Sometimes I support 4chan

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Since the puppies were diseased she really should have disposed of them differently. Taping and posting the video is very wrong though.
4Chan is at it again. Click this link Parents: Dying Girl Kathleen Edward Taunted By Neighbors In Trenton and watch this video (reading the story just doesn't do it justice, you need to hear this neighbor speak). Basically, a couple is taunting a 7 year old neighbor who is dying of a brain tumor. Well, 4channers Hunt Down Detroit Couple Taunting Dying Girl While Reddit Donates to the Victim's Family - Urlesque . More justice 4Chan style. This woman makes puppy throwing girl seem like an angle (by the way puppy tosser got off scott free).
4Chan is at it again. Click this link Parents: Dying Girl Kathleen Edward Taunted By Neighbors In Trenton and watch this video (reading the story just doesn't do it justice, you need to hear this neighbor speak). Basically, a couple is taunting a 7 year old neighbor who is dying of a brain tumor. Well, 4channers Hunt Down Detroit Couple Taunting Dying Girl While Reddit Donates to the Victim's Family - Urlesque . More justice 4Chan style. This woman makes puppy throwing girl seem like an angle (by the way puppy tosser got off scott free).
Doesn't sound like they're actually doing anything; the latter article basically states 4Chan is at odds with itself over whether to attempt their brand of justice or to praise the taunting couple.
A Channer update:
o summarize: m00t wasn't around for very long. /b/ has done a fast-food flood, a box flood (now between 10K to 15K boxes have been sent), lots of feminine products and depends, several dozen religious texts, got Jennifer Petkov fired from her job almost definitely, and has called the CPS and the IRS on the Petkovs several times.

They have also supposedly sent strippers and escorts of both sexes (though no pics to confirm), and have started spamming her page full of messages. Oh, and to put icing on the cake, there is talk of "Operaton: Send in the Clowns", where /b/ is going to try and get a bunch of Juggalos to show up Saturday night at 1am because they were told there was a party going to happen there. I can't post links, because I think that's what got my last update post deleted.

The box flood may be the point where Jennifer Petkov caves and actually apologizes, since that many boxes would surely bring around camera crews again. /b/ kind of wants to send the message that the crazy will only stop when she apologizes on camera. There was talk of sending a /b/scout over to personally relay the message to her, but a few minutes ago it got trashed as a bad idea, since everybody is supposed to by Anonymous.

Outside of that the home was egged and the entire city has rallied around the young girl and her family.

Update: Scott Petkov said the fallout of the Sept. 30 photo postings on a Facebook page his wife created in retaliation resulted Friday in his suspension with pay from his job as a forklift repairman in Warren. He said his employer is considering firing him. The eldest of the Petkovs' four children was sent home from school after getting into an argument with a classmate who confronted him about the Internet photos, said the couple.


Staff member
This pains me to say it....Good for you, /b/.

Now, having said THAT, as much as these two people are asshats, getting them fired from their jobs and such is not exactly fair to their FOUR kids. Most families are not too far away from being homeless and this could push them over the edge. If she apologizes and the harassment stops I'll be very impressed. But it doesn't always happen that way. /b/ gets their hooks into someone and doesn't let go. The question /b/ does not ever ask is whether the bad they are doing has any unintended consequences. In this case protecting 1 child is doing so at the possible harm of 4 different ones.
Yeah... it's nice to see jerks get some comeupance but... I'm guessing life for their kids already sucks and the channers have just made it that much worse. Maybe though, it will push these two to be better people. Then everyone wins.
No one else thinks these people may lose their kids over this? I mean, not because of it specifically, but if they are both without jobs...
Wait, did 4chan get these people fired, or did their behavior get them fired after 4chan made people aware of it? If it's the latter, then it's their own fault.
Neighbors taunt girl with terminal illness

So there's a 7 year old girl in the final stages of huntington's disease (terminal genetic disease). Her mother died from it last year.

The next door neighbors posted pictures to facebook of the girl on a skull and crossbones, and one with her dead mother in the arms of the grim reaper. They also painted their truck with tombstones, put a coffin in it, and parked it in front of this girl's home.

Local news station did a story, a local toy store posted about it to Reddit, and now the neighbors have apologized (begrudgingly - I expect the torment to continue it little ways endlessly), and the little girl gets a $12,000+ shopping spree at the toy store - and whatever she doesn't spend will go to local kids with terminal illnesses in the local hospital.

I'm going to see if I can be part of the flash mob the toy store requested when the limo drops her off for her shopping spree Thursday.

This news story has more details, including pictures of the facebook photos and the truck.
No one said it was awesome. I don't really think 4chan needed to get into this (or anything, ever). I certainly don't want kids to go through something like this. I just don't think it's accurate to say 4chan is responsible, when we have no way to verify why exactly the parents were fired.
Neighbors taunt girl with terminal illness

Wow, that lady has some serious issues if she actually put that much effort into it... painting a car and getting a coffin... jeez.
Well, I don't think it's usual but it may happen under certain conditions? No idea, but I think it'd make sense in some cases.
It actually takes a bit to take someone's kids away.

First, someone would need to call Children's Services on the family and report them for something. Then CS shows up with a warrant and takes a look around the residence and talks to the kids. If the social worker can find evidence of abuse (bruises, injuries, claims/evidence of sexual abuse) or neglect (malnourishment, filthy or dangerous environment, lack of supervision) then they can take the kids and put them in a temporary shelter/home. The parents could get the kids back fairly quickly if this is a first time offense, but it would still be fairly traumatic for everyone involved.

That being said, it's highly likely that they wouldn't get the kids back for some time, considering the lengths they went to in order to taunt the sick girl. I imagine the judge would have no pity for them.
Well, I don't think it's usual but it may happen under certain conditions? No idea, but I think it'd make sense in some cases.
I was asking about the whole income thing specifically. In the Socialist States of Europe they give people money for the kids, Germany used to give for each new kid, until they caught on that gypsies went there and have as many kids as they could and limited it to the first 4 or 5...

Abuse i see, but losing their jobs shouldn't have anything to do with it imo.
But as a consequence of losing their jobs the situation may be such that the kids cannot be properly be taken care of (4 kids eat a lot)... It depends on who can back them. But I'm sure the government doesn't give money per child you have, in the US!
Neighbors taunt girl with terminal illness

The worst part is that, according to the article, she did it (and apparently other torment as well) because the girl's family didn't text the neighbor back fast enough after she'd asked them if her kids could join the party.


The toy store thing makes it a little better though :3
Neighbors taunt girl with terminal illness

Honestly with the mother's admission she did these things I wish she would get investigated by child protective services. If she can do sadistic crap to a sick little girl and her family who knows what she might be doing to her own kids.
But as a consequence of losing their jobs the situation may be such that the kids cannot be properly be taken care of (4 kids eat a lot)... It depends on who can back them. But I'm sure the government doesn't give money per child you have, in the US!
Which is retarded because i'm pretty sure that if the state takes the kids they would have to pay to feed them etc... so all they would do is take them away from their parents (we're talking just income loss, not their mother being nuts-o).
But the government takes them and... gives them to another family? I guess? I don't know, it's true it doesn't make much sense.
(But I originally meant income loss coupled with the assholiness/crazyness)
People not in the U.S. trying to figure out how the U.S. does this stuff... I laughed.

Tegid, Krang: They don't take kids away due to lack of income, not that simply, anyway. The family can get new jobs, they can get food stamps, put the kids on state Medicaid, go on welfare... There's a lot of options for them. As much as half the U.S. pisses and moans about socialism, we still have programs of a socialist nature. It's the South Park explanation when they go back to the country's birth (paraphrasing). "We shall create a nation where we say one thing and do another. And we shall call it, the United States of America." "Hooray!"
From Ashburner's linked article above.

While he was not willing to show the video to FOX 2, Petkov family friend Jarred Hurd says he's seen it.

"I think they have over-exaggerated a lot on it," said Hurd. "The other neighbors make it out to seem like they're horrible. They are not horrible people."
I'd say it's been pretty well documented that the wife, at least, is a horrible person. After taunting a dying girl continuously anything else is just icing on the asshole cake.
"Some of you may have heard a few popcorn farts re: our sites being threatened by hackers," he wrote. "Our legal team and the FBI have been on the case and we have found a few, shall we say 'adventurous' young people, who feel they are above the law. And, as stated in my MIPCOM speech, we will sue their pants off. First, they will be punished. Second, they might find their little butts in jail, right next to someone who's been there for years and is looking for a new girl friend."
For some reason when I read that I kept thinking "You've been backtraced and consequences will never be the same."


Yeah, awesome, ruin 4 kid's lives because their parents are dicks.

It's really hard to find sympathy for this woman AND her family after pulling shit like this. And let's be honest, who ruined their lives? The parents. Four chan is merely responding to the situation that the parents created.

I think it's messed up how she has four kids and had no reason she couldn't fully empathize with the grandmother of the terminally ill little girl. Seriously, she couldn't stop and think about what the grandmother is going through? I almost came to tears reading about this little girl. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like if she were my daughter.
Yeah, awesome, ruin 4 kid's lives because their parents are dicks.

It's really hard to find sympathy for this woman AND her family after pulling shit like this. And let's be honest, who ruined their lives? The parents. Four chan is merely responding to the situation that the parents created.

I think it's messed up how she has four kids and had no reason she couldn't fully empathize with the grandmother of the terminally ill little girl. Seriously, she couldn't stop and think about what the grandmother is going through? I almost came to tears reading about this little girl. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like if she were my daughter.[/QUOTE]

This. She is seriously fucked up in the head. It's one thing being a dick in the privacy of your own little world but who in their right mind would agree to an interview and boast about taunting a dying girl. A. Don't agree to a television interview if you are taunting a dying girl, B. if you do agree to the interview deny any wrong doing claiming someone is playing a cruel joke using your name and C. don't agree to a television interview if you are taunting a dying girl.
Well, I think it's a little more serious than all that. I mean, if these kids get taken away from their parents, that's four less Juggalos we have.

Won't someone think about the future ICP festivals?
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