Stuff White People Like...

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Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this. I never really acquired a proper taste for beer, especially the pig-swill that teenagers drink like it's frickin' water to get a quick buzz going on. To me it tastes like it's already been digested twice over. It's the same with most alcohols for me, though... I don't even go for wines, liquors or anything else too much. They always have that same sting that I don't much care for.

I do, however, make an exception for Smithwick's. Mainly because it's a little sweet and not so disgusting as most beers, so I can easily cradle a single pint and empty it during a nice bar night. Plus, it's also fairly rare here (I learned about it in Ireland and grew to like it): to my knowledge only two pubs serve it in Turku, so it's not like I'm gonna go over the top with it.

Also, as a social lubricant, I like a single shot of whiskey on the rocks. Jameson is my staple, but if I can find for instance some Kilbeggan that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I'll have that.

Otherwise... mead. Sweet, sweet May Day mead with raisins swimmin' in it ;)
I can understand that makare. Nothing worse than people trying to make you eat foods you have an intense, experienced dislike for. Next person who offers me a mushroom is going to be fishing it out of their brain.


Staff member
I can understand that makare. Nothing worse than people trying to make you eat foods you have an intense, experienced dislike for. Next person who offers me a mushroom is going to be fishing it out of their brain.
Testify, bro. I have the same thing with onions and pineapple as well. Both things my dad frickin' loves to have in anything he cooks. Pineapple... *shiver*


I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
You're dead to me, Dave. You're more dead to me than your dead mother.
Frankly, I don't enjoy the flavor of beer, so why drink it? I can only think of two reasons to drink beer:

1) Flavor - Mmmm, fermented barley and hops. No thanks.
2) Get drunk - There are many more efficient ways to go about doing that.


I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!


I hate the taste of beer.

Beer tastes like shit. And not even good shit with corn in it. I'm talking the "I just ate Taco Bell and you better get out of my way" kind of shit.

Yeah. That's what beer tastes like.
I concur. I hate the taste of beer and I REALLY hate people who try and make me drink it. I went on this tour of Europe and right away I told people that I don't care for beer. But they kept trying to make me try different beers. The worst, absolute worst, was in Germany "You have to try this beer michelle it isn't like american beer it has more flavor." and by god it did! ....more flavor of BEER. I nearly threw up on the table. and yet they kept coercing me into trying it, which I would because at that age I was less likely to tell people to fuck off and leave me alone.

After my beer rape tour of Europe I really laid down the law on beer when I got home. The last problem I had with it was this friend of my friends who is into microbrew and it like offends him on some deep emotional level that I don't like beer. I can't fathom why he gives a shit but anyway he said "you just don't like it because you haven't found one you like yet." I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking. If he finds one Ill try it. It would be nice to be able to say there is this one special magical not beer tasting beer i like. Then the beer loving jerks I know will leave me alone.[/QUOTE]

Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.
I think the trick to getting to enjoy beer is to have a lot of shit beer and then try the better ones.

the first time a beer tasted good to me was after a long day camping. It was just after loading the truck full of firewood and then immediately unloading it at the camp site. I sat down and my dad handed me a shiner and it tasted amazing.

It's not for everyone though, which is fine.

I'm doing the same thing now with tea and whiskey. I've been plowing through a few cups of tea a day and when I go out I try to have a bit of whiskey mixed with coke to get a bit more used to it.


Staff member
I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
Exactly! :D When I used to bring leftover stuffed mushrooms home from a catering gig, the fella never wanted any. I'd have a whole tupperware container all to myself! He got stuck with the gross bacon-cheese toast points I always was made to prepare.


Frankly, I'm with makare1 and Dave on this. I never really acquired a proper taste for beer, especially the pig-swill that teenagers drink like it's frickin' water to get a quick buzz going on. To me it tastes like it's already been digested twice over. It's the same with most alcohols for me, though... I don't even go for wines, liquors or anything else too much. They always have that same sting that I don't much care for.

I do, however, make an exception for Smithwick's. Mainly because it's a little sweet and not so disgusting as most beers, so I can easily cradle a single pint and empty it during a nice bar night. Plus, it's also fairly rare here (I learned about it in Ireland and grew to like it): to my knowledge only two pubs serve it in Turku, so it's not like I'm gonna go over the top with it.

Also, as a social lubricant, I like a single shot of whiskey on the rocks. Jameson is my staple, but if I can find for instance some Kilbeggan that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, I'll have that.

Otherwise... mead. Sweet, sweet May Day mead with raisins swimmin' in it ;)
Dude, if you like Smithwick's, you should try any and every pale ale out there.


I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.[/QUOTE]

If I am going to drink alcohol it would probably be rum and coke. Rum tastes good. But I really try not to drink. That's my goal. So Im happy with soda. Mmmm soda.


Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.
Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.[/QUOTE]
She said she tried beer all over Europe and didn't like it at all. How is that ignorant?
I fucking love mushrooms but I have the same attitude towards mushroom haters as beer lovers should have towards me and beer, you dont like it? MORE FOR ME!
We'll just have to find you something you'll drink while Baer and I have our beer party.[/QUOTE]

If I am going to drink alcohol it would probably be rum and coke. Rum tastes good. But I really try not to drink. That's my goal. So Im happy with soda. Mmmm soda.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried spiced rum with vanilla coke? My first love affair with a mixed drink.


And no, if a person doesn't like beer I don't take it personally, but 9 times out of 10 that person is totally smug about it.
I like my beer like I like my coffee: reasonable.

Let me be clear:

I love great beer, but I am alright with sufficient beer.

Certainly not a beer elitist or anything like that.


Do me a favor. Go to your local beer distributor, get a case of Woodchuck Cider, and -while drinking it - apologize to the Beer God's for being so obtuse about the greatest drink in the world!
Is this the definition of posting irony?[/QUOTE]

She said that all beer tastes like traditional beer. I beg to differ and wish to enlighten her on her beer ignorance.[/QUOTE]
She said she tried beer all over Europe and didn't like it at all. How is that ignorant?[/QUOTE]

I said "fair enough if you find me a beer that in no way tastes like any other beer, if you find me a beer that tastes exactly like sprite, or tea, or lemonade or whatever then yes I will like it. " I guess he is out there still looking.

Woodchuck Cider, bitch!


Staff member
I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.
Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!


I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.

The couple I've had may have been made wrong, but I really don't see the craze over Mojito's.


Staff member
While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?


Give me a Founder's Imperial Stout or other dark beers, myself. I want my beer to make Guinness look like a thin, sad beer!
I'll see your Founder's and raise you a Rogue Shakespeare Oatmeal Stout.



Staff member
I like what I've dubbed a Nojito. Since most places I go to don't have mint lying around, it's just rum, soda and lime. Suits me fine. I don't even need the lime. Or the soda, depending on the night.

The couple I've had may have been made wrong, but I really don't see the craze over Mojito's.[/QUOTE]

It is a craze now, isn't it? To be honest I've only had one real mojito, so I'm no expert or anything. I just love rum AND lime.


While all beer doesn't taste the same, they have sort of similar mouth-feels and flavors. You couldn't tell it was beer otherwise. If the texture and general flavor turns people off, that's no shame. Sounds like she's tried a lot of things. I used to hate tea for that reason. I didn't think all teas were the same, but they all gave me that same sensation around my soft palate... anyone know what I mean?

Honestly, I don't give a crap whether she likes beer or not. It's just that from my experience the people who don't drink beer (or alcohol for that matter) are usually really stuck up and smug about it, which pisses me off.
I once tried an improperly-made mojito and drunkenly commented "It tastes like an alcoholic salad" to the great amusement of my drinking buddies.

Man, I miss Cuba...
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