That Starbucks Thread

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I ran into BOTH my exes at the club the other night.

One of them was delightful to talk to, catch up with and grind a little.

The other I avoided completely.
Hey, maybe I'll go to Starbucks again tomorrow for another edition of..... THAT STARBUCKS THREAD! *cue ending theme*

Philosopher B.

Alright... it's not the ex I saw.

Just her father. The ex father-in-law from hell. The man who once literally threatened me with running me over with his van.... because when he tried to impose himself physically on me he couldn't make me budge cause he's like a foot shorter. This pathetic excuse for a human being is a big part of the local Opus Dei and abuses his wife and children psychologically every single day and physically some times too. He hates me with a fiery passion because I gave her daughter confidence to stand up to him. I hate him ten times worse for the years of torture he subjected her to.

We made eye contact.

He left in a hurry.
That sounds like something out of a blooming novel.
I'm back at Starbucks!!

*theme music to That Starbucks Thread*(I always imagine it similar to the theme to That 70s Show)

This may prove to be just a please-keep-me-entertained thread this time, though. Remember how this joint is supposed to be the hottie hangout to end them all?

Well, it's turned into something else today... Baby Business Central. Seriously, there is not ONE hottie within scanner range and instead we have a place full of moms with their babies and full tables with lots of business meeting type things.

what the hell!?
I was about to complain about the slow as hell internet in here... but then I decided to look around and count the number of laptops being used.


There's FIFTEEN laptops browsing the web in this teeny one-story starbucks. That's a lot of bandwidth hogging for one tiny router.

So now I know I can't complain cause I'm actually part of the problem. I hate knowing stuff. People who are douchebags just complain without thinking first and they're probably happier for it. :humph:
Oh Starbucks, how have you failed me today.

Someone, dare me tot ake a picture of something or ....SOMETHING. I'm waiting for more work to arrive and there's not even a decent ass to discreetly stare at. ENTERTAIN MEEEEEEE


Staff member
Stand up, yell (in Spanish of course), "Holy shit! I JUST WON THE FUCKING LOTTERY!!!" Grab some random woman, give her a big kiss then run out screaming.

Alternate dare:

Come back in in 5 minutes and say you looked at the wrong numbers. Then sit down like nothing happened.
Take a picture of the next person who's drink gets called out
Ok, ugly guy:

---------- Post added at 01:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

I dare you to hug the next person who comes through the door.
Well it's been pretty empty for a while, but I'll do it only if it's a girl ¬¬

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 PM ----------

Stand up, yell (in Spanish of course), "Holy shit! I JUST WON THE FUCKING LOTTERY!!!" Grab some random woman, give her a big kiss then run out screaming.

Alternate dare:

Come back in in 5 minutes and say you looked at the wrong numbers. Then sit down like nothing happened.
LMAO, yeah ok, that's too crazy even for me. And I just can't leave my laptop behind, dude!

Any REALISTIC dares?

---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

Alright, a girl around my age came in, I stood up (I'm right next by the door), greeted her like we've known each other for years and hugged her (hugging's pretty normal down here, HA, joke's on you!) and then she asked who I was and said "oops, sorry, confused you for someone else!". She keeps looking at me funny now. I'l see if I can grab a pciture of her too. tee hee.


Staff member
Okay, all of the above, except instead of running out, after you kiss the woman go back to your computer, look at a piece of paper again and loudly exclaim, "SHIT! That's a 16, not a 15!" Sit down by your computer, put your head on your arms and start to cry loudly.

I am so not doing that. You have way too much confidence in my acting skills. And you're WEIRD. Go sit in the corner!

Anyone else with any realistic dares!?

---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:42 PM ----------

Go in the truth or dare, thread you little cheater.
These are STARBUCKS dares, plus, I'm the only one getting dared, with your little thread thingie I'd have to wait for all the weird cycle thing to keep going round and round. no thanks.
I... actually sort of did that already 'bout an hour ago without noticing. I shared over msn with someone the keypad trick I posted a few days ago where you can play Here Comes the Sun on it, and as I practiced it I started singing along and just kept singing and then suddenly the woman in front of me was staring at me weirdly so I shut up. :paranoid:

with the music on it can't really be heard that far, but the mom near me first looked at me like I was about to rape her baby, and then the baby started giggling awesomely every time I clicked. The mom caught on pretty quick it came from my laptop and now I'm just making the baby laugh cause baby laughs are awesome.

---------- Post added at 01:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 PM ----------

The baristas asked me to stop :(
Ok, that bit of work is done and now.. I have a hottie sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I can't seem to come up with a good way to maybe approach her, though... cause I'm not sure how old she is. She could be as young as I am or as old as 37. I hate that, because that would mean completely different strategies. Oh well, I may just wait a bit till I need to pee and use the ol' "Hey, quick favor, can you watch my laptop while I go to the bathroom?" which means coming back and thanking her and then getting her name and hopefully MARITAL STATUS

You people ahve been boring this past hour anyway.
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