thought that's what you were saying. It was just funny, nothing mean.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck are you talking about? I was practically raised by TV. Most TV shows are stupid.




Wait, does Chaz not watch TV? I just know we've discussed that before on the boards and thought it was applicable; I didn't mean anything by it!
I can remember a few comments from Chaz about how stupid TV is, so I thought that's what you were saying. It was just funny, nothing mean.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck are you talking about? I was practically raised by TV. Most TV shows are stupid.[/QUOTE]

So... you're proving my point that you think most TV is stupid? Um, thanks?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't watch TV.





I, uh, have never really had a microbrew. Unless.... well, what constitutes the definition?

I drink Sam Adams, Strongbow, Yuengling, Bitburger, Stella Artois, 1664 & Sapporo. If I don't have one of these available... I resign myself to Bud Light *shivers*




Sam Adams makes a decent Oatmeal Stout.




Not really a Stout drinker, but I must admit to being intrigued by this "Oatmeal Stout" concept...




I go by the idea that as long as it has oatmeal in it, you can have it for breakfast. That goes for both cookies with oatmeal in them, and beer that has oatmeal in it.




I'm excited by your idea, and would like to read more about it.




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.[/QUOTE]

But have you actually had it? I've had the Rogue and the Sam Smith.[/QUOTE]

All your beers are belong to pussy.

Real men drink hops:

Dale's Pale Ale - Like pissing glass into my eye
Stone IPA - Being raped by a juniper tree
something else I can't remember because I am drunk - Like sleeping with your dead mother


Element 117

keep reading thread title as "White Stuff People Like." now




I get it! /Fry




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.[/QUOTE]

But have you actually had it? I've had the Rogue and the Sam Smith.[/QUOTE]

All your beers are belong to pussy.

Real men drink hops:

Dale's Pale Ale - Like pissing glass into my eye
Stone IPA - Being raped by a juniper tree
something else I can't remember because I am drunk - Like sleeping with your dead mother[/QUOTE]




Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.

I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.[/QUOTE]

But have you actually had it? I've had the Rogue and the Sam Smith.[/QUOTE]

All your beers are belong to pussy.

Real men drink hops:

Dale's Pale Ale - Like pissing glass into my eye
Stone IPA - Being raped by a juniper tree
something else I can't remember because I am drunk - Like sleeping with your dead mother[/QUOTE]

Hops are overrated. I once made a trip to the brew shop before going to a party. After much drinking we decided that eating hops would be a good idea. They seriously taste like dog food. Don't worry about why I know what dog food tastes like, but it just does...




I like Sam Adams or Yeungling.




Not really a Stout drinker, but I must admit to being intrigued by this "Oatmeal Stout" concept...
It... is.... good. As is Double Chocolate Stout. And I'm generally not a stout drinker.




mmm... hops. A couple of my favorites from when I was in Madison:

Ale Asylum

New Glarus

I'm a bit of a beer snob and not ashamed of it. I also hate wine and most liquor. So I don't try to convince people that they should like beer, lest they try to convince me I should like wine or liquor. This plan has worked well so far.


Element 117

i like you.



Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.
I'll counter with Founder's Breakfast Stout. Even has a better rating on BA.[/QUOTE]

I'll see your Breakfast Stout and raise you the greatest beer ever made: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout! I said good day, sir![/QUOTE]
Pliny the Younger. Game. Set. Match.[/QUOTE]

But have you actually had it? I've had the Rogue and the Sam Smith.[/QUOTE]

All your beers are belong to pussy.

Real men drink hops:

Dale's Pale Ale - Like pissing glass into my eye
Stone IPA - Being raped by a juniper tree
something else I can't remember because I am drunk - Like sleeping with your dead mother[/QUOTE]

I never said I didn't like IPAs....




I'll say it. I don't care for IPA's.

New Glarus is good stuff laep.



I'll say it. I don't care for IPA's.

New Glarus is good stuff laep.

I pretty much like it all except for shitty, watered down pilsners (I'm looking at you Coors and Budweiser), but I won't turn down a free beer no matter what it is.




I'll say it. I don't care for IPA's.

New Glarus is good stuff laep.

I pretty much like it all except for shitty, watered down pilsners (I'm looking at you Coors and Budweiser), but I won't turn down a free beer no matter what it is.[/QUOTE]

I tried American Bud once,and that isnt a Pilsen.It's pisswater.It's watered down urine tryng to pass of as beer,drunk by stupid rednecks that dont know the real taste of beer. Get yourself a nice German Trumer Pils (won best Pils of the world twice).But I applaud all the Microbrewerys springing up in America,trying to bring real beer to the people.It is a step in the right direction.




I watched a documentary called Beer Wars, where microbrews try taking on the big companies. The big companies are winning due to
1. Shelf space
2. The distribution system (you MUST use a distributor to sell your beer)
3. Advertising

Small companies have a hard time succeeding when a company like Budweiser can come in and make it so they have no shelf space in the grocery store.




That woodchuck hard cider is quite refreshing when it's hot, and Pilsner Urquell (I think that's what it was called, it's a Czech Pilsner) isn't bad but costs more than I'm willing to spend on a six pack of beer bottles. Newcastle Brown is good (especially with Fish & Chips, I use it in the batter), I'll dirnk Bass Pale Ale, and I'm eager to try Mackeson's Milk Stout, though the Lancaster Milk Stout I tried recently was not great.




I watched a documentary called Beer Wars, where microbrews try taking on the big companies. The big companies are winning due to
1. Shelf space
2. The distribution system (you MUST use a distributor to sell your beer)
3. Advertising

Small companies have a hard time succeeding when a company like Budweiser can come in and make it so they have no shelf space in the grocery store.
watched that one too. ;)



I watched a documentary called Beer Wars, where microbrews try taking on the big companies. The big companies are winning due to
1. Shelf space
2. The distribution system (you MUST use a distributor to sell your beer)
3. Advertising

Small companies have a hard time succeeding when a company like Budweiser can come in and make it so they have no shelf space in the grocery store.

In all honesty if you want the 'freshest' beer off the shelf, then Budweiser is the freshest. They have their distribution down to a science.

I have my local watering hole though: Iron Hill Brewery in West Chester, PA. My beer travels about 5 feet from the brewery to my mug.




Hey whats the difference between having sex in a canoe and American beer?

They're both fucking close to water.

Seriously, American beer (Budweiser mostly) is piss. it's like they buy someone elses beer and add water to make a profit.
This joke was in the documentary. Honestly, the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world. Having such shit beer has forced small breweries to become innovative and not taste like everything else.




In all honesty if you want the 'freshest' beer off the shelf, then Budweiser is the freshest. They have their distribution down to a science.
Which is great if you like REALLY fresh piss.




who wants to live forever?




Who dares to live forever?



Who dares to live forever?
There can be only one.




Who dares to live forever?
There can be only one.[/QUOTE]

In the end, yeah. When humanity has died out and the sun's going nova, the one might go "Yeaaaaaahhh... maybe I shouldn't have."



Who dares to live forever?
There can be only one.[/QUOTE]

In the end, yeah. When humanity has died out and the sun's going nova, the one might go "Yeaaaaaahhh... maybe I shouldn't have."[/QUOTE]

Our sun will not go 'nova'.




If it means drinking baby piss, someone else can live forever.


Element 117

I agree with krisken,



Hey whats the difference between having sex in a canoe and American beer?

They're both fucking close to water.

Seriously, American beer (Budweiser mostly) is piss. it's like they buy someone elses beer and add water to make a profit.
This joke was in the documentary. Honestly, the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world. Having such shit beer has forced small breweries to become innovative and not taste like everything else.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry but me and my country disagree




You can disagree all you want. I'm afraid you'd be what we like to call "wrong".



Hey whats the difference between having sex in a canoe and American beer?

They're both fucking close to water.

Seriously, American beer (Budweiser mostly) is piss. it's like they buy someone elses beer and add water to make a profit.
This joke was in the documentary. Honestly, the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world. Having such shit beer has forced small breweries to become innovative and not taste like everything else.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry but me and my country disagree[/QUOTE]

Guess what bub, we make Belgian beer better than the Belgians!




Belgian beers are a little bitter to my palate.








Who dares to live forever?
There can be only one.[/QUOTE]

In the end, yeah. When humanity has died out and the sun's going nova, the one might go "Yeaaaaaahhh... maybe I shouldn't have."[/QUOTE]

Our sun will not go 'nova'.[/QUOTE]

Okay, ballooning up like Diana Ross on Twinkies before shrivelling into a white dwarf, you happy now? The point is, Mr Immortal's still gonna feel pretty fucked up.



Hey whats the difference between having sex in a canoe and American beer?

They're both fucking close to water.

Seriously, American beer (Budweiser mostly) is piss. it's like they buy someone elses beer and add water to make a profit.
This joke was in the documentary. Honestly, the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world. Having such shit beer has forced small breweries to become innovative and not taste like everything else.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry but me and my country disagree[/QUOTE]

Guess what bub, we make Belgian beer better than the Belgians![/QUOTE]

yes if you believe that Belgian beer is one style of beers then I'm afraid that you don't know what we are doing here




Hey whats the difference between having sex in a canoe and American beer?

They're both fucking close to water.

Seriously, American beer (Budweiser mostly) is piss. it's like they buy someone elses beer and add water to make a profit.
This joke was in the documentary. Honestly, the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world. Having such shit beer has forced small breweries to become innovative and not taste like everything else.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry but me and my country disagree[/QUOTE]

Guess what bub, we make Belgian beer better than the Belgians![/QUOTE]

yes if you believe that Belgian beer is one style of beers then I'm afraid that you don't know what we are doing here[/QUOTE]

Nobody said that.




Well, he did say that these "we" - whoever the hell they may be, and in Chaz's case I'd rather not know - make Belgian beers better than the Belgians. Which would imply that there is a certain quality in those beers that makes them Belgian even if they are not made by Belgians. Quality... or style, if you will.




Well, he did say that these "we" - whoever the hell they may be, and in Chaz's case I'd rather not know - make Belgian beers better than the Belgians. Which would imply that there is a certain quality in those beers that makes them Belgian even if they are not made by Belgians. Quality... or style, if you will.
What I meant was that nobody said Belgian beer is a single style of beer. There are characteristics that most Belgian beers share but that wasn't the point. And yes, American craft brewing is bigger and wins just as many awards as any other country.




Well, he did say that these "we" - whoever the hell they may be, and in Chaz's case I'd rather not know - make Belgian beers better than the Belgians. Which would imply that there is a certain quality in those beers that makes them Belgian even if they are not made by Belgians. Quality... or style, if you will.
What I meant was that nobody said Belgian beer is a single style of beer. There are characteristics that most Belgian beers share but that wasn't the point. And yes, American craft brewing is bigger and wins just as many awards as any other country.[/QUOTE]

Bigger is just natural, you are half a continent. 'Just as many awards' is not 'this is the best place for beer'.


Element 117

Has this devolved into a champagne vs sparkling wine from california argument yet? I love those.




Benjamin is nobody's friend. If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick.




Well, he did say that these "we" - whoever the hell they may be, and in Chaz's case I'd rather not know - make Belgian beers better than the Belgians. Which would imply that there is a certain quality in those beers that makes them Belgian even if they are not made by Belgians. Quality... or style, if you will.
What I meant was that nobody said Belgian beer is a single style of beer. There are characteristics that most Belgian beers share but that wasn't the point. And yes, American craft brewing is bigger and wins just as many awards as any other country.[/QUOTE]

Bigger is just natural, you are half a continent. 'Just as many awards' is not 'this is the best place for beer'.[/QUOTE]

I meant bigger as in, there are about 6 brewpubs/breweries within 15 miles of where I live that I can name. I've been to Europe and I've tried your beer. It was good, but not as good as I was expecting for the amount of shit you guys talk.




Oh my. Any chance we can all agree that we all love beer (except for those of us who don't) and move on?




Eh, I wasn't trying to pick a fight. Sorry if I offended someone.




Don't worry, you're not real anyway.




Imaginary friends always hurt us the most.




Don't worry, you're not real anyway.




Oh my. Any chance we can all agree that we all love beer (except for those of us who don't) and move on?

Be civil and back down from a pointless E-fight?

You must be new here.


Element 117

Oh my. Any chance we can all agree that we all love beer (except for those of us who don't) and move on?

Be civil and back down from a pointless E-fight?

You must be new here.[/QUOTE]

your mom was new here. Once.






Well, he did say that these "we" - whoever the hell they may be, and in Chaz's case I'd rather not know - make Belgian beers better than the Belgians. Which would imply that there is a certain quality in those beers that makes them Belgian even if they are not made by Belgians. Quality... or style, if you will.




Beer, beer for all P'burg High
You bring the whiskey, I'll bring the wine
Send a freshman out for gin
Don't a sober sophomore in
We never stagger, We never fall
We sober up on good alcohol
So spread some cheer and pass the beer
for the alkies of P'burg High!




Hey, I don't really care. Spain is certainly not a place of great beers!




Hey, I don't really care. Spain is certainly not a place of great beers!
Maybe, but you guys have some amazingly delicious wine!

... I'm not an alcoholic, I swear!



Eh, I wasn't trying to pick a fight. Sorry if I offended someone.
hey no problem, I wasn't trying to pick a fight either, nor was I trying to claim that we (Belgians) make the best beer in the world (although I would argue that we make the best Belgian Style beer in the world)
I was just commenting on Kriskens :
the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world.

It is possible you guys have a really good craft brew scene but I wouldn't want to call it better than the rest of the world



Eh, I wasn't trying to pick a fight. Sorry if I offended someone.
hey no problem, I wasn't trying to pick a fight either, nor was I trying to claim that we (Belgians) make the best beer in the world (although I would argue that we make the best Belgian Style beer in the world)
I was just commenting on Kriskens :
the craft brew scene is better in the U.S. than it is in the rest of the world.

It is possible you guys have a really good craft brew scene but I wouldn't want to call it better than the rest of the world[/QUOTE]

Yes, it really is.



okay, I'll bite, why?




Reading over the last two pages, I'll have to ask...

HOW MUCH PISS DO YOU FOOKERS DRINK? And is baby piss really superior?



okay, I'll bite, why?

For every one microbrew in Belgium we have about 100 (and good ones). And that's hardly an exaggeration. I have no doubt that Belgium cranks out good beer, but on a whole the U.S. craft brew is huge. The probability that the U.S. microbreweries beat out Belgian microbreweries favors the U.S. on sheer number. This isn't the 1950's-1980's. U.S. craftbeers are definitely the best in the world right now.



yeah ok but we have like 8700 different beers (according to wikipedia) on a population of 10 million plus the fact some American brewers have to market their beer as Belgian style counts for something to.



yeah ok but we have like 8700 different beers (according to wikipedia) on a population of 10 million plus the fact some American brewers have to market their beer as Belgian style counts for something to.

No it doesn't, it just means they're using Belgian yeast.




Mexico City has double the population of all of Belgium.

There are twice the amount of Chilangos than there are Belgians.

This both scares and amuses me.



ok, maybe you have a point, but we drink more beer per capita :hmmm:

I wont keep arguing because i don't drink that much of special beers to really care, I will say that we have a couple of good lagers that I enjoy drinking very much and the American beers that get trough to Belgium taste like piss but I know that's not really surprising our best beers don't really export too.




"Stuff White People Argue About:"





That I believe Biardo. It's very hard for for craft brewers to get a distributor willing to hold a significant supply of their product as the big companies buy up as much space in the warehouses as they can. If you're ever in the states, you'll have to try some of the smaller brew stuff like Rogue, Founders, and Ommegang. If you're not willing to take a chance, check out BeerAdvocate.com for ratings to see what is generally considered the better American beers and see the reviews of the beers before you buy them.



ok, maybe you have a point, but we drink more beer per capita :hmmm:

I wont keep arguing because i don't drink that much of special beers to really care, I will say that we have a couple of good lagers that I enjoy drinking very much and the American beers that get trough to Belgium taste like piss but I know that's not really surprising our best beers don't really export too.
I don't think very many craftbrews in the US make it out of their respective state! Budweiser is not what I'm talking about.




"Stuff White People Argue About:"

Hah, you don't have to be white to argue about beer. :p




"Stuff White People Argue About:"

Hah, you don't have to be white to argue about beer. :p[/QUOTE]

I know, I just don't have anything meaningful to contribute, so I went for smart ass.




"Stuff White People Argue About:"

Hah, you don't have to be white to argue about beer. :p[/QUOTE]

I know, I just don't have anything meaningful to contribute, so I went for smart ass.[/QUOTE]
I liked it. You should have added "amirite?" That would have been a good clincher :)




I know right?!



ok, maybe you have a point, but we drink more beer per capita :hmmm:

I wont keep arguing because i don't drink that much of special beers to really care, I will say that we have a couple of good lagers that I enjoy drinking very much and the American beers that get trough to Belgium taste like piss but I know that's not really surprising our best beers don't really export too.
I don't think very many craftbrews in the US make it out of their respective state! Budweiser is not what I'm talking about.[/QUOTE]

yeah the small beers over here don't get out their cities

shit the best beer I ever drank doesn't get out of the monastery it is brewed in, you can go by it at their gate (1 crate of 24 per car) but you have to be lucky that they still have some (they even have a beerphone where you can call to check if they aren't sold out)

and I definitely want to try that ommegang now, I'll check for American beers next time I'm in the beercafe here



"Stuff White People Argue About:"

Hah, you don't have to be white to argue about beer. :p[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if you're black you argue about malt liquor!

That brings me full circle back to the topic at hand. "Stuff White People like..."

That list is full of shit that everyone can like, not just white people. There's actually a stuff Black People like counter page, and it lists shit like fried chicken (how original) and hot sauce. Who the fuck doesn't like fried chicken or hot sauce?






It's cool, my best friend is totally black...




you should start a counter blog called "I'm not racist....BUT"



you should start a counter blog called "I'm not racist....BUT"


I'm not racist but..."insert most racist statement ever here"




American craft brews are the best in the world, I will argue that to the grave. Part of the reason is why Americans' are great at everything, we don't give a horse's ass about tradition. Europe has some amazing breweries, and I mean fucking amazing. Germans' treat beer with an almost religious honoring, handing down breweries and their recipes through centuries.

Which is cool for them.

But its not for us. Here, we have no traditions when it comes to beer (at least, none worth remembering), so we have nothing but the inspiration that the rest of the world's breweries give us, which we then use to come up with crazy crazy crazy assed beers. Or even if we do an old style beer, we don't give a damn where it comes from, where their water comes from, or anything like that. Just what it tastes like.

Live Oak in Austin is a good example. It has won a couple of worldwide competitions. I've seen their brewery. It's on old warehouse with a bunch of non-traditional dairy tank fermenters and 1 table with an overflowing ashtray in the corner with a fridge next to it with a bunch of taps. It looks....terrible. But they make insanely good beer.

We are reckless in our pursuit of greatness, and we have only 1 local giant that can look down on us (Sam Adams, which is an amazing brewery that some elitests hate just because its Sam Adams). We stand in the shadow of no giants, and we create our own standards day to day.

By the way, for those of you that don't like beer, it seems like there are a lot of apologists out here for you. Fuck that. Grow a pair (if your a woman you are excused.) Beer is god's gift to humans. It is how we taste the earth that gives us life. Through it we only grow stronger.

All your talk about the 'acquired taste' nonsense only makes me angrier. I was born with a bottle in my hand. Each night at the long table I drink an entire horn of ale while eating a slab of meat, which steels me for the coming battle with the monster Grendel.




you should start a counter blog called "I'm not racist....BUT"


I'm not racist but..."insert most racist statement ever here"[/QUOTE]

That's what they'd expect, so you should do the opposite and just post whatever.

"Now I'm not racist but.... I don't know why black people always have a #2 pencil with them"




Fried chicken and watermelon are delicious but I don't really like hot sauce.




You know what else black men like? Black women. The racist bastards.







You know what else black men like? Black women. The racist bastards.
Apparently to some people interracial relationships are a big deal. One of my lit professors has a Japanese wife and, for some reason, people in his neighborhood disapproved. They weren't friends, family, or anyone close to him - it was just that she was foreign and of a different race. That strikes me as a pitifully outdated concept in this day and age. We're in the 21st century, we can connect with almost anyone on the planet in minutes if we try. It's time to be more cosmopolitan.




You see that a fair bit down here... surprisingly not always from the direction you might expect in the South.




Yeah, but in New Jersey? Just seems weird, out of place.


Element 117

Part of the reason is why Americans' are great at everything, we don't give a horse's ass about tradition.
i lol'd. great satire.




My dad likes to tell the story of when he first met my mom's grandmother, Willie Mae. She was a good ol' girl from the south, and on this particular day she was entertaining a few of her friends who were also good ol' southern girls. Willie Mae walks into the kitchen where her friends were sitting and says, "This here's Andy, Toni's new husband. He's a Mescin (how she said the word "Mexican"), but he's one of the GOOD ones." Her friends began to nod their heads as if they totally understood what Willie Mae was talking about.

Yeah, that was my mother's side of the family in a nutshell. I'm surprised that my parents' marriage didn't cause more problems with that side than it did. I guess they just eventually accepted the fact that my mom was happily married to a "Mescin".




Heh.... just got a sponsored ad for Interracial Dating Central


Element 117

Heh.... just got a sponsored ad for Interracial Dating Central




Heh, mine's only showing Netflix ads. I've seen that goddamn picture of Avatar so many times I no longer want to see the movie. Besides, I've already got Dances With Wolves on DVD, I can just pretend the Sioux are blue and the Cavalry are in mecha.




My dad likes to tell the story of when he first met my mom's grandmother, Willie Mae. She was a good ol' girl from the south, and on this particular day she was entertaining a few of her friends who were also good ol' southern girls. Willie Mae walks into the kitchen where her friends were sitting and says, "This here's Andy, Toni's new husband. He's a Mescin (how she said the word "Mexican"), but he's one of the GOOD ones." Her friends began to nod their heads as if they totally understood what Willie Mae was talking about.

Yeah, that was my mother's side of the family in a nutshell. I'm surprised that my parents' marriage didn't cause more problems with that side than it did. I guess they just eventually accepted the fact that my mom was happily married to a "Mescin".
Holy shit, is this the biggest case of Deja Vu I've ever experienced or had you already posted that exact story with almost the exact same wording not so long ago? :shocked:




He's posted it before.... can't recall the topic, but I remember it.

Still relevant, tho.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

We can have more fun stories of that type.

Years ago when I started dating my first girlfriend, my sister was dating a Puerto Rican boy. After I told my mom that the girl I was dating was Mexican, my mom said, "That's okay. I guess my kids just don't like white people."




This is how different our countries generations are. The older generations look at different races and say "they should be over there" and point to a different neighborhood. Our generation says "she should be in here" and points to their pants. Can't you see how much we have grown? I'm so proud of us.




Yeah, I've probably told that story before, just don't remember when. My great grandma honestly didn't mean to offend, I think. She was raised in the deep south in the early Twentieth Century, so I don't think she really knew any better. This is the lady who, if she saw a black-colored puppy, wouldn't call it a black puppy, She'd call it a "little 'N-Word' dog." You seriously had to watch out where you took her because she might say the wrong thing in the wrong place and get you in trouble.




Yeah, that's exactly what I meant in the Helen Thomas thread with the type of old people racism. My grandmother is sort of the same... she'll say stuff like "oh, she's good looking, very white", insinuating that you can't be good looking and dark. She'll get pissed off if you imply she's being racist, though... I know that by experience.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

My grandmother's the same. It's exactly like the mural thread. "I'm not racist, but those..." insert Jews, blacks, Mexicans, etc, something bigoted of some variety that they did, looked like, etc, that she didn't care for.




My grandmother belonged to the gideon society and and after my grandfather died she kept herself busy evangelizing.

One day she was in Vancouver riding a taxi cab driven by a Sikh wearing a turban. She started her pitch thusly:

"You're a Hindu aren't you?"

I don't think she successfully recruited for team Jesus that time.




I'm don't think she successfully recruited for team Jesus that time.
Maybe, but he always get credit for winning football games.



I'm don't think she successfully recruited for team Jesus that time.
Maybe, but he always get credit for winning football games.[/QUOTE]

"Hey Flanders, it's no use praying I already did the same thing, and we can't both win"




I'm don't think she successfully recruited for team Jesus that time.
Maybe, but he always get credit for winning football games.[/QUOTE]

God is the reason for Victory in Football. It is not PC to say that it was the work of his boy.




Same difference. Father, son, holy ghost. Rock, paper, scissors.




God allows the team that was the least sexually active in the days preceding the championship to win. It's why coaches tell their players to save it for after the game.




Here I thought the coaches just liked watching their guys slap other guys on the ass.




I thought it was so the women wouldn't steal their strength. As we know they do.....




As my wrestling coach used to say, "That shit weakens the legs. Don't touch 'em."

Not that any of us listened, of course.
