Truth or Dare 2: the Daring Truth

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That would be Wahrheit. :)
Ehrlichkeit would be Honesty.Though I think both can be applied here.

Anyway, If you had to die an over the top,Hollywood-esque way,what would it be.
The only time I played this type of game over there, they said "Ehrlichkeit" instead of Wahrheit. How do you say it when you play?

Anyway, I would die eaten by a killer whale while trying to save a baby seal from being eaten. "Save yourseeelf baby seaaal" would be my last words. Then the baby seal grows up to be the best seal of them all and tells the story of how I died to save him to all the baby seals of the clan.

Or... right after having sex with Robert Downey Jr or Lenny Kravitz n_n
Actually I dont have an answer to that question.Thing is I moved back to Germany to start over.Life in the Philippines was a mess.So since I have a fresh beginning I try to make all the right choices.Maybe i should have capitalized on my decision to start studying again and have started a year sooner.

do you dare? or do you want to tell the truth?
@ officer charon

I have a series of questions to ask you for, feel free to answer any or all!

Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?
Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?
Ever been in a high-speed pursuit?
Have you ever fired a gun whilst in a high speed pursuit?

and have you ever had a good one liner after taking down a bad guy? Like you arrested a drug dealer and told him that the candy shop is closed or something?


Actually I dont have an answer to that question.Thing is I moved back to Germany to start over.Life in the Philippines was a mess.So since I have a fresh beginning I try to make all the right choices.Maybe i should have capitalized on my decision to start studying again and have started a year sooner.

do you dare? or do you want to tell the truth?
sadly it is not my turn, it is either phil or null
If you could go back in a time machine and give yourself some advice, what would it be. Or, alternately, what event in your life would you go back and try to change?
I never got around to asking a girl to tutor me in quantum mechanics, maybe if I had things would have turned out differently.
@ officer charon

I have a series of questions to ask you for, feel free to answer any or all!

Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?
Have you ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air?
Ever been in a high-speed pursuit?
Have you ever fired a gun whilst in a high speed pursuit?

and have you ever had a good one liner after taking down a bad guy? Like you arrested a drug dealer and told him that the candy shop is closed or something?
*chuckles* I love that movie.

Never dual-wielded any weapons, neither jumping or stationary. *sadface* Nor have I fired one whilst jumping through the air. Would be pretty boss, though.
I've been in a couple pursuits... *ahem* I mean, aggressive mobile observations (we're not allowed to pursue unless it's a violent felony).
Haven't shot a weapon during pursuit, though. Technically it's not allowed, but if someone's unloading on me, they're going to get whatever I can toss their way. Just sayin'...
O_C: OKay, I dare you to fire two weapons while jumping through the air. For the purposes of you not getting in trouble, they can be airsoft pistols.
Okay. Heh, my first two ideas for a question were just too mean, so instead of those... What comedy series would you most like to be a recurring character on, and why?


O_C: OKay, I dare you to fire two weapons while jumping through the air. For the purposes of you not getting in trouble, they can be airsoft pistols.
you should also have someone behind you releasing white doves into the air.
Okay. Heh, my first two ideas for a question were just too mean, so instead of those... What comedy series would you most like to be a recurring character on, and why?
I am honestly curious what those questions were now.

Annnnnnnyway. I think it'd be Scrubs. Partially because my younger brother and I bonded over this show after a really rough patch when we weren't getting along, so it's pretty close to me in that regard. The other reason is I think it's the first comedy sitcom to have my sense of humor as the prevalent kind, but still mixing it with the kind of poignant moments I like to see here and there. I would have wanted to be on the show from season 1 to 6 or so, I think, as those were the episodes my brother and I enjoyed the most (and still quote to each other constantly).
Yo, Morph! Waiting for that dare!

Dare me, woman! DARE ME NAU!!!
LOL! Sorry! I was so caught up with things here that I forgot!

Ok, ok... I dare you to draw (paper and colors, not paint or anything digital) a lovely personalized Lebkuchenherz* for a forumite.

*One of these german gingerbread hearts that say very corny stuff:


Ok I dare you to make a video skit of a meeting between 5 forum members represented by household objects. The skit must involve at least one romantic moment and at least one fight scene. It also has to be funny... im sorry you have set a standard and must carry it out.

Oh and you have to explain why you picked each object for each forumite.
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